"Repaired" capitalism: for whom does the bell of "inclusivity" ring?

    Not many people have understood the all epoch-making and fateful nature of the law on the right to repair household appliances, adopted in the European Union on March 1, 2021
    access_time11 Mar 2021
    print 11 3 2021

    Recently, we have been hearing more and more often from the West about the advent of some kind of "inclusive" capitalism. However, no one yet understands what it is. All the attempts of the apologists of the "great reset" to explain it do not add clarity either. What is clear is that this new capitalism is for all good and against all bad. And if so, then there is need to intently read the small letters at the end of the contract. This, we know.

    In the absence of clarity in words, it is necessary to look at the deeds. Namely,  on the entry into force on March 1, 2021 in the European Union of the law on the right to repair household appliances. Not many people have understood the all epoch-making and fateful nature of this law, it is necessary to explain it.

    The new law requires that manufacturers of household appliances supply spare parts for their products to the market at least for 10 years after the removal of the product model from production. It is also required that the product design is repairable. So far, the law only applies to refrigerators, washing machines, hair dryers and televisions, but the list will expand in the future.

    It's not difficult to notice that the idea itself that the old appliance can be repaired, and not thrown away and replaced with a new one, is deeply contrary to the trends of recent decades. Of course, if we are talking about the countries of the "golden billion", and not about an African darning his only pair of shoes.

    The world economy makes goods mainly for the rich countries, the others receive the crumbs that fall from the master's table. Accordingly, the health of the global economy depends on demand in these countries.

    The success of the economy depends on how high the demand is. Since there is nowhere to expand markets - almost the entire solvent world is covered by capitalism, all hope is for an increase in consumption by those who can afford it. Loans are issued for them, and they have been hammered into their heads for many years that they need to buy more and more. Of course, nothing needs to be repaired. If it's broken, throw it away and run for a new one. Well, except for the most expensive goods, such as houses or cars. They are still being repaired.

    The economy of extended reproduction is gaining momentum, and for maintaining it along with preservation of current trends, the average resident of a rich country will soon have to eat five kilograms of meat a day, change the car once a week, and the phone every day. It is clear that such a model of consumption is physically impossible.

    Fortunately, the need for the middle class is no longer required by "world fathers". Thanks to automation and robotisation, millions of skilled and well-motivated workers are no longer needed, and thanks to the "perestroika" that destroyed the USSR, the alternative has also been eliminated. Now it's possible to finish with the unwinding of the consumption spiral.

    If we look closely, in addition to the mentioned law, we can see other signs of the upcoming change in the consumption paradigm. Articles appear about how we are deceived by manufacturers and sellers of goods and catering outlets appear in popular publications.

    Previously, for such an article, the author would have been immediately sectioned. Bicycles are advertised as a convenient and eco-friendly transport. A whole movement of minimalists has emerged, the most radical of them claiming that only 40 things are enough for a person. What about the recent announcement about replacing meat with insects? I even won’t say anything about car-sharing – it already works and is quite successful. Indeed, why would a person need a personal car? While there is already also a question about private housing - what for?

    All of this is not without reason. One of the main consequences of the current crisis should be a "shock" transition to a new, much more modest model of consumption. Yes, the majority of people will live very poorly. Everywhere. Even in the US and the EU.

    The idea of Jacques Fresco about a resource-focused economy immediately comes in the mind. I.e., focused on preserving resources, and not on the benefit of the person. Yes, it is this. Under beautiful words, it is suggested there to go from one extreme to the other. Mad consumption is replaced by poverty and asceticism. We will remember Stalin? It's easy for us.

    Someone will notice that in the USSR, the economy also did not depend on the unwinding of the spiral of consumption, and therefore it treated the consumer rather coolly. This is true. But there is one important difference. Instead of consumerist joys, the Soviet system offered a high goal – the creation of a new person, a human-creator. We will not talk about how successful everything was, but this goal was set.

    Unlike the Soviet system, capitalism did not set high goals, but it "fed well" the population of the countries of its core. Now everything delicious will simply be taken away from the consumer. Without offering any alternatives. Just poverty and scarcity. And those who will make a fuss, the "electronic concentration camp" with a negative rating, as in China, is already almost ready for them. Welcome to the brave new world.

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