COVID-19: the weapon of the priests of the cult of human sacrifice

    Mind games with COVID-19 - Greta Thunberg's standard dominates. Part two…
    access_time10 Aug 2021
    print 10 8 2021

    It was normal to juggle various indexes in our Soviet medicine, but we were sure that Western medicine does not lie. Life has shown that this is not the case. Let's talk, for example, about mortality rates. International experts indicate in their publications that they cannot compare the mortality rates from COVID-19 in different European countries, because the criteria for the causes of death, for example, in Germany and Italy are different. If Western experts doubt the reliability of mortality rates, then we have all the more questions.

    And here is another quite often quoted publication: "A study conducted by specialists from Northwestern University in Chicago revealed new symptoms of post-covid syndrome. The data obtained shows that cognitive dysfunction, sometimes called ‘brain fog’, tops the list of neurological complaints in patients with a new coronavirus infection who have suffered from the disease in mild to moderate form (without hospitalisation)."

    Unfortunately, there are several factors that invalidate the scientific value of this information.

    1. For a reliable scientific study, it is important to know what the cognitive status of these patients was before the disease, at least 2 months, and on the basis of an objective examination and appropriate tests. However, the cognitive status was evaluated retrospectively (retroactively), which devalues its informative value.

    2. Today, anxiety disorders and "brain fog" are actively provoked by all mass media, panic is purposefully whipped up. In patients, cognitive impairment could be associated with the fear of diagnosis, and not with the consequences of the disease. A similar situation is observed in people suffering from carcinophobia (fear of cancer), when they are announced that they have been diagnosed with a malignant tumour.

    3. There is no control group of healthy people randomised by gender, age and social status with the main group (there are studies on the correlation of cognitive impairment with social status).

    4. Neurological disorders could also be a side effect of the treatment. This factor is always taken into account when conducting high-quality scientific research.

    Unfortunately, the substitution of meaning, the distortion of the causal relationship accompanies most of today's medical publications. For example, one of my patients, who suffered from 2-sided coronavirus pneumonia, said that in principle he could not have "brain fog". "I got immunity from all brain fogs when Kashpirovsky and others were broadcasting to us from TV screens." A worthy argument.

    Or take another example. My colleagues and I regularly crossed paths with WHO experts in the field of tuberculosis control. There is a concept of “palliative therapy” in the WHO schemes. This means that the patient is determined as hopeless by the decision of the council, and they are isolated, while supportive therapy is prescribed. Practically, they are waiting for his death.

    Surgical treatment is not included in the WHO schemes, as it is too expensive for Africans. That is, a council of doctors passes a verdict on the patient, and the medical staff simply waits for his death. This is not a series about Dr. House, this is a real WHO medical tactic. Our phthisiologists always fight for the life of every person to the end.

    Our specialists in the field of phthisiology have always been able to oppose WHO experts with their practical experience, knowledge, clinical thinking and high competence. What happened now? Why do we almost kneel down and follow the frankly ticky-tacky and unsubstantiated, constantly changing contradictory recommendations of the WHO on COVID-19?

    Here is a characteristic detail of WHO strategies for you (quote from the document): "In infants who came into contact after birth with a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis with a positive sputum smear, BCG vaccination should be postponed until the completion of a six-month preventive course of treatment with isoniazid."

    As is known, isoniazid is very toxic to the central nervous system, and it is doubly dangerous for a child's brain, it can cause irreversible damage to the intellect, because it is at the stage of its formation. But, most importantly, preventive anti-tuberculosis treatment is impractical, because anti-tuberculosis antibiotics do not work on dormant (asleep forms) Mycobacterium tuberculosis. They are effective only when the Mycobacterium tuberculosis becomes active.

    However, in the active phase, it is useless to treat tuberculosis with one isoniazid, there should be a fully-fledged antibacterial course, and the most safe for the child. This is the opinion of clinicians who have many years of experience in this field and have saved thousands of lives with their own hands. This is the difference between theory and practical medicine. We rely on the clinical effectiveness and safety of treatment for the patient. We're not throwing pills into a Petri dish.

    But the WHO experts have a more global task to "save the planet" (from whom is the main question). Even at the cost of the intelligence of the Tanzanian, or our, and your, children, and not only them.

    During the 2009-2010 pandemic I consulted one of the hospitals in city “X” as a phthisiopulmonologist. Planned hospitalisation was canceled, all departments were redesigned for swine flu pneumonia. That is, surgeons, oculists, gynecologists, proctologists, cardiologists treated pneumonia. Of course, they needed a consultant.

    I have examined (including listened with a phonendoscope) more than a thousand patients with interstitial pneumonia in this hospital. After the auscultation of each patient, together with our radiologist, I completely reviewed the entire X-ray archive for this person every time. The pneumonia was severe and developed rapidly.

    There were many cases when on Monday only one lobe of one lung was affected, only single dry wheezes were heard in the lungs, on Wednesday there were more wheezes, and on Friday there were already bilateral wheezes over all the pulmonary fields, and the lung damage was total. People asked for an X-ray examination almost every other day, there were long queues at the X-ray room, but the studies were invariably performed on the day of the appointment. Fortunately, there were few fatal outcomes.

    However, dozens of our patients were literally on the verge of death for several days, and every morning, especially on Monday, we listened with bated breath to the report of the doctor on duty, who reported on those who went to the intensive care unit or to the morgue over the weekend. Large overloads, fortunately, helped to overcome emotional problems when the progression of the disease ended in failure (death of the patient).

    And today the main question that medical professionals ask each other is: "If the clinical symptoms, X-ray picture and pathoanatomic changes are the same as they were in patients in 2009, why is it something completely different today?".

    In the TV series "Clinic", Dr. Cox says about the zebra symptom: "If you hear the sound of hooves, imagine a horse, not a zebra”. That is, we see clinical and radiological symptoms of interstitial pneumonia, but we are persistently told that it is a zebra. However, there is an effective remedy against any manipulation. It is enough to recall the axiom of clinical medicine: "We do not treat the disease, but the patient”. And all the "brain fog" instantly dissipates.

    Let's go back to the coronavirus. The outlandish and crazy term "cytokine storm” hurts the ears; it’s more like a quote from a tabloid novel, and not a scientific term. Most of my colleagues are aware of cytokines. Any non-specific inflammatory reaction proceeds with the release of cytokines, many practitioners know this.

    I would like to ask: who is this PR move with a cytokine storm for? Isn't it time to replace it with an adequate scientific term that really reflects the pathophysiological processes taking place in the body? You feel like you are at a show event.

    However, there is another aspect of such terminology. I see how this phrase is used at conferences. The lecturer says "cytokine storm". A warning light, like Pavlov's dog, turns on inside people, the subconscious turns off criticism, and then for doctors it’s possible to push any nonsense. And they're pushing it. The pharmaceutical business is thriving.

    And here is another quote from the WHO recommendations for those who work with tuberculosis patients: "Surgical masks made of cloth or paper do not protect those who wear them from inhaling Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In fact, the wearing of such masks by a medical worker can contribute to the development of a false sense of security. Surgical masks are used for patients with bacterial excretion when it is necessary to leave the ward or department."

    So why do we still wear masks? To constantly activate alarms and panics? For those who will return to a normal psychological state at least for a second?

    More about the role of constant escalation of anxiety and feelings of insecurity. Do negative emotions affect the body's defences? Of course, and this has long been proven. Soviet phthisiology has identified groups of medical risk for tuberculosis (i.e., a list of diseases in which human immunity is reduced, and the risk of contracting tuberculosis is higher than in healthy people). Such diseases primarily include diabetes, HIV, as well as various mental disorders, including depression and anxiety.

    A few words about vaccination during the rise of an infectious disease. Any vaccine partially blocks the immune system, because our immune system will be busy producing antibodies against the injected antigen, and this process continues for 3-4 weeks. That is, a person is more vulnerable to any infection during this period, so vaccinated people get sick.

    In the USSR, by the way, vaccination was not only scientifically justified, but also legally. As an argument, I just suggest comparing the health of children who grew up in the Soviet Union and the current generation. No vaccines were tested on Soviet children.

    Is it necessary to develop collective immunity? We have been living with a coronavirus infection for almost 2 years. If during this period humanity has not yet become half extinct, it means that we already have collective immunity. It's not about believing in vaccination, it's about coercion.

    Fyodor Dostoevsky said: "The harmony of the world is not worth a tear of a tortured child”. In my opinion, the tears of an adult martyr, too. If we are ready to sacrifice the health of even one person (to whom vaccination is not shown), seemingly for the sake of saving humanity, then such humanity does not deserve salvation.

    Probably, I'm criticising Greta for nothing. The current situation in the world is rather reminiscent of dark pagan cults, some of which were characterised by human sacrifices. It seems that today this cult and its new priests are trying to displace those civilisational and ethical norms that our civilisation is based on.

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