Vaccination as a form of war

    The refusal of 20 countries to use the vaccine of the Swedish-British company AstraZeneca caused the necessity to use “heavy artillery”
    access_time24 Mar 2021
    print 24 3 2021

    If before 2020, technologies for the use of combat viruses (biological warfare) were considered a type of war, now vaccination against these viruses has become a type of war.

    One of them, the COVID-19 virus, became an occasion to turn the topic of vaccination into a kind of the most brutal form of war for world hegemony and the protection of geopolitical spaces from the influence of enemies. The vaccine has become a tool and a symbol of victory or defeat in the war, a kind of propaganda weapon, from soft power to hard power - considering the whole range of issues generated by vaccination.

    When the powerful Western countries are taking away masks from the weak, which increases mortality, this is the same war as with the use of conventional weapons. When in countries already engulfed in a pandemic and high mortality rates, geopolitical leaders prevent vassals from purchasing vaccines from their political rivals, regardless of the growing mortality rate, this is also a form of war.

    The numbers of losses in this case even exceed the losses in the conventional wars. But the use of nuclear weapons is still out of competition in terms of mortality. Thus, the struggle to impose ineffective vaccines of their own production and the non-admission of more effective drugs from opponents to their territory is a type of warfare, and the victim is the population of countries that are limited in vaccination or receive imposed vaccines with proven defects in the design.

    The refusal of 20 countries to use the vaccine of the Swedish-British company AstraZeneca due to the facts of cerebral vein thrombosis in those who took the vaccine and the danger of increasing the rate of cancer development (due to the blocking of cellular proteins responsible for suppressing cancer cells) caused the need to use "heavy artillery”:

    Britain forced the representative of the World Health Organisation, Margaret Harris, to state that "there is no evidence of a link between the AstraZeneca vaccine and the formation of blood clots, and therefore, there is no reason to refuse it," and distributed this information through the BBC.

    However, it is known that the absence of "evidence of a link" does not mean that this link does not exist, perhaps it simply could not be identified. There is a logical rule in medicine: "after" means "due to", but it is in politics that this rule is denied.

    However, the fact is that the Russian vaccine "Sputnik V" has never been seen in the relationship between vaccination and thrombosis and tumour growth, and thus did not cause the need to refute or explain anything. This is the strongest defeat in the psychological war of the Western countries.

    In fact, the population is forced to turn into experimental animals, which are forced to suffer side effects from their own vaccines, at any cost not allowing them to demonstrate the advantages of Russian or Chinese developments, knowing that this will promote a positive image of these countries.

    The means of counter-propaganda of the West is the increased dissemination of the thesis that vaccination is slow in Russia itself, and therefore there is no sensation. It is necessary at all costs to bring down the sensationalism of the Russian development.

    This has become the main means of legitimising the ruling elites in the West, otherwise all their anti-Russian actions lose their validity in the eyes of the local population. And in general, there are questions about their political system – how could it happen that the forces in power that allowed such mortality and lack of readiness to fight infection, false guidelines and an imperfect management system. The question of responsibility arises, and this can lead so far that the system-forming structures of the collective West will collapse, up to the collapse of NATO.

    If the West allows such a development of events, the enemy's propaganda will win a powerful victory on their territory, completely neutralising the work of its huge propaganda machine. The long-term consequences of such a scenario are tantamount to defeat in a world war.

    The vaccine war is fought in two dimensions: economic and advocacy. Recently, it became known that Russia is the second largest arms exporter in the world after the United States. If we accept the arguments of experts that the potential market of the Russian vaccine is about 700 million people worldwide, then Russia's income from the export of the vaccine will exceed the income from the export of weapons, which amounted to $13 billion in 2020.

    The propaganda effect of positive advertising in Russia cannot be measured at all. To question the validity of the entire Western policy towards Russia is to start a self-replicating process of destroying Western institutions. The mobilisation and consolidation of the population on the anti-Russian agenda will be disrupted, and this is the failure of mobilisation in the war.

    There is another military dimension to the vaccination problem – an invasion of the programming domain of human nature. The chief physician of Moderna Inc., Dr. Tal Zaks, admitted back in 2017 that the new vaccines would operate on the principle of operating computer systems, operating with RNA messengers.

    I.e., we are talking about experiments with the genetic code. First in vaccines, but then in a wider range of applications. Operations with the genetic code are already weapons of mass destruction. Vaccination becomes the reason for the transition to technologies for changing the human species. What was created as a medicine becomes a weapon.

    Competition in the vaccine market is becoming comparable to competition in the arms market. Other people's systems are pushed out and replaced by their own. And, in fact, this process has already been launched: Germany, France and Italy are suspending vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine within the EU.

    This is a blow to Britain, as it is known that the US-German BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine is being promoted in the EU. It turned out that the manufacturers of these vaccines are able to deliver much fewer doses than was planned in the EU – we are talking about 2 billion doses based on sufficiency for 450 million residents of 27 EU countries. In fact, the door is open for the Russian "Sputnik", whose manufacturers have time to create production bases in other countries.

    Presenting need as a virtue, the head of the German Ministry of Health Jens Spahn stated politically correctly: "This decision was not easy for us, but for me it is obvious: this is a professional decision, not a political one." In fact, this is a completely political decision: Germany simultaneously cuts off the British competitor from the EU market and consolidates its position in this market, where, in fact, BioNTech/Pfizer is not far from AstraZeneca in terms of side effects and effectiveness.

    At the same time, the priority remains with Russian virologists: while the West is busy with marketing battles around the country's vaccine image, the head of the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Virology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Novosibirsk State University, molecular biologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Sergey Netesov said that the gap in the first five days after vaccination remains unexplored. And this does not yet allow us to objectively assess the danger of vaccinations.

    The essence of the problem is that if the body is already infected and has received a vaccination, then its reaction is unknown: the disease can either be more severe, or vice versa easier. Here, the main events take place during the asymptomatic period of the disease, and it has not been studied for ethical reasons – no one can offer people an experiment where there will be infection first, and then vaccination. This is a professional approach, not a political one, but Russia can afford it, and the West can’t - its brands have been compromised.

    Vaccination entails not only the problems of controlling territories by the centres of power, but also the transformation of forms of control over behaviour. Since it is necessary to create an area free from the risk of infection in order to achieve sustainable economic growth, vaccination passports are becoming the norm. The transition from voluntary to mandatory will be short. At the same time, the use of a new means of mobilising the population and the reaction to it from the society are being tested.

    Thus, vaccination becomes a tool for labelling the territory of domination with "friend-foe" labels, creating a wide range of manipulative control technologies of a new type. The author tests forceful methods of protecting the authorities in situations of obvious inefficiency of management. In case of failures, it is considered acceptable to make sacrifices among their own civilian population in order to preserve the power of the ruling groups.

    Vaccination is increasingly becoming a form of war, and this war is not limited to any conventions yet. Here, the traditional notion of technology leaders and their right to dominate has been overturned. However, the vaccine war calls into question the right of the command to send its subordinates to death – and this space will become a real battlefield of superpowers in the next decade. As a result of these battles, the contours of the world will change no less than when using conventional means of destroying the enemy.

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