Special operation: everything is going according to a plan that will surprise the world

    The President's ruble gas directive is a bright marker and the next step on the road to victory over the united West
    access_time01 Apr 2022
    print 1 4 2022

    Over the past six months, RUSSTRAT has been quite accurately predicting the real main events and their internal logic of development. In the November report "Russia focused: the country and the world on the eve of big changes", it was explicitly stated: in the next year and a half, Russia will significantly adjust the planetary balance of power.

    The report identified the current development of the situation as likely, but to a lesser extent. As well as the fact that the military operation will take place with the introduction of troops only along the administrative borders to encircle the Donetsk-Lugansk group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, where the "Belarusian overhanging balcony" was supposed to serve only as a deterrent, with the use of the Russian Federation of this springboard for missile strikes and aviation.

    But, on the other hand, it has long been obvious that the intentions of our top political leadership (TPL) are not to be fully understood by anyone. Russian intelligence officers in power - our TPL - are perfectly able to hide the main thing, to "cover up" their own intentions.

    We can only see the direction with our limited powers, and the eternal fog of the Fitzroy war makes it difficult to see clearly. But even after seeing it, it's not always good to voice it.

    The report identified: "The minimum that Russia will reach in its expansion ‘on the ground’ towards the West is the inclusion of the DPR-LPR in its composition, but not by the current ‘stubs’, but within their administrative borders. After the active military phase, intensive economic changes will be carried out in the republics of Donbass until they are brought up to the level of the regions of the Russian Federation closest to them.

    ...Well, it is even impossible to predict the maximum that will be able to be reached. Under the circumstances that are totally developing in our favour and skilful use of them, everything is possible, up to humanitarian missions on the territory of the Harlot-Babylon the Great. This will happen sooner or later anyway."

    But already in January, it began to take shape for us that this is "up to humanitarian missions to the territory of the Harlot" (or, as our leader aptly described it, the Empire of Lies) - and this is the main goal. In the next report at the very beginning of February, the RUSSTRAT Institute noted the following:

    “There is a suspicion based on extensive analysis, certain markers and a vision of the situation – there may be such a veiled area that is still generally aloof from everything discussed and analysed in the expert and journalistic environment.

    With a certain degree of confidence, we can say that this is not even in the intelligence reports, that they are so vainly trying to ‘take a glimpse’ of the existing scenario.

    This ‘area of light’ (for the opposite side – ‘area of darkness’) lies outside the existing negotiation tracks. On the contrary, all the diplomatic games we have started are, in the classic phrase of the Strugatsky brothers, ‘vanity around the sofa’. All of them are designed not only to distract from the main planned actions, but also to give carte blanche for their implementation.

    ...What was then one of the main identified defensive trends for Russia, which was gaining geopolitical weight and had become aggravated with the collective West? Let us recall together what Vladimir Putin said in his keynote speech in Yalta in August 2014. Before the deputies of the State Duma, members of the Federation Council, members of the government, the Prime Minister and heads of federal departments, it was stated that Russia aims to sell oil and gas for rubles, ‘although this is not an easy story.’

    What is it but a threat? After all, this is exactly what was threatened at this difficult moment. Some, of course, due to misunderstandings or work, try to translate such actions either into the category of ‘impracticable wishlist, meaning nothing for the West’, or to present ‘imperial attempts to amuse their vanity, who have little understanding of the economy’. But this is a real threat. It is not for nothing that just recently we again heard from the president's mouth, literally in the sense: ‘Do you think it doesn't matter at all for the United States if we start selling oil for rubles? Its very important indeed!’

    ...To do this, our country has a whole pool of allies, where both some of the largest producers and the largest oil consumers are represented. The current global dollar system is going haywire. The energy sector is the area where it is already beginning to ‘tear off metal rivets from insanely applied pressure’, from distributed trillions. This is what can become not even a straw, but a log that broke the spine of an Anglo-Saxon camel."

    Then there was a war on all fronts and at the moment we are actually at war with the "collective West". In fact, because we do not take the term "war" in the categories of international law. After all, when waging wars, no one in the world has declared war on anyone for decades, in order to avoid certain legal conflicts.

    At the very beginning of the war and economic "nuclear strikes" on us, we suddenly found a lot of interesting things inside our country. According to the first departmental reactions, it was possible to judge that many government structures were ready for something like this, pre-prepared developments were included. And the discrepancy between the reaction of the top of the Central Bank to their operational actions suddenly outlined a certain centre that took over control there.

    The actions of this centre clearly produced a different handwriting, a different school, a different speed and degree of responsibility for decision-making than we had previously seen in the apparatus of Elvira Sakhipzadovna. This was clearly the work of a team from our designated "area of light”. In their moves on the entire economic front, there was a rush of Kshatriya, that is, the second socionic quadra - "warriors", but not the cunning delights of “merchants" and the entire rather inert bureaucratic apparatus of the Central Bank under them.

    At the same time, it was decided to leave this old apparatus, as well as the previous decision-making mechanism, as a kind of screen for certain good reasons. No changes in the Central Bank's leadership should have caused waves of panic at all levels at the current moment and given the West a reason to play on this. In the future, we will see how the new paradigm will rebuild the existing structures of the Central Bank, probably not in "open access” at first.

    In all the outlines, a clear plan began to be seen, its certain preparatory stages were viewed. The "region of light” has failed in everything, the necessary prerequisites for it have been created, the old agreements with the true owners of the planetary dollar matrix have ceased to tie our hands. After all, the basis on which our comprehensive expansion is based is the firmness of the word given by Russia. The new type of politics and the authority of our country is already playing its first fiddle.

    As a representative of the Saudi financial elite most fully and aptly described it in a private conversation with a Russian businessman: "Over the past twenty years, we have heard a lot of false assurances and broken obligations from America. In the twenty years that we have been working with Putin, everything he has said, whether it is at the official level of statements or even a casual phrase somewhere, has been strictly implemented by Russia."

    That is why the serious diplomatic game that we had previously played all over the world was woven into the right pattern just in time for the end of the Beijing Olympics. Moreover, it is very likely, and there is indirect evidence, that the general meeting of leaders under the cover of the Olympics and its organisational turmoil was broader than just the Arabs, Xi and Putin.

    Persians and Indians are no exception, because Modi could have made the visit hidden for certain political reasons. Who and what delegations were sent to Beijing: team sports, administrative, political, fans - and with "who and what" planes landed in the Middle Kingdom at that time - history is silent for the time being and will remain silent.

    There is a whole pool of allies, sympathisers and fellow travellers in the upcoming planetary de-dollarisation. Roles and the sequence of steps were assigned. The situation began to unfold before our eyes. In the logic of these agreements, the Saudis disdainfully stopped responding to calls from the American president, while simultaneously launching trading in black gold for yuan. In the same logic, new deals were outlined for the sale of our oil to India through mutual settlements in rubles and rupees based on the yuan.

    In the same outline, the procedure was approved under which Russia will pay off foreign creditors in the face of Western sanctions. The government plans to pay all debts in rubles, transferring them to accounts with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, created specifically for creditors - for the appearance of the necessary ruble money supply in the hands of Western economic entities.

    In the same logic, the president instructed to transfer payments for gas supplies to Europe into rubles.

    Gazprom was instructed to arrange for a change in the payment currency in its contracts with customers from unfriendly countries. We are more than confident that such steps were veiled in advance in all significant contracts of our giant, without exception. They were hidden in some force majeure sections implicitly for the other party.

    The Bank of Russia, together with the government, was instructed to determine the procedure for performing such operations within a week. "Within a week" also means some preliminary preparation and elaboration of such a super-scale change. Of course, certain main directions were developed beforehand. But to implement them, with all the practical nuances that follow, the team of the "regions of light" together with the entire apparatus will have to "here and now", and immediately.

    The gross global turnover of the global real goods market for 2021 was about $7.2 trillion. These are the so-called commodities, of which oil and gas accounted for 3.1 trillion. Due to the explosive penetration of inflationary processes in the energy sector, this figure may grow to 5 trillion rubles in 2022. About 80% of the world's oil sales are denominated in dollars, more than 72% of gas turnover is denominated in dollars, and dollar calculations account for more than 70% of all dresser accounts. The dollar plus the euro accounts for about 92% of all payments. It is here that the "planetary Koschei" has a weak point, and here its needle is hidden.

    Among all oil exported, the joint share of Russia, the Saudis, Iran and Venezuela (all oil under Rosneft structures) is close to 50%. Only for this commodity item we will receive a "withdrawal" of one and a half to two trillion rubles from the world turnover! And including other goods, not only our own and not only from the energy sector - we can talk about the withdrawal in the coming months of more than a quarter of the dollar security of this market.

    What will it lead to? At the moment, we are seeing the beginning of an unambiguous breakdown of the dollar matrix. The world will change dramatically, and the virtual strongholds of Western economies will begin to crumble like houses of cards. There are already expert voices in China that this decision will lead to explosive consequences for the modern financial system.

    There are signs of linking three currencies - the ruble, the yuan, and the rupee. Such mechanisms are just being created and they are still far from final forms. The madly rolling snowball rolling down on Western economies will turn into an avalanche. In the coming months, we will see such upheavals that even those who have passed through the nineties in adulthood have not seen, but not in our home, but in the West, which is praised by some.

    In a war like this, which has broken out on all fronts, the West has no chance. Let's recall the main geopolitical rule of our days described many times:

    The main point of the current geopolitical balance of power is that any escalation on the part of our partners turns out to be beneficial for us.

    Of course, everyone is well aware that this will not be an easy fight, but a hard battle. This is especially true for the ground part of the war. The obvious master of the Empire of Lies - the father of lies - is the devil. Here we were prepared for many traps and the price is huge, blood is pouring from both sides. The soul aches for the losses among our heroes/warriors, for peaceful cities, for women and children who inhumans hid behind. But "These thunderstorms will go to the glory of Russia!".

    Moreover, it is necessary to understand that the war will be long. And it's not just about Ukraine. With the Polish gestures that are already being outlined, in whatever forms and bundles it takes, the war will go on - 3-5 years, at least. There will be stops, regroupings, and political lulls.

    There are different options, but I know one thing for sure - the war will end on the ruins of London. Moreover, outwardly - a very modified London, about the future reasons for which we will not expand. This key node of tomorrow is known to the author and we will mark it here only for future reference to this material in a few years.

    Until just recently, such a thing could not be openly said to the general public, except many years ago on "cozy livejournal" for a narrow circle. But the war changes everything. This is Knowledge of a different order, "inside" from completely different sources. Just as the author also knew about the "region of light" for a long time, it was just necessary to track the corresponding geopolitical pattern before your eyes.

    In our peaceful plane, for the first six months or a year, we will feel the consequences of all these giant planetary cataclysms. Our own economy will be rebuilt and reconfigured. Only here in comparison with the growing mess "behind the stern", as it has been said for many years about the upcoming - "we will be a bit poor, but clean".

    All the existing TPL moves at this stage, clearly with God's help, contribute to the fact that the country is separated by strong and high economic dams from the upcoming world pop, and even with a perfect storm. But then, with the rapid growth of our global influence, internal economic readjustment and reconfiguration, the withdrawal of huge markets, all sorts of hubs, nodes and territories under our control, an unprecedented economic growth will begin on completely new principles.

    The challenges we face are truly enormous. Awareness of our leading planetary role will gradually begin to form a completely new worldview in society, producing new ideas and meanings to the mountain.

    The purifying breath of economic and hot war on all fronts will lead and is already leading to social recovery, the release of such internal mental, spiritual and moral resources in the nation that some did not even suspect. Many people realise with every fibre of their soul what kind of Empire they live in if it is opposed to the Empire of Lies, whose master is the father of lies. The terrible agony of the United States and European upheavals will turn the consciousness of Western adherents around the world.

    In our country, we are changing before our eyes. Ten or fifteen years ago, before some 08.08.08, we would not have recognised our real selves. As with the existing acceleration, we will not recognise ourselves in 5-10 years. So the foundation of the long-predicted Golden Age of humanity will be born, so Russia (Rus - light expanse, rusy - light, Indo-Iranian: रुच् [ruc], रुच [ruca] (Sanskrit) - SHOW LIGHT TO THE WHOLE WORLD.

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