Islamic fundamentalism as an excess of the performer

    The United States has failed to cope with those ideological monsters that they themselves have nurtured
    access_time01 Sep 2021
    print 1 9 2021

    The United States was breaking the Soviet Union with the help of the entire spectrum of traditionalist ideas. In Europe and the USA, the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) was used, it was its representatives who were among the main ones invited to various radio broadcasts of Western radio voices. Later, when communism was defeated with the help of Orthodoxy, Orthodoxy became the enemy of the West. And then the liberal had no better friend than a Russian bearded intellectual in a cassock and with a cross around his neck.

    Russian emigration was very competently used by the West. A powerful resistance corps was created from it. It turned out to be difficult to consolidate this motley camp, and Soviet intelligence put a lot of effort into the collapse of emigration. But the West seriously invested money in maintaining all sorts of centres of fugitive Russian spirituality, where a whole network of educational institutions was created, around which fugitive philosophers, writers and priests gathered.

    Needless to say, this environment, teeming with mutual hatred, jealousy and suspicion, was stuffed with informants and agents of Western intelligence agencies. But, one way or another, these people under the traditionalist flag opposed the Soviet modernist style.

    In fact, it was a corps of subversives of Soviet statehood from the positions of conservatism and traditionalism. As soon as Russia became liberal, and Orthodoxy turned from being destructive into a staple, it immediately became unacceptable for the West, and a whole army of neo-pagans - whose ideological baggage was carefully prepared at that time, while Russian priests and writers were sitting at radio microphones and writing their books and leaflets - was released to defeat it.

    The disposal of Orthodox traditionalism is not difficult for the West, since the environment into which it fell after the defeat of communism turned out to be liberal and hostile to Christianity. Trying to survive, the ROC began a mimicry in the direction of the bourgeoisisation of the episcopate and its adjustment to the liberal course of the secular elite. Having become dependent on the government and large capital, Russian Orthodoxy has become politically frozen and has ceased to pose any danger to the global Western project.

    The West went exactly the same way in an attempt to use the world of Islam against the USSR. After all, Greater Russia, which became the USSR, was in large part a Muslim country. The Caucasus, the Tatar Volga region, the Kuban, the Crimea, Central Asia – the Islamic factor in the USSR was a dormant detonator that should be awakened and directed against the state power.

    The entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan, as is known, was a brilliantly planned trap set by the United States for the Soviet Union. The politicisation of Afghan Islam led to the politicisation of the Muslims of Central Asia, because "across the river" lived representatives of the same people as in the Soviet Asian republics. Political Islam managed to penetrate into all Soviet Muslim enclaves, and when the USSR collapsed, it became the main basis for the formation of the identity of the local "liberated" peoples who professed traditional Islam.

    The technology of forming the corps of fighters against Russia on the basis of traditional religions was universal in principle and differed in details. If political Orthodoxy fought communism, then political Islam also fought the Russian ethnic group that formed the state in the USSR. In a situation of complete control over ideology in the country, it was impossible to start a fight against the regime on the basis of liberalism, but the nationalist map was ideally suited, and it was based on a politicised religion.

    This allowed the United States and Britain to form military detachments from Afghan Muslims and include them in the armed struggle against the USSR. The military structures of political Islam were extremely ideologised, and therefore, when liberalism won in Russia, the secular regimes in Central Asia and the Russian Federation remained their enemy.

    As the pupils of the United States gained their identity, they increasingly pursued their own goals and increasingly got out of control. Their enemy was gradually becoming the West that created them and intended to use and then destroy them or bring them to their knees. Terrorist attacks then begun, both in Russia and in the West.

    Political Islam was completely under the control of the United States and Britain, but since the world became unipolar, the United States had to justify the transition to non-consensual forms of government. A casus belli was needed as a precedent, the response to which legitimised the change in the existing mechanism for promoting US power.

    The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 (regardless of who it was actually organised by) made it possible to obtain a "license to kill", and the United States began to change the principles of power, bringing out, first and foremost, direct military presence, the curtailment of democracy and forceful actions around the world.

    The structures of political Islam created by the United States, in the process of natural evolution, have matured to the realisation of their global capabilities. The monarchies of the Persian Gulf saw their chance and became the main sponsors of radical political Islam. Guerrilla terror has become the main weapon of Islamic radicals, and the contradictions between East and West have allowed them to occupy an important niche and become a force that all participants of the "Great Game" are looking to make contact with.

    The excess of the performer, when the grown proxy force goes out of control and begins its own project, engaging in a war with those who created them or helped them become, is a common thing. Only in the 20th century did the Bolsheviks in the Russian Empire and the German National Socialists in Germany become such forces. At the end of the 20th century, the Taliban in Afghanistan became such a force, and at the beginning of the 21st century - ISIS in Iraq.

    In all cases, Britain and the United States were behind the creation of these proxy forces, and in all cases, the structures created by them broke away from the creators and started floating freely, starting to implement their projects and trying to force the creators to share global power with them. And in all cases, the relations between the former agents and their masters were characterised by a complex combination of mutual need and hostility.

    Thus, Lenin and Stalin, having deceived the Entente countries and the United States in their hopes for the dismemberment of Russia after coming to power, were able to play on the American-British rivalry and received economic benefits from this. Britain closed the world markets to the United States, and then Soviet Russia received strong American support in the plans of GOELRO and industrialisation.

    In 1940, Hitler planned a landing in England by crossing the English Channel ("the nature of the operation is the crossing of a large river" – wrote the chief of the General Staff of the Ground Forces F. Halder in his diary). But Hitler did not want the defeat of England. He only wanted to force it to negotiate, and for this he tried to reach out to King George instead of the stubborn Churchill.

    Now many historians consider Hitler an Anglophile. But Hitler understood that the defeat of England meant that its entire colonial system would fall into the hands of the United States, where Roosevelt was going to be re-elected for the second time, and this meant an alliance of the United States and Britain against Germany. In the East, Hitler was pursued by a strengthened USSR, already occupying bridgeheads in Poland. All this made the plan to defeat England a rash decision, so Hitler did not opt for it.

    In Afghanistan, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and other Mujahideen structures, although they had very difficult relations with each other, used the United States to form their structures. Pakistan helped this a lot, because the USSR was a friend of India, and therefore the pro-Soviet Afghan regime objectively posed a threat to Pakistan.

    For this reason (conflict with India) China joined the fight against the USSR in Afghanistan. It was precisely then that the ties between China and Pakistan were made, and it would have been impossible to defeat the USSR in Afghanistan without Chinese help. Thus, from the Taliban and Al-Qaeda to Pakistan and China, a front of American proxy forces was formed. The common enemy in the face of the USSR contributed to the fact that all of them received from the United States what they wanted – political, military and economic support.

    The disappearance from the political map of the USSR led to a new stage of relations in the camp of the winners. The United States believed that they had the right to a monopoly victory. Yesterday's proxies realised that now the differences have come to the fore and a new reality has come. Yesterday's allies became irreconcilable enemies: it was about sharing the Soviet geopolitical legacy, where each claimed his share, which exceeded the willingness of others to make concessions.

    The US Neocons have declared fundamental Islam and China as their enemies. For a long time, Russia's weakness did not require taking into account its capabilities in global situations. After the collapse of the USSR, Russia plunged into a state of prolonged ill health and came out of it by 2010, when all participants were completely immersed in attempts to redistribute spheres of influence. The United States then tried to carry out colour revolutions around the world, and China tried to prevent them at home and on the territory of its interests.

    After 2014, it became clear that Russia had unexpectedly returned to the political ring and did not intend to leave it. The process of forming two zones of influence – the United States and China - begun. Russia is balancing on the border of this zone, and Afghanistan has become a geopolitical prize and a "no man's land". The new border between the zones of influence will pass through Afghanistan, and the struggle is not only for its specific contours, but also for which side Russia, the owner of the golden share - without which the United States and China will not be able to complete the redistribution of the world - will be on.

    Now the United States will do everything to, after leaving Afghanistan, minimise the direct costs of its useless presence there and send the Taliban to Russia and China. But the United States can offer the Taliban much less than China. The Belt and Road project will go through Afghanistan to Pakistan, which guarantees Pakistan's loyalty to China. And since this project is impossible without Russia, the chances of the United States persuading the Taliban are very slim.

    The Taliban suddenly realised that they were a marriageable girl, for whose favour several suitors were hunting. At the same time, they are experienced and sober enough not to fall under the new charm of the United States. How long they will be engaged in the state-building of their Pashtun Islamic emirate and how they will pair it with Pakistan, no one can say now. Objectively, it is not profitable for them to start adventures in the north on the border with Central Asia now. Time will tell how it will actually be.

    The regimes that came through the excess of the performer in the status of a proxy force are distinguished by perseverance and ambition. It is not yet clear whether the Taliban will focus on building an emirate in a single country like Stalin, or will look for living space in the North like Hitler. But at a certain stage, they come to the idea of external expansion.

    The infiltration of the Taliban's ideas into the republics of Central Asia is underway, and it is inevitable. Just as the response of Russia and China is inevitable. As a result, we will get fundamental changes in the balance of forces in the region.

    A long-term transformation of Central Asia has begun and will last for years, if not decades. Its result will be the formation of a new system of alliances that will lead to the restoration of the renewed borders of the old empires. The start of this process began with the exodus of American troops from Kabul.

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