Afghanistan has opened several abscesses in US foreign and domestic policy at once

    Who will the deep state dismiss for Afghanistan - Joe Biden or Kamala Harris?
    access_time24 Aug 2021
    print 24 8 2021

    Despite the announcement that hundreds of professionals have been recruited to Joe Biden's team, the lack of its own foreign policy agenda very quickly gave the shoots of a crisis. The first signal is Afghanistan. Biden copied the allegedly Trumpian approach of leaving, but did not take into account how Donald Trump planned to do it. The new administration clearly did not know its materiel – the one that Trump knew, but immediately collapsed out of the blue.

    As Aleksandr Dugin correctly notes, Afghanistan is a litmus test of the fact that there is a new geopolitical situation in the world. Not changes, they have already happened, but the fact that a new era has come. Therefore, the consequences of Afghanistan for the United States will be very serious. In reality, all their power was based on: a) the competent psychological work of the propaganda apparatus for ensuring foreign policy activities and b) the imagination of the rest of the world. Napoleon once said: "The world is ruled by imagination”. Nothing has changed in two centuries.

    But now the imagination shows people that the king is naked. All the upcoming changes will stem from here. And the Biden administration (or Harris-Clinton) will not be able to do anything, since there are no new moves, and the US superpowers cannot support the reputation by force. Therefore, there will be Taiwan, Ukraine, Belarus, etc.

    Internal policy. In the last few days, there has been a lot of writing about the possible impeachment of Biden. Indeed, the hashtag #ImpeachBiden has become one of the most popular on American Twitter in recent days. Here it is necessary to note the main question – who will initiate it, because these are completely different topics.

    For example, now there is a lot of writing about the initiatives of Republicans (Marjorie Taylor Greene, Rudy Giuliani, Steve Bannon, etc.) on this occasion. However, they will definitely not be able to do this until 2022: the Democrats have a majority in Congress and the Senate. And God only knows what will happen after the 2022 congressional elections. Perhaps the topic will go away by itself. And the second question is: who will become president in this case? It will be Kamala Harris.

    And why do the Republicans need such renovation, which will not only zero the entire impeachment, but also give excellent starting positions to the Democrats before the 2024 presidential election, since Harris will be a new young face, inspiring new and immense hopes for the gullible American voter?

    Therefore, naturally, the leader of the minority in the US House of Representatives from the Republican Party, Kevin McCarthy, recently said that if his party wins the upcoming US congressional elections in 2022, the Republicans will not use impeachment as a political weapon against US President Joe Biden in 2023. That is, this option is out of the question.

    It's quite another matter if the decision on Biden's resignation is made in a narrow circle of people, in the circle of the deep state, and on Christmas Eve or on the eve of another landmark event for America, sleepy Joe will say: "Dear friends, brothers and sisters, I'm tired, I'm leaving."

    What will it mean - a Harris presidency? I don’t think so. This will mean the accession to the throne of Hillary Clinton, who, from the position of Vice President, will, as under Barack Obama, steer the entire foreign and domestic policy of the United States. The fact is that Harris has long been a puppet in the hands of Hillary, who has a voluminous financial and public compromising material on her. Plus, she is clearly not an independent political figure and does not have a team. But it can be a good cover.

    Therefore, this scenario has a much better chance of being implemented. There are, in fact, only two questions: a) when to do it, so as not to rush – it is clearly too early now and b) in what physical condition is Hillary, is she able to manage the disintegrating empire, since her behaviour at the finish of the electoral race with Trump showed that she was already often in an altered state of consciousness. Four years have passed, and the Democrats literally have no more personnel.

    Analysis of the situation with Hillary Clinton (or as conspiracy theorists call her – Bastinda or Killary) showed that she fell out of the global information agenda. She, of course, writes something on her Twitter, but globally she is already retired. Her latest appearance in public is connected with commenting on the summit of Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden in Geneva. And this is June 16. Before that, she appeared in May and March. That is, Clinton no longer occupies the same place in the project of the globalists. Bastinda the old witch is clearly exhausted.

    This means that for Kamala Harris, Clinton may no longer fit in, respectively, Joe Biden has some prospects for counterplay, so as not to get impeached himself. What trump cards does Biden have for playing this scenario inside the structures of the deep state?

    Firstly, his integration into these structures and his willingness to play by the rules – the old horse does not spoil the furrow – which we are observing. Despite all the dementia, Biden is still able to play in the highest league of world politics. This can not be said about Harris - players of the level of Vladimir Putin will flatten her in a moment, and she will not even notice.

    Secondly, the migration crisis. Harris had a direct order from the president (since February of this year) to resolve the migration crisis in the south of the country. However, she did not cope with it. Moreover, after the beginning of the Afghan crisis, there was a return to Trump's strategy – the border was simply closed. But did it reduce the tension? Not at all. The tension in Mexico and neighbouring states, especially Texas, is growing and no one knows in what forms and when it will explode. But no one today disputes that it will explode, even the democratic media.

    Thirdly, Afghanistan. Formally, Harris has nothing to do with this issue – the question is clearly not of her level. However, due to her control room inexperience, she tried to fit into this topic, identifying herself as the person who convinced Biden of the need to make just such a decision.

    Recall that on April 25, US Vice President Kamala Harris confirmed to reporters that she was the last representative of the American administration who remained in Joe Biden's office before the head of state decided to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. When asked by CNN about whether she can be called a person who influences the president in terms of decision-making, Harris replied that this is so. It was her who the American president listened to before finally approving the withdrawal of troops.

    Now, of course, she can say "you will not pin this sh*t on me”. But earlier it was necessary to think: Biden has every reason to say that it was she who "seduced" him to this decision, and he succumbed to the pressure of young, but inexperienced energy.

    Therefore, in order to save himself, Biden may well take such a step – to pin the Afghan failure and the crisis on the border with Mexico on Harris in order to save himself from impeachment. The question is what decision the deep state will make and who, in the current very difficult foreign and domestic political conditions for the United States, will be sacrificed – a political graduate student or an academician of political games.

    To sacrifice Biden and bet on Harris is to instantly have very serious foreign policy problems, since none of the serious players will see her point-blank, and the processes of shrinking the American empire can take an irreversible character. Plus, Trump will eat her inside the United States and will not even choke.

    To sacrifice Harris is to support sleepy Joe. But there are no guarantees that under the pressure of circumstances and events, he will not fall down even with enhanced medical support. Plus, we need to look for a new Vice President, but there is no strong figure in the Democrats' camp that would be supported by all internal factions.

    Telegram channel "Russian Demiurge" @rus_demiurge specially for the Telegram channel "Druid" @wisedruidd (The first part is here, the second part is here)

    P.S. From the editorial office of the RUSSTRAT Institute website.

    We support the main theses of "Russian Demiurge" – the choice facing the Democrats and their curators is very difficult and not obvious. The key factors that will determine the decision of the deep state (if it takes place) are hidden from the public eye and will be clearly "conspiracy" in nature. Nevertheless, it is necessary to make a decision – the Democrats are facing the prospect of a serious defeat in the congressional elections next year. They need a very strong move to win.

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