The alliance of the World Bank and the WHO in the name of the "Great Reset"

    The World Bank uses the WHO and the coronavirus pandemic as a battering ram to destroy nation states
    Институт РУССТРАТ's picture
    account_circleИнститут РУССТРАТaccess_time17 Nov 2021
    print 17 11 2021

    Long gone are the good days when there was a huge distance between medicine and bankers. Medics loyal to the Hippocratic Oath served people and saved people. And bankers did business, increased capital, often through deception and the suffering of people.

    In our time, the distance and even the line between medicine and bankers (as well as other businessmen) is rapidly disappearing. Medicine, having forgotten about the Hippocratic Oath and charity, turns into a business as crafty and cruel as, for example, banking operations with usurious interest, liens, collectors and client bankruptcies.

    Moreover, banks and medical professionals are beginning to "make friends" in order to increase their profits. And the link in this "friendship" is Big Pharma. It receives money from banks, creates “miraculous” pharmaceutical "products" and sells them through healthcare institutions – hospitals, clinics, medical centres, etc.

    Such institutions either purchase pharmaceutical "products" themselves, or use their prescriptions to force patients to buy Big Pharma products. Money flows into the pockets of bankers and Big Pharma companies in a wide river from the pockets of millions of people.

    The open alliance of the World Bank (WB) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) became the apogee of the process of merging bankers and doctors. The story of this "marriage of convenience" began in 2016. And outwardly everything looked very nice, as attempts to implement projects whose ultimate goal was declared to preserve the health and lives of millions of people around the world, especially in the poorest and poorest countries.

    Then, in connection with the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the UN Secretary-General created the Global Health Crises Task Force. The Task Force, in its final report to the UN General Assembly in mid-2017, recommended that global health emergency preparedness be closely and continuously monitored.

    The WHO and the World Bank expressed their readiness to jointly organise such monitoring. WHO Director-General Doctor Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and the then President of the World Bank Group Dr. Jim Yong Kim led the joint effort to create the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB).

    The Board was inaugurated on 24 May at the seventy-first session of the World Health Assembly (WHA), held in Geneva. It was agreed that the Board’s secretariat would be located at the WHO headquarters in Geneva. So, two and a half years ago, there was a "marriage of convenience" between the WHO and the World Bank.

    This "marriage" had a strong impact on the World Bank. Already in 2018, as a leading international financial institution (along with the IMF), it began to turn towards the topic of the medical profile. The World Bank established the Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEFF), dedicated to the fight against Ebola.

    The final "repurposing" of the World Bank took place last spring. After the emergence of the Wuhan virus ("COVID-19") on the world stage, the leadership of the World Bank Group (which includes the IBRD, the International Development Association, the International Finance Corporation and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency) stated that the Task Force's priority activity will be to eliminate the consequences and mitigate the virus and economic crisis.

    In May 2020, the new President of the WB Group, David R. Malpass, proudly reported:

    "The World Bank Group quickly and decisively launched emergency response operations in 100 countries around the world, using mechanisms that allow other donors to quickly expand the scope of these programs.

    For the economy to start growing again, we must aim for a fast and flexible response that addresses the health emergency, provides cash and other scalable support to protect the poor, supports the private sector, increases the economy's resilience to shocks and accelerates its recovery."

    The WB Task Force’s website provides some comments on the President's statement: 70% of the world's population lives in these 100 countries. 39 of these 100 countries are located in sub-Saharan Africa. Almost a third of all projects are implemented in countries affected by instability and conflict (Afghanistan, Chad, Haiti, and Niger).

    Also: "Since March, the Bank's Task Force has promptly delivered record amounts of aid to countries to support their efforts to protect the poor and vulnerable, strengthen health systems, support the private sector and accelerate economic recovery.

    This assistance, the largest and most rapid anti-crisis program in the history of the Bank's Task Force, marks an important milestone in meeting the commitment of the Bank’s Task Force to provide $160 billion in grants and financial support over 15 months (i.e., until mid-2021) to help developing countries cope with the health, social and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine restrictions in developed economies."

    That is, it was decided to throw almost all the financial potential of the WB Task Force into the fight against the pandemic and the global economic crisis generated by it. From the announced amount, $12 billion was immediately allocated to finance the purchase of vaccines against the COVID-19 coronavirus in favour of economically backward countries.

    New tasks were unusual for the World Bank, and they required at least minimal knowledge of medicine, epidemiology, pharmacy, vaccination, quarantine measures, population testing, medical statistics, and so on.

    This requires experience and specialists, of which the World Bank had almost no specialists at the beginning of the so-called "covid pandemic". The WHO has become a consultant to the WB Task Force. The latter participated and continues to participate in the preparation of the World Bank's fundamental documents on combating covid.

    As an example, I will refer to the first full-length official document of the World Bank on the topic of COVID-19. It is called the World COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Program (SPRP)”.

    The 60-page document is dated April 2, 2020. The title page has a subtitle, which means that only the first phase of the program is described, within which 25 projects are planned to be implemented. A remarkable fragment on page 6 of the document:

    "On March 3, 2020, the Board of Executive Directors endorsed the World Bank Group (WBG) to take urgent action supporting client countriesresponse to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Board further authorized the establishment of a US$12 billion WBG Fast Track COVID-19 Facility (FTCF or Facility”) to assist IDA and IBRD eligible countries in addressing this global pandemic and its impacts.“

    So, on March 3 of this year, the World Bank, far from medicine, has already used the terms "COVID-19 pandemic” and "global pandemic". This is clear evidence that the document was developed by people from the WHO who were aware of the upcoming WHO’s plans.

    It is noteworthy that the head of the WHO uttered the word "COVID-19 pandemic" only on March 11, eight days after the meeting of the WB Board of Directors. Of course, the WHO, the World Bank, the IMF, and other international organisations prepared the COVID-19 spectacle in advance. But there was a glitch: the World Bank jumped on the scene with a statement about the "pandemic" before the WHO.

    In the aforementioned WB report, there is another serious "puncture". Everyone today is concerned about the question: when will the pandemic end? Even the most inveterate pessimists promise that the covid nightmare should end before the end of 2022. They are wrong! On the first page of the document dated April 2, 2020, it is written in black and white: the completion date of the first phase of the program is March 2025.

    The same report, on page 13, states that after the mentioned $160 billion is spent by mid-2021, the World Bank will allocate another $180-200 billion over the next two years (until mid-2023) to fight COVID-19. Great business! Intimidated by the pandemic, the World Bank's client countries are no longer particularly haggling over the terms on which they will be granted loans and borrowings. In times of war, states are known to agree to any terms of usurers.

    Remember: the WB report describes only the first phase of this whole story, which will last until the spring of 2025. Then, we must understand, the second phase will come. For the World Bank, COVID-19 is becoming an "eternal" problem. And people cannot get rid of the coronavirus "pandemic" so easily – for reasons that have nothing to do with medicine, epidemiology and virology.

    But it is obvious that the World Bank develops the schedules and content of its "pandemic control" programs and projects with the direct participation of the World Health Organisation. The synchronisation of WHO and WB plans is planned for many years to come.

    But let's go back to the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, which was established two and a half years ago, as a link between the World Bank and the WHO. GPMB is co-chaired by Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway and former Director-General of the WHO, and Mr. Elhadj As Sy, Secretary General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies. Political leaders, heads of UN agencies and world-class experts in the field of health, the global economy and finance began to participate in its work.

    The board of GPMB is very impressive. It features by: Sir Jeremy Farrar, Chairman of the Wellcome Trust, a large charitable foundation that specialises in funding medical and biological research; Dr. Chris Elias, President of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's Global Development Program; Veronika Skvortsova, Head of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia.

    Although not much time has passed since the birth of the Board (GPMB), it has already prepared three annual reports. As was noted in the latest report, released at the end of October 2021, efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic were clearly insufficient to stop the development of the pandemic. Calculations that it will be possible to end it before the end of 2020 did not materialise. And in the autumn of 2021, there is no longer any certainty that the pandemic will be defeated before the end of next year, 2022.

    The report recognises that the WHO's capacity to deal with the pandemic has been very limited. Firstly, the financial capacity of the WHO was extremely modest. Secondly, the organisation has insufficient administrative capacity. It issues recommendations that are not binding on member countries.

    Accordingly, it is proposed to reform the WHO. First of all, the task is to radically increase the financial capacity of the WHO. First, by increasing the contributions of member states. Secondly, by expanding the scope of activities of the WHO Foundation established last year. The Foundation is designed to mobilise any donations for the fight against pandemics and other medical and near-medical causes. Donors to the Foundation and all sorts of "philanthropists" can still maintain their anonymity. A great way for Big Pharma companies to use the WHO for their own purposes.

    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest non-official source of funding for the WHO (i.e., not related to contributions from member countries). In second place is the GAVI Alliance (an international alliance of vaccinations, in which the "controlling stake" belongs to the same Gates Foundation). And in third – the World Bank. I do not rule out that the World Bank may also increase its funding for the WHO.

    Even more important is the GPMB's proposal to expand the WHO's remit. More specifically, the organisation's instructions should be mandatory, not advisory. WHO member states must renounce "national selfishness", give up part of their national sovereignty and be sanctioned if they violate WHO guidelines.

    In order to implement the report's recommendations, the Monitoring Board invites WHO member countries to sign an international agreement. Back at the May session this year, the World Health Assembly decided that a special session of the WHA will be held in Geneva in late October-early December 2021, which will consider the draft of this international agreement.

    No one doubts that the agreement is intended to accelerate the "Great Reset" (a plan announced last year by the president of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab) and the creation of a world government. The WHO, the World Bank, and other international organisations, under the pretext of a pandemic or "emergency," will seek to transform themselves into supranational institutions that are independent of the states that once established them.

    I would like to draw your attention to one more detail of the GPMB report. It predicts that other pandemics are coming to the world, much more terrible than COVID-19. Many observers paid attention to this warning. What does it mean: an unbiased forecast of epidemiologists? Or is it just a "horror story" in order to speed up the signing of the mentioned international agreement? Or are international organisations (WHO, WB, IMF, and others) moving to manage the world using such a new tool as viruses?

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