Who hates Russia the most?

    The main opponent of the Anglo-Saxons on the way to world domination is the Russian nation
    access_time26 Jan 2022
    print 26 1 2022

    On January 13, 2022, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov was asked the following question during an interview with RTVI TV channel: "Do you think we would have reached an agreement with the Americans faster if, for example, there wasn’t the British side's position on it? In the light of the documents that everyone is discussing, which have appeared in the information space, there is a complete feeling that the representatives of the Foggy Albion, if to put it bluntly, simply hate us and put in a lot of effort, including in relations with the United States of America and with the rest of the world, so that we are always in a state of escalation."

    Answering the question, the Russian diplomat did not directly name the country that is the "ringleader of anti-Russian initiatives" and did not say "where are the sources of hardened anti-Russian approaches" not only in the military sphere, but also across the entire spectrum of Russia's relations with the historical West.

    In the second part of his answer, Sergey Alekseyevich summarised: "The Anglo-Saxon group in NATO and in the OSCE is the most sharply anti-Russian in its speeches and actions. It is enough to trace the chronology of the meetings of the OSCE Permanent Council and other forums in Vienna, such as the OSCE Forum on Security Cooperation, it is enough to see what happened there today. I'm sure I don't even need to read, I know in advance.

    The Anglo-Saxon group, North America and Great Britain are the harshest in their attacks on us and on our politics. This is certainly a fact. It is simply needless to talk about the constructive role of London even in the slightest approximation."

    If we talk about the Anglo-Saxon core (USA, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) of the collective West, then its centre of power is certainly the United States, taking into account their military, political and economic power. When we look at Europe, at the anti-Russian vector of the collective West, then Britain almost always plays the role of the main initiator, provocateur and instigator. Let's concentrate on this. There is no need to go far for examples of London's subversive work against Russia.

    On January 22, 2022, a message from the head of this department appeared on the website of the British Foreign Ministry entitled "Kremlin plan to install pro-Russian leadership in Ukraine exposed”. The text, in particular, says: "We have information that indicates the Russian Government is looking to install a pro-Russian leader in Kyiv as it considers whether to invade and occupy Ukraine. The former Ukrainian MP Yevhen Murayev is being considered as a potential candidate."

    The Russian Foreign Ministry immediately responded to this special information operation: "The disinformation spread by the British Foreign Ministry is more evidence that it is the NATO countries led by the Anglo-Saxons that are escalating tensions around Ukraine. We call on the British Foreign Ministry to stop provocative activities, cease spreading nonsense and concentrate on studying the history of the Tatar-Mongol yoke."

    The mention of the Tatar-Mongol yoke recalls the blunder of British Foreign Minister Liz Truss, who, speaking at the Australian Lowy Institute think tank in Sydney on January 21, 2021, called Ukraine a proud country with a centuries-old history that "has experienced many invasions - from the Mongols to the Tatars."

    It was precisely at this event that Liz Truss stated: "We are also strengthening our bilateral partnership [with Ukraine] after the high-level talks in London in December - and we are strengthening new trilateral ties with Poland and Ukraine."

    On the same day, January 21, 2022, on the Twitter page of the British Council on Geostrategy a corresponding political map and presentment of the Foreign Minister Liz Truss statement about the possibility of a triple alliance with the participation of Britain, Poland and Ukraine appeared. On the published map, Russia and Belarus are marked in brown as hostile territories in the "best" traditions of propaganda.

    In January 2022, Britain organised an air bridge with Ukraine and transferred 2,000 NLAW anti-tank complexes to it. About 30 British soldiers of the Ranger regiment from the newly formed special operations brigade of the ground forces were also delivered to Ukraine and will train the Ukrainian military in the use of these weapons.

    On June 21, 2021, a Memorandum on the implementation of maritime partnership projects was signed on board the British “Defender” destroyer between the Consortium of British Industry and the Ukrainian Naval Forces. According to this memorandum, it provides for the joint design and construction of warships in Ukraine and in the UK, as well as the construction of two bases of the Ukrainian Navy.

    By the way, on June 23, 2021, the same British “Defender” destroyer violated the Russian border in the Black Sea and was expelled from the territorial sea of Russia.

    According to available information, it is precisely Britain that is preparing a large-scale provocation in Ukraine against Russia. British specialists have trained 6 sabotage groups in the 8th Special Purpose Regiment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to carry out terrorist attacks on life support facilities in close proximity to the Donbass contact line.

    The main purpose of this provocation is to destabilise the situation on the contact line and create panic among residents of border settlements, accusing the Russian Federation of creating reasons for unleashing aggression against Ukraine.

    The Russian Ministry of Defence announced on January 20, 2022, that in accordance with the training plan of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for 2022, a series of exercises will be held in January-February in the areas of responsibility of all fleets of the Russian Navy. The exercises will cover the waters of the seas adjacent to the Russian territory, as well as operationally important areas of the World Ocean. Separate exercises will take place in the Mediterranean, Northern, Okhotsk Seas, in the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean and in the Pacific Ocean.

    The exercises of the Russian Navy in the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean are a signal to London to not overestimate itself. Britain has developed subversive activity in the Russian direction that is too active. This hat is not for a small head, as the saying goes. Even the Americans, with their might, behave more reservedly.

    Let's return to the Anglo-Saxons in general. As Russian general, one of the first Russian researchers in the field of geopolitics and the theory of military international security Aleksey Efimovich Vandam (Edrikhin) noted in his works, the Anglo-Saxons have no more dangerous enemy than the Russian people. In his opinion, it is precisely Russia that can and should prevent them from extending their absolute domination to the whole world: "The main opponent of the Anglo-Saxons on the way to world domination is the Russian nation."

    By the way, he gave a credit to the Anglo-Saxon governments for the presence of such qualities as political and strategic farsightedness and consistency in the implementation of the adopted course, which gave them superiority in politics and the theatre of the "struggle for life".

    There is a lot of discussion now about the proposals on security guarantees put forward by Russia to the United States, the centre of power of the Anglo-Saxon world, and the NATO bloc ("USA plus" is the term of Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov). In fact, these proposals and measures for the implementation of the retaliatory steps in case they are rejected are a mechanism for forcing the United States and its allies to reckon with Russian interests and recognise the Russian sphere of influence.

    As Russian President Vladimir Putin put it back on March 18, 2021, during a meeting with representatives of the public of Crimea and Sevastopol in a videoconference format:

    "And we will work with them, but in those areas in which we ourselves are interested, and on those conditions that we consider beneficial for ourselves. And they [the American establishment] will have to reckon with this. They will have to take this into account, despite all attempts to stop our development, despite sanctions, insults, they will have to take this into account."

    However, it won't be easy. And here it is appropriate to recall the words of the great Russian commander Aleksandr Vasilyevich Suvorov: "God is our general. He leads us, and victory is from Him.”

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