The West and Russia: a historical turning point. Part One

    We live in an era of tectonic shifts: war is going on not just against the West, but against liberal fascism
    access_time12 Apr 2022
    print 12 4 2022

    Behind the avalanche of events, we often do not have time to understand and realise the meaning and significance of the tectonic shifts that have begun. Meanwhile, the events that are taking place clearly indicate that we are living in an era of historical turning point, when large–scale and global changes are taking place in all spheres of public life - in politics, economics, international relations, social sphere, culture.

    Among these global changes that began several decades ago, but have not yet been completed, are the cultural and moral self–destruction of Western countries, the weakening of the US’ position and the crisis of its world leadership, the gradual transition from the dominance of the West to the dominance of the East, the rapid rise of the great states/civilisations of Asia – China and India, the restoration of Russia and the formation of the foundations of the Eurasian economic and cultural-civilisational education, the crisis of the global financial system, the gradual de-dollarisation of the world economy and the formation along with the world centres of power (USA, China, India, Russia, EU) of regional centres of power - Turkey, Iran. Saudi Arabia, Brazil, South Africa.

    Russia's special military operation to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine dramatically accelerated these changes, but the changes themselves were prepared by all the previous developments after World War II and especially after 2000.

    Therefore, only extremely naive or extremely unscrupulous and biased people can say that everything that is happening around Ukraine and, more broadly, around relations between the West and Russia, between the West and the rest of the world, happened "suddenly", "unexpectedly", and at the "subjective desire" of individual politicians.

    It is obvious that the historical turning point that is taking place before our eyes has been brewing for a long time, and that it will have far-reaching consequences, including the formation of a new world order. But the main question is, what will these consequences be and what will this new world order be like?

    Before answering this key question, it is worth noting the following important circumstance: the current historical turning point is associated with the beginning of the geopolitical and geo-economic revolution, which, as follows from the cycles of the world system, will cover the period of the 2020s-2030s. It follows from the same cycles that the unfolding geopolitical and geo-economic revolution is analogous to the turning point of world history in the period of the 1940s-1950s.

    Let's recall that during this period, the Second World War broke out, Hitler's Germany and militaristic Japan were defeated, there was a sharp weakening of the former hegemon – the British Empire, the collapse of colonial systems began, independent India (1947) and the People's Republic of China (1949) were formed, a war broke out in Korea with the participation of the United States, China and the USSR (1950-1953), and a bipolar system of international relations emerged. In other words, during the 1940s-1950s, global geopolitical and geo-economic shifts occurred that radically changed the entire world order.

    Equally large-scale and profound shifts are taking place and will continue to take place in the next two decades, and we need to be prepared for these shifts. To do this, it is extremely important to understand what exactly Russia is fighting in Ukraine, and why is the "collective West" so fiercely, regardless of the consequences, striving at all costs to subjugate and destroy Russia?

    Unfortunately, many experts and analysts, not to mention many people who are far from politics, do not fully understand what Russia and the whole world are facing now.

    The historical paradox and the next zigzag of world development lies in the fact that Russia now, as in the 1940s, is opposed not just by the West, but by Nazism and a multifaceted liberal fascism deeply rooted in many countries of Western and Eastern Europe, in the United States, Ukraine, and the Baltic states.

    Liberal fascism, which I have already had to write about, is not big words and not an exaggeration, it is reality. And if we close our eyes and ignore this reality, the consequences will be tragic. If we give the shortest and therefore incomplete definition, then liberal fascism is an extremely aggressive and striving for world expansion combination of liberalism with extreme nationalism, Nazism and fascism.

    To better understand the essence and origins of liberal fascism, it is worth paying attention to the following. The Anglo-Saxon liberal-oligarchic elites resort to supporting and nurturing liberal fascism whenever deep crises and real threats to their global domination arise. This was the case in the 1920s-1930s, on the eve of and during the Great Depression, when the world domination of the British Empire began to give tangible cracks under the influence of the revolution in Russia and the associated rise of the national liberation movement.

    It was precisely at this time that British and American financial and industrial corporations, seeking to preserve or consolidate their dominance by any means, began to arm first fascist Italy, and then Nazi Germany, in order to incite them against the USSR and unleash a world war. A peculiar and seemingly unexpected symbiosis of liberalism and fascism emerged, which back then was mixed up on a common hatred of the USSR and the national liberation movements.

    It is by no means accidental that after Hitler's coming to power and his establishment as dictator, and "Fuhrer of the German nation" in 1935 that the United Kingdom and the United States allowed Nazi Germany to carry out a complete rearmament and a sharp expansion of the army, aviation and navy.

    Large corporations and banks in Great Britain and the United States strongly supported and financed the Nazi stormtroopers, Hitler, and the rearmament of the German army. About 5,000 American firms, companies and corporations worked tirelessly for Hitler and the armament of the Nazi Reichswehr up to May 1945, including such large ones as Ford, General Motors, General Electric, Standard Oil, ITT, the American Federal Reserve System, many American banks and other financial structures.

    No wonder there was a powerful pro-Hitler lobby of large oligarchs in the United States, no wonder the United States did not want to enter into a real war with Hitler until the last moment. In 1942, American journalists unearthed important "secret" information, and a scandal broke out. It turned out that the New York investment bank Union Banking Corporation (UBC) appeared to be one of the main organisations for laundering Nazi money.

    As a result of an investigation conducted by the FBI, it was proved that it was these investments that allowed the German Steel Trust to produce 50% of the cast iron produced in the Third Reich, 35% of explosives, 38% of galvanised steel and 36% of steel sheet, which were extremely necessary for arming the Hitler Wehrmacht.

    At the same time, back then the UBC board of directors included Prescott Bush, the grandfather of former US President George W. Bush, which once again testifies to the immutability and continuity of the expansionist policy of the American elite, which does not hesitate to closely cooperate with any kind of fascism. It is not surprising that the United States delayed the opening of the second front until June 1944, when it became clear that the USSR would defeat Nazi Germany anyway.

    In other words, during the Second World War, the liberal United States, together with the Nazi regime, plundered the whole of Europe, and through it the whole world (we must not forget that Europe had previously looted huge wealth from the colonies, and these riches through the Third Reich fell to American corporations in exchange for their "services" in armament of Nazi Germany).

    Therefore, it should not be surprising that from this "good war" (this is the name the Second World War received in American literature) the United States emerged as an economic and financial hegemon, dictating to the whole world how to live, and spreading its dollar as the world's reserve currency.

    Exactly in the same way as it happened in the 1920s-1940s, the United States and Great Britain act in our time, in the 2010s-2020s, when the dominance of Anglo-Saxon elites and corporations began to be seriously threatened by China, Russia, India and a number of other countries, and the world order once again time began to change.

    A symbiosis of liberalism with Nazi tendencies has emerged again in the USA, Great Britain and EU countries, first in the Baltic states, then in Georgia under Mikheil Saakashvili, then in a number of European countries and, finally, fully in Ukraine after the coup d'etat in February 2014.

    Again Ukraine, like it was at the time with Germany, started to be transformed into "anti-Russia", again the United States and Britain began to rearm the Ukrainian army and to prepare Nazi battalions, again the Ukrainian authorities, as in the time of Hitler's regime, began to be forgiven for all the harassment of dissidents, ethnic cleansing and genocide, the prohibition of opposition political parties, the terror, the killing of civilians, etc.

    It affected the political situation in the United States itself, Britain and other Western countries: the democratic freedoms began to dry up and degrade, a new "witch hunt", which is not new for Western countries, was unleashed, and domestic politics clearly manifested totalitarian tendencies.

    In other words, whenever something seriously threatens the rule of the Anglo-Saxon elites and the world order created by them, these elites resort to combining liberalism and fascism, to inciting one state against another, to unleashing a large-scale war - at first via someone else's hands.

    The question may arise: how does the unnatural, at first glance, combination of liberalism and fascism occur?

    To be continued...

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