COVID-19: humanity as a concentration camp for medical experiments

    Analysis suggests that the world is dealing with a completely controlled artificial pandemic. Part Four
    access_time25 Aug 2021
    print 25 8 2021

    The first part is here. The second part is here. The third part is here.

    Humanity has turned into a huge concentration camp for medical experiments, and our specialists, willingly or unwittingly, take part in this. Although we do not know not only the long-term results of using these drugs, but even the side effects to date.

    And here is another quote: "In 8 cases out of 10, the COVID-19 disease causes a complication of other diseases that patients had (cardiovascular and respiratory systems, allergies, chronic diseases of nervous tissues). In a quarter of cases, even with the course of COVID-19 itself in mild or moderate severity, recovered patients have severe complications on the lungs and of the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen."

    Practitioners know that up to 38% of decompensations of heart failure that required hospitalisation are caused by an infection (either viral or bacterial). Similarly, pulmonologists have long known that any viral infection causes an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi. Moreover, any viral infection can cause death in such patients.

    Pulmonologists are well aware of the essence of the processes occurring in the interstitial lung tissue. A lesion of the inter-alveolar septa of the lungs, in which the blood is saturated with oxygen, will cause hypoxia (lack of oxygen). The same processes occur in many other lung diseases, and their treatment does not require knowledge of the mechanism of introduction of the virus into the cell or the theory of the origin of the virus. At this stage, antiviral treatment no longer makes sense, pathogenetic therapy is required here.

    "In Germany, testing for COVID-19 is carried out only if there are at least three of its symptoms, the rest of cases are considered as simple acute URIs and do not fall into the statistics, even in the case of the patient's death, too. This makes it difficult to adequately assess the key factors of the pandemic. For example, according to Chinese statistics, 1-1.2% of patients die, according to Italian – from 8 to 14%, according to American - from 11 to 18%."

    In my opinion, Germany has the most competent approach to statistics. In Italy, doctors receive a large compensation for covid patients, so there are additional attributions of covid cases.  By the way, as in any country in the world. The Germans are a little more scrupulous in this regard. When evaluating statistical indicators, there is also need to know some key details.

    For example, there are racial differences in the tolerance of interstitial pneumonia, as well as gender ones. It is known that men get more seriously ill with all pneumonia  When assessing the risk of mortality from common pneumonia, the male sex is in the first place as the highest risk factor for a fatal outcome. And men on average die 2.7 times more often from coronavirus pneumonia than women.

    Asians may tolerate interstitial pneumonia more easily and die less often (judging by their data, which should also be approached with certain doubts). African-Americans, on the contrary, get sick more often and die more often from lung pathology, and these data are reliable, it has been published over the past 15-20 years.

    According to international experts, there are lung diseases, including sarcoidosis and tuberculosis, in which the morbidity and mortality of African-Americans is 5 times higher. There were several publications on coronavirus infection with racial differences (including higher mortality of African-Americans) that quickly disappeared. That is why in countries with a large proportion of African-Americans, mortality rates are higher.

    The level of medical care should also be taken into account. It is clear that the mortality rate in a hospital will be lower than in a refugee tent. There are publications with gender differences on professional English-language websites that have scientifically reasoned data (at the level of hormonal studies).

    There is another feature of the white race, and this data was studied in our Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis (basic research that is not funded by the WHO, because tuberculosis is a disease of marginals) – anti-tuberculosis and antiviral immunity are located in the same genetic locus in the white race, i.e. they are closely soldered.

    Therefore, the publications that appeared at the beginning of the pandemic about the connection between anti-tuberculosis and antiviral immunity were scientifically justified. However, it is obvious that their widespread distribution was not suitable for someone.

    Despite the fact that someone believes that publications on the Internet are many-sided, I clearly see in medical publications a strict filtering in a certain direction, as well as the disappearance of publications of certain experts, whom I trust more than newly-born careerists, whose publications are more like medical gossip than serious scientifically based work.

    Coronavirus is certainly not the most severe form of viral infection. However, the organisers of this special operation needed to convince the whole world of its danger, it was necessary to manage morbidity and mortality so that people would be afraid. Therefore, the WHO convinced people of the need for antiviral therapy without the use of the pathogenetic one, and also gave recommendations for the treatment of coronavirus infection with antimalarial drugs.

    For ordinary people, this information means nothing. It is clear to any competent clinician that this is a heavy bombardment of immunity, and these recommendations contributed to a significant aggravation of the course of coronavirus infections and to the numerous complications.

    After 9 months, international experts recognised that the recommendations on the use of chloroquines were adopted under strong political pressure. How strong and authoritative such pressure was, one can only guess. How adequate are the new recommendations for the treatment of coronavirus infection? What will the attack of cytokines, which represent individual links of immunity, lead to?

    Considering that these drugs have not passed the necessary clinical trials. However, it was succeeded to convince many doctors  that there is an urgent need to use these drugs, about which we do not have information  - not only about their long-term consequences, but even about their side effects. Meanwhile, the cytokine storm effectively blocks cephalosporins and respiratory fluoroquinolones. And other antibiotics that we successfully used in 2009.

    In this regard, online conferences work very effectively, which make it possible to brainwash millions of specialists around the world at once, at the same time lack of real live communication excludes that invaluable exchange of personal experience and simply of your opinion, which earlier used to be the highlight of any medical conference.

    Today, publications have begun to appear saying that the mortality rates are understated, since some of the causes of death are interpreted as death from severe concomitant pathology. The authors believe that everyone who has positive PCR should be registered in case of death as having died from COVID-19.

    This is absolutely illiterate. There are many references to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is interpreted by these authors as a group of diseases – chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Gentlemen, since 2001, COPD has been an independent nosological form - that is, one independent disease (see "GOLD 2001").

    Patients with COPD, as a rule, die from exacerbations of COPD, and in stage 4 of the disease, the mortality rate is almost the same as from lung cancer. The cause of COPD exacerbation can be infections (viral, bacterial, even intestinal), as well as non-infectious ones, for example, the release of pollutants from a local enterprise. However, on the death certificate, competent specialists indicate the cause of death as COPD, and not diarrhoea or gas contamination.

    Another aspect of the pandemic as a successful special operation is social isolation. Any psychotherapist will say that the most effective treatment for mild depression and anxiety disorders is social communication. Putting the whole world under house arrest, locking up old people at home, isolating relatives from each other all over the world without bombing and mortars is just top-flight! And then to attack with prepared materials all those isolated within four walls - these were already easy details.

    Thus, with the direct permission of the WHO, there is:

    - masterly reasoned disinformation in the most key areas of medicine;

    - distortion of the situation, juggling indicators of morbidity and mortality;

    - the imposition of remote counselling;

    - purposeful sabotage in the field of treatment recommendations (at the same time, the promotion of experimental drugs, for which taxpayers around the world pay themselves);

    - a mechanistic approach to diagnosis and treatment (instead of the principle of "treating not the disease, but the patient", the principle of "treating test indicators" is promoted), and so on.

    Practically, we are talking about a fully controlled pandemic.

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