Gates and Fauci admitted that vaccination against COVID-19 does not save from infection

    BigPharma and BigTech are pushing the world towards a "Great Reset": the "Masters of Discourse" have prepared for humanity a short leash of endless vaccination and a muzzle of total digital control
    Институт РУССТРАТ's picture
    account_circleИнститут РУССТРАТaccess_time19 Nov 2021
    print 19 11 2021

    The two main anti-heroes in the eyes of millions of Americans, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and chief infectious disease specialist Anthony Fauci, with a difference of a few days admitted that vaccination against COVID-19 is not able to stop the spread of coronavirus in the world.

    At first, this was stated by the famous creator of Windows. Gates' words - that in the world there are no vaccines blocking infection - were heard on November 5 in an interview with the British think tank Policy Exchange posted on YouTube. This is ironic in itself, since this Google-owned video hosting recently began to punish for "fake claims that vaccines do not reduce the risk of transmission or infection". So Gates should have been blocked for his revelation…

    And a week later, the "Dr. Evil" of American Immunology, Mr. Fauci, in a podcast of the New York Times confirmed Gates' belated confession. He stated that there is a weakening of the immunity of vaccinated people in all age groups — including to "breakthrough infections". Moreover, as an example, the "foremost" of vaccination, Israel, was cited, where over 67% of the population has already been fully vaccinated.

    From this, Gates and Fauci made the same conclusion: more and more waves of vaccination await humanity. More precisely, the former stated that "a new way of making vaccines is needed”, and the latter focused on booster vaccines, which, according to him, will henceforth become "an integral part of the protection" of the population.

    In a word, the world is doomed to live with coronavirus forever – and with vaccines, too, both of them declared in one voice. And this means, also with the frenzied profits of pharmaceutical companies, a new repetition of lockdowns and restrictions, the acceleration of the reformatting of the world economy and with increasingly effective ways of controlling people.

    Most of this is already being fed with gingerbread in the media in order to convince them to run after vaccines all their lives (the simplest argument has just been voiced by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson: "Well, don't give up halfway after so much work!"). And the minority will be forced to do the same with the help of a whip of various coercions.

    Meanwhile, the combination of the confessions of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci means a lot. The fact is that these two gentlemen are connected by 20 years of strong "partnership". Thus, at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, they communicated almost on a daily basis, coordinating almost every decision on "countermeasures against coronavirus."

    In the face of the Fauci-Gates tandem, the planet faced an "ideal" symbiosis of BigPharma and BigTech, who prepared for humanity a short leash of endless vaccination and a muzzle of total digital control. The price of the issue is not just maximising the profits of private corporations, but the lives, health and freedom of billions of earthlings.

    Scientists at the service of BigPharma

    As the head of the American National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Anthony Fauci will distribute $6.07 billion in 2021 (next year — $6.56 billion) of budget funds alone for "innovative" research around the world, directly affecting their subject matter and content. During his entire career, he distributed grants through NIAID for an astronomical amount of $930 billion.

    Exerting a gigantic influence on universities, scientific journals and clinics, he gives a "start in life" to a variety of vaccines and medicines. Or he does not give. It is precisely Fauci who is able to advance or destroy the careers of thousands of doctors and scientists – and not only in the USA.

    These same doctors and scientists, out of fear or conscience, promote the adopted pharmaceutical "agenda" by giving expert opinions in the media and publishing in scientific journals.

    In fact, this entire extensive network of the "expert community" serves the interests of the pharmaceutical industry. And it does not do this for free: university research of new drugs is generously paid for, and their authors are entitled to a part of the patent of a new drug.

    Hundreds of millions of dollars from the pharmaceutical giants, in addition to significant grants from the Fauci Institute, make such researchers extremely dedicated to the "common cause". And when they, as "independent scientists", are hired by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to evaluate the third phase of trials of certain drugs, they almost always voice the needed things. At least because of the fact that next year it's their own medicine that will have to pass through licensing. "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" - that's how it works.

    Fauci himself, with a salary higher than that of the US president, does not offend himself either, collecting, for example, millions of royalties from the development of a Moderna vaccine. And in general, he is followed by a whole train of grandiose scandals: from the failed treatment of HIV-infected people with a very expensive toxic drug to illegal experiments on orphaned children and sadistic experiments on beagle puppies.

    But all this was recalled to "Dr. Evil" quite recently also for his main crime, so clearly manifested in the pandemic — for the fact that he actually gave the US national health system to BigPharma.

    Bill Gates: the consequences are catastrophic

    This "achievement" of Mr. Fauci is being used not only by pharmacologists, but also by such business sharks as Bill Gates. For almost three decades now, the interests of this "geek" extend much further than software.

    The "great philanthropist" buys hundreds of thousands of acres of agricultural land (and now Gates is the largest landowner in the United States), invests in GMO crops, patents for seeds and synthetic food, dreams of obscuring the sun to cool the Earth with sprayed metal particles, grows genetically modified mosquitoes, produces food from larvae, creates artificial breast milk through the cultivation of breast epithelial cells and buys global media to prove the benefits of such experiments.

    The meaning of Gates' efforts was described by farmer Christian Westbrook in a lapidary way: "He wants to remove people from farms, exterminate animals and force us to eat his vegetable meat and insect protein." But it doesn't stop there.

    Already in 2000, Bill Gates founded the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI), which combined the efforts of his own foundation, as well as the World Bank, the WHO and vaccine manufacturers to promote new vaccinations.

    In 2010, he proclaimed the "decade of vaccines" at the Davos Forum, at the same time investing $10 billion in plans for the universal immunisation of mankind. And in 2017, Gates came in second place in the list of the WHO’s sponsors - right after the American government.

    Over the past decade, his personal fortune has grown from $50 billion to $133 billion. But the point is in another thing: Gates, Fauci and the British Wellcome Trust, according to Robert Kennedy Jr., today control 63% of all biomedical research on Earth through funding.

    However, where Fauci's interests end, Gates' are just beginning to "warm up". With the new coronavirus, this "warm-up" started on October 18, 2019, when the Johns Hopkins Center, the WEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation held "Event 201"—  pandemic exercises in New York with "potentially catastrophic consequences."

    A month and a half before the outbreak of the epidemic in China – if not taking in account a few dozen deaths in the United States, which occurred in the summer of 2019 allegedly from "vapes", after which the American media quickly curtailed this story on the orders from above.

    Today, the Gates Foundation is behind the release of the WHO manual for creation of "vaccination passports" everywhere on Earth — and not only from COVID-19, but also from future pandemics and "other systemic health problems". And it is also it, for example, who finances the creation of blockchain applications for smartphones with data on the "current level of pandemic risk" collected directly from users.

    "Worshippers" and "renegades"

    Of course, Bill Gates is not the only one who advocates tougher lockdowns and the introduction of mandatory vaccination. Similar ideas are promoted by his "brothers" in the IT industry: Jeff Bezos (Amazon, personal wealth increased by $86 billion in 2020), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook, wealth grew by $35 billion), Sergey Brin (Google, growth of $41 billion), Larry Ellison (Oracle, growth of $34 billion) and so on.

    Some advocate the idea of comprehensively collecting the data of citizens under a single user login which will have everything: vaccinations, bills and loans, digital signature, movements, browsing history on the Internet and replicas in social networks (QR passport?).

    Others bet on the surveillance of vaccinated people and a more advanced facial recognition system. Still others impose censorship on the network against "anti-vaxxers" and "conspiracy about COVID-19". And the fourth ones "just" create cloud services where all data about vaccination is processed.

    Everything so far highlights that in the framework of "Great Reset" under the guise of a pandemic, inoculations and vaccination certificates, the whole world will first be forcibly "digitised" and then subjected to segregation – with the deletion from former, normal life of anyone who dared to speak out against this.

    And then the "worshippers" will enter the global police superstate, in which private life will be actually abolished, and where for the new "firmware" of vaccines and "subscriptions" to social services you will have to pay more and more. Well, the "renegades" are аwaiting for the loss of their jobs, the freezing of funds, the deprivation of access to all benefits and, in the end, a painful death from another virus. This is the world of the future of post-cyberpunk, which Western heralds of digitalisation and vaccination want to drive us into.

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