The West and Russia: a historical turning point. Part Two

    So what is liberal fascism today?
    access_time16 Apr 2022
    print 16 4 2022

    As it turns out, this combination is very simple. Liberal fascism is not in words, but in deeds – it is freedom and human rights for a "chosen" nation, race or caste of "masters" and at the same time – the moral or physical destruction of dissenters and intimidation and subjugation of all others.

    Moral destruction in the modern West is easily carried out with the help of the so-called "cancel culture", various labelling, exclusion from public life, and there are countless examples of this.

    As for the physical destruction of dissenters, it was effectively carried out in Ukraine after 1991, in Georgia under Mikheil Saakashvili, and is now being carried out in a number of Western countries. Liberal fascism is ready for any crimes – mass casualties among the civilian population of the DPR, LPR and Ukrainian cities are another confirmation of this.

    So what is liberal fascism today? This is unlimited power, the dictatorship of the largest transnational corporations (including IT corporations), global financial structures and criminal mafia organisations, which are served by armies of corrupt and unscrupulous politicians, journalists, bloggers and "stars" of show business, together with detachments of terrorist fighters and "cannon fodder" in the form of zombified, uneducated and youth brainwashed by social networks.

    Moreover, today's "high-tech" liberal fascism is striving to simplify and crush a person, turn them into a fully guided and controlled bio-robot from all sides. In the US, in the EU countries and in Ukraine, universal denunciation has long been practiced and strongly encouraged, including denunciations of children against parents, wives against husbands, schoolchildren against teachers.

    Gradually, but consistently, in Western countries and in countries that have fallen under the influence of the West, there is a destruction of family, society, love and friendship, human relations and their replacement (more precisely, substitution) with considerations of benefit, the use of other people, manipulation of human consciousness and behaviour, lies, disinformation, fakes and dumbing down.

    The goal of liberal fascism is the dehumanisation of a person, and all available technical means, political technologies, information and psychological warfare, etc. are used to achieve this goal. However, this is an accelerated suicide of the West, the destruction of the former West–centric world order and the formation of a new one.

    At the same time, as follows from history, the new world order never arises automatically, it is the result of an acute, sometimes merciless struggle between different states, different ideologies, cultures and civilisations. Now it is primarily a fight between Western civilisation and all other non–Western civilisations, the same fight that American political scientist Samuel Huntington, who wrote the book "Clash of Civilisations”, warned about at the time.

    Huntington prophetically warned that the desire of Western civilisation to become global and subjugate all other civilisations would turn into a catastrophe for the West itself. However, in this case, as in many others, the well-known bitter words were justified: "Nobody is a prophet in their own land!" Huntington for the current globalist American elite with its liberal fascism has become inconvenient and objectionable in many ways.

    Meanwhile, now, in various forms and with varying degrees of severity, there is a simultaneous clash between Western civilisation and Russian, Chinese, Indian, Islamic, Latin American and African civilisations, the leading states of these non-Western civilisations. But the outcome of this clash largely depends on the outcome of the current confrontation between the West and Russia, on the confrontation between Western liberal fascism and multi-civilisational anti-fascism led by Russia. In case if Russia will withstand it in the coming years, a new world order will emerge very quickly.

    However, in order for Russia to withstand it, it is necessary, in contrast to the ideology and practice of Western liberal fascism, to develop a modern Eurasian ideology and geopolitical strategy. This ideology of modern Eurasianism is based on the real assertion of fundamental freedoms and human rights (and, above all, the most important of all rights – the right to life) not for individual "chosen" nations, races or civilisations of "masters", but for the whole of humanity. The main provisions of the modern Eurasian ideology, as it seems, may consist in the following.

    1. In modern conditions, it is necessary to defend and establish the values and goals of social justice, traditional family, a sovereign state and the comprehensive development of a person, society and the real economy. In the West today, all these values and goals are under massive attack, they are trying to devalue and destroy them at all costs. On the contrary, in Russia and other states of Greater Eurasia, these values are deeply rooted, they are the basis for the development of non-Western civilisations.

    2. An important position of modern Eurasianism is the commonality and interconnectedness of the fundamental interests of non-Western states in the modern world, especially in the situation of increasing global geopolitical and economic threats in the form of international terrorism, "colour revolutions" and coups d'etat, wars, global pandemics, the growth of debt dependence and the strengthening of global instability. Hence, there is a vital need for the countries of Greater Eurasia to jointly confront these threats and challenges.

    3. Russia, which in geopolitical and civilisational terms is located both in Europe and in Asia, which has been closely interacting with the civilisations of both the West and the East for many centuries, objectively plays an important role in the formation of a new world order. In particular, Russian culture combines the values of both the West and the East, and people in Russia understand and respect the culture, customs, and ideas of both Western and Eastern societies. Thanks to this, Russia, despite internal contradictions and problems, is able to pursue a balanced policy, which is extremely in demand in the conditions of modern crises and ongoing global changes.

    4. In geopolitical terms, it is necessary to abandon the unilateral orientation towards the United States and other Western countries, since this unilateral orientation destroys both Western societies themselves and those societies that move in their wake. The new, emerging world order will be polycentric and multi-civilisational, it represents the only possible alternative to the "unipolar" world, which has demonstrated its destructive and deadly nature for all mankind (the destruction of Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, and attempts to destroy Syria, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia).

    It is possible and necessary to argue and discuss the specific provisions of modern Eurasian ideology and geopolitical strategy. But the very vital necessity of such an ideology and strategy capable of resisting the ideology and practice of Western liberalism for the "chosen ones", which inevitably generates liberal fascism, is beyond doubt.

    So, what are the main features of the new world order emerging before our eyes? Firstly, as was already noted, this world order will be polycentric and multi-civilisational: no state (including the United States and China) and no civilisation will be able to completely dominate and dictate their orders, norms, values and ideas to the whole world.

    At the same time, it will not be an anarchic and chaotic world order (which is what all other countries are being frightened with by the US now): gradually, but quickly enough, a new order and a new hierarchy of centres of political and economic power will arise.

    Secondly, there is a rise and dynamic development of the great states-civilisations of Asia – China and India. Already, they account for more than a third of the world's population and more than a quarter of global GDP. The centre of gravity of global economic and political development is gradually but irreversibly shifting from West to East.

    Thirdly, there is a difficult but natural restoration of the northern Eurasian economic, political, cultural and civilisational formation (EAEU, CSTO, etc.), in which Russia plays a central role.

    The development of this north-Eurasian entity is taking place with considerable difficulties and conflicts, many of which are caused both by the severe consequences of the collapse of the USSR and by the presence of groups in the elites of a number of post-Soviet countries that are pro-Western-oriented, comprador and essentially betraying national interests.

    However, the events taking place in Ukraine not only sharply polarise the societies and elites of the former Soviet republics, but also objectively force them to move to the "nationalisation of the elites" and to conduct a nationally oriented policy in all spheres of public life.

    At the same time, it is important to emphasise once again: without Russia, which has unique and historically formed ties with both the West and the East, both with Europe and Asia, which is able to understand and accept the values of different peoples, different states and different civilisations, a new polycentric world order cannot arise. And this once again testifies to the historical role of Russia, the severity of the current situation, and the responsibility of Russian society and the Russian state for the fate of the whole world.

    Fourthly, the geopolitical and economic importance of the united Europe is falling sharply, it is becoming increasingly dependent not only on the United States, but also on China. Paradoxically, the "Decline of Europe" predicted by Oswald Spengler a hundred years ago was accelerated by the formation of the European Union.

    Europe's dream of unification came true, but for the same reason, political diversity, economic and technological competition between European countries disappeared, and this disappearance of competition, and unification under the auspices of a supranational European bureaucracy led to a sharp decrease in the dynamism and innovation potential of Europe.

    The imposition of uniform rules and norms of the European Union caused cultural degradation, aggravated by the constant glorification of "European values", "European norms", "European institutions", etc.

    If in the 16th–19th centuries there was a pronounced rivalry between Western European states (Spain, Holland, Great Britain, France, Austria, Germany), which, despite numerous wars and political conflicts contributed to the cultural flourishing and rapid development of Europe, after two world wars, the establishment of the United States as the hegemon of the Western world and the formation of the EU, such competition within Europe practically disappeared.

    Most EU countries are actually occupied by the United States, which places its military bases in these countries and dictates domestic and foreign policy to them. As a result, Europe is rapidly and irreversibly losing its political and partly economic independence.

    So, a new world order, a new geopolitical and geo-economic picture of the world is gradually being formed, and the 2020s will inevitably become a period of the highest aggravation of internal and external conflicts in many countries.

    As it has happened more than once over the last centuries of history, Russia has a particularly difficult and uphill mission, especially great trials and a particularly important key role in opposing the expansion of the West, in the fight against the multifaceted liberal fascism that threatens not only Russia, but the whole world. The fate of humanity and the fate of our world literally depend on whether Russia will withstand today and tomorrow.

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