Zelensky begins to compromise his own and others'

    We have to rectify a scenario called "Back to the Future-X"
    access_time20 Apr 2022
    print 20 4 2022

    Why back? Because we have already seen all this. We saw how the collective West in a nationalist animal guise tried to destroy the USSR in 1941. We saw how the USSR won that War and then how our Victory was distorted and erased. They couldn't forgive everything. Who is to blame that the ideas of national fascism and social democracy on the Hitlerist model turned out to be a resounding failure? Certainly not us.

    Why forward? Because the "collective West" is trying to revive these anti-human ideas. They started with those who were more receptive. At first, the Baltic states and Poland were nurtured. Then the degree of intolerance towards Russia began to be raised in Ukraine and Georgia. Everything is exactly along the perimeter of our borders. A very sure sign – as soon as NATO "entered" the corresponding country, a mess immediately began there.

    It just so happened that most of the Ukrainian presidents were exposed to nazi and racist ideologies. It is enough to recall Leonid Kuchma. After all, the book "Ukraine is not Russia" is attributed to his authorship. He demonstrated/re-demonstrated there that Russians and Ukrainians are different peoples in mentality. And also that Russians are inferior to Ukrainians. This is pure racism. But back then it did not cause a sharp rejection. Everyone was busy solving other problems.

    But it was during Kuchma's presidency that the "Charter on a Special Partnership between Ukraine and NATO" was signed (July 9, 1997), and then, on May 23, 2002, the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, chaired by Kuchma, approved the provision that joining NATO is the country's strategic goal.

    The nazi and racist ideas embodied by the current "president" Zelensky do not differ in originality. But they differ in scale. Well, the demands from him will be stricter.

    He dragged from the past and developed in the future what Russia does not tolerate. Why did he do it? The story and the investigation will be sorted out later. So far, it is impossible to explain this by ordinary logic. But I really want to get explanations and document them. Therefore, the task of capturing him alive is extremely urgent. And then it will turn out like with Hitler and Goebbles - they seemed to have lived and done evil, but it turned out to be impossible to call them to account.

    What is Zelensky himself doing now? He is still very active in the public space. Some people interview him, then others. He himself distributes decrees right and left.

    Only it is becoming more and more noticeable that he is starting to give up. Physically and mentally. On the 52nd day of our special military operation in Ukraine, he addressed the audience via a social network. At the end of his "heroic" and very short "speech" Zelensky said: "We will defeat everyone." Users suspected that he was under the influence of either alcohol or something forbidden. This has happened before. But it doesn't end with one clouded mind. Deeper meanings appear.

    They were revealed during Zelensky's interview with a reporter from the BBC. The British Broadcasting Corporation received the following:

    "We had to prepare. We needed money, we needed weapons, and so on. And that's exactly what we did. We talked. We have not publicly agreed on certain supplies… And to be completely honest with you, we agreed on some things with some countries back in December. We agreed on some things in January. And I wanted us to get it all sooner…

    That's exactly why we wanted to join NATO. That is why we have stabilised the situation in Ukraine. That's why we needed strong leadership from my team. That is why we fought against some political groups inside our country, groups that were paid by Russia. We started this war even earlier."

    So: prepared in advance; non-public contracts; some things in some countries; December and January; fighting with political opponents.

    There is the strong desire to clarify some of the terrible moments of this activity. Especially what may be under various secrecy labels. Who pursued what goals, who took what actions, who gave out what instructions? This is still the minimum limit, which is very interesting to us.

    And what is in store for that side? In an interview, Zelensky seems to hint to Western curators - they did their business together and secretly. And well, how will the veritable truth come out to the public? Who will be made responsible, and what kind of responsibility will it be?

    There is an impression that if Zelensky speaks more openly, someone in the West may feel bad. Who can rule out the revelation of serious information about the meanness of the universal scale, such that the electoral campaign in France, for example, will collapse. Or governments in Germany, Britain, Italy or Greece will collapse. Indeed, in many European countries, the level of voter confidence in their own leadership is already declining at a record pace. Things are going neither shaky nor loose not only in Europe. The approval rating of the American president is also falling.

    Zelensky can compromise not only people in the West. He's already doing it to his own. For example, the neo-nazi group blocked at the “Azovstal” plant in Mariupol was forbidden by the leaders of the Kiev regime to surrender. No measures have been taken to unblock it. They tried to take some out by air and by sea, but it didn't work out. To the question "why didn't they help" there is an answer – nothing can be done.


    It would seem to be a normal situation. Well, there is no strength, so there will be no salvation. Only here there is one "but". The initial balance of forces and capabilities of the Kiev "strategists" was known in advance. The military loss was determined in advance. This means that the complete destruction of the group in the region of Mariupol was also predicted. Then again, the question is - why did they do it?

    There is one more observation. It seems that Zelensky keeps the West on a kind of hook. It can now dictate its terms, hoping that it will be heard. Now they are, as they say in certain circles, they are all tied up with a lot of blood.

    Why did they start all this in Ukraine at all? After all, three years ago, before Zelensky was elected president, it was clear that three-quarters of the country's population (without Donbass, they did not vote there) want peace. With Donbass, this number would become even greater.

    But no, democracy, as the rule of the people, turned out to be invalid. The opinion of the population was shamelessly ignored. Hopes were trampled. The opposition was destroyed. The remaining ones were literally gagged by armed and unresponsive neo-nazis. Yes, again from the past to the future: neo-nazism is former nazism.

    What can Russia do as a response after receiving answers to the questions of interest? Will someone run towards a real declaration of war? For inciting genocide and racism, killing innocent people, bullying prisoners and civilians, blocking Russian assets, for unlawful sanctions. And can Russia, in righteous anger, demand payment not only of debt, but also of interest? For the meanness of actions.

    So far, it can be noticed that Zelensky is slowly entering the path of blackmail. Will his masters let him talk? Unlikely. Most likely, he will be liquidated.

    Yes, the question may arise – why in the title is there an "X"? This is "x", the traditional designation of a desired value. It is unlikely that we will get it on a silver platter. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to find it and turn this page of history.

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