The reason for Biden's shame in Afghanistan: the military is preparing Trump's return

    US presidential election in 2024: the battle between Big Pharma/Big Tech and the military-industrial complex/Pentagon
    access_time10 Sep 2021
    print 10 9 2021

    The shameful US withdrawal from Afghanistan has many components. Let's highlight some of them. The first is the decline in the intellectual level of decision-makers (DMs) of the new White House administration: they try to be guided by the maxims of the Obama period, but that period of US dominance in the world is irrevocably gone. The second is the failure with the planning of the exit and the technologies of retreat from the occupied territory. The third is the presence of serious contradictions within the Biden administration between key DMs, for example, Kerry and Blinken.

    For many months, almost immediately after Biden came to power, experts have noted both the most serious managerial crisis of the new White House administration, which manifests itself in the failure of most of the Biden and Harris initiatives, and the lack of their own domestic and foreign policy agenda: the wall has been restored, the exit from Afghanistan has been implemented, etc. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the Afghan failure.

    The factors listed above include another one that is almost not talked about: the sabotage of the White House’s instructions by the Pentagon's high command and the resulting chaos in the White House that was unexpected for the DMs.

    It is no secret that the vast majority of officers and enlisted personnel of the US armed forces supported President Trump in the 2020 election. The withdrawal from Afghanistan gave the military a great opportunity to take revenge on the Democrats for rigging the vote results, as well as for being pushed away not only from managing America, but also from budgets: Biden's statement that America is ending a period of civil wars and violent regime changes indicates a serious drying up of the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex budget rivers in the near future, if the Democrats remain in power.

    It is worth noting that the military remains aloof from Washington's shameful exit from Afghanistan – public criticism practically does not affect them, and the main complaints are aimed at Biden, Harris and Blinken personally. Therefore, the sabotage of the White House’s instructions by the operation command was a serious blow to the Democrats on the eve of the 2022 congressional elections.

    The trends are developing in such a way that Republicans can gain control of two chambers of Congress next year, which will seriously increase their chances of winning the 2024 presidential election. And this is Trump, with all the consequences that follow for the Democrats.

    There is another factor in the curtailment of America's military operation in Afghanistan.

    The withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan has very clearly demonstrated that the process of changing the elites of the deep state is taking place in the United States. Previously, these elites were mainly formed by large family businesses (Kennedy, Bush), oil workers, bankers, representatives of the military-industrial complex, the Pentagon and security services. It was the representatives of these factions who mainly formed closed clubs such as the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission.

    According to the contribution of certain elites, a budget pie was formed, the main role in which was played by bankers, oil workers, the military and security services.

    But gradually times have changed. Two new clans began to claim the first place – Big Pharma and Big Tech. With Big Tech, everything is relatively clear – they earn money from new gadgets, as well as from information (Big Data), which allows them to more successfully control people's behaviour. This is very beneficial for the state in terms of control and punishment, for business – in terms of sales and customer behaviour.

    It is no coincidence that the promotion of all technological and information innovations of recent times (cameras on the streets, the latest versions of smartphones, smart home, smart furniture, face-reading devices in the subway, etc.) is served by the state under the guise of security concerns.

    As for business, Big Data, coupled with elements of artificial intelligence (AI), allows to significantly reduce the cost of promotion and work with the target groups of consumers of a particular product.

    As for Big Pharma, it has earned money before – on man-made flu pandemics and the constant increase in the cost of medicines. But somewhere there was some kind of qualitative leap in terms of awareness of the corporate interests of this group, and they decided to break another taboo by launching a biological weapon – coronavirus - against the world's population for the first time.

    It allowed to dramatically increase the financial leverage of this group –  from covid drugs alone, US pharmaceutical campaigns earned more than $50 billion in 2020. In 2021, it is planned to earn about $55-60 billion. And this is already comparable to the income from the sale of weapons by American military-industrial complex enterprises.

    If Big Pharma is still catching up with gunsmiths and bankers, then the oil workers, who are the third most influential group in the United States, have already been overtaken by it. The capitalisation of, for example, Johnson and Johnson as of the end of the first half of 2021 in the top 50 American campaigns was $460.8 billion, and the leading American oil company Exxon Mobil was only $231.5 billion. In addition to Johnson and Johnson, the leading US oil campaign was overtaken by two more pharmaceutical companies - Pfizer and Eli Lilly – $260.8 and 248.3 billion, respectively.

    That is, the growth of financial influence immediately affected political ambitions. Big Pharma needs the universal vaccination of the population, and preferably, as we are currently observing, several times a year. It is not surprising that having gained such influence, they helped Biden make the right choice in Afghanistan. Why spend money on an army and weapons if they do not give the desired result? It is enough to launch the virus and offer the necessary vaccine (not medicine) and control over countries and peoples is guaranteed - even tighter.

    Therefore, in 2024, the United States will face a very tough alternative. Either the nationalist elites will win (the military-industrial complex and the part of the Federal Reserve that stands for the dollar) and this is Trump as of now, or Big Tech and Big Pharma will win, and this is the Democratic candidate, and it's not a fact that it’ll be Harris. In any case, there is a small choice in rotten apples, and Russia needs to pump its own muscles.

    Taking into account the fact that the external influence of the United States will decrease in the coming years, it cannot be excluded that some of the Towers of the White House will take extraordinary measures to stop the "fall of Olympus".

    If we look back, we will see that in order to radically change the course of world history and gain control over the world information agenda for a long time, in 2001, the deep state attacked the territory of the United States and arranged the fall of one of the symbols of America – the Twin Towers.

    As the analysis of the video of this event shows, the most interesting thing is not even the controlled demolition of buildings, but the moment when the planes enter the buildings – they simply dissolve into them, leaving no trace on the outer skin. Although in cases of other similar disasters, planes break on the facade of buildings, and a significant part of their remains falls down along with flaming fuel.

    In 2020, the deep state staged the first biological attack on all of humanity, launching coronavirus command and staff exercises. Similarly, they don't have pity for anyone, the whole world has become a testing ground.

    What will this logic lead to in the future? Are we waiting for an alien attack? Or will the comrades from the deep state limit themselves to the chipisation and cyborgisation of people? This question is still open.

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