Secret collusion between Big Pharma and the US government is killing Americans

    American vaccines still have the status of experimental - they do not cure, but are still being tested
    Институт РУССТРАТ's picture
    account_circleИнститут РУССТРАТaccess_time29 Jul 2021
    print 29 7 2021

    The leading American media create the opinion that in the United States, the fight against the so-called "COVID-19 pandemic" is conducted in full compliance with the laws of the country, including the constitution. And that allegedly, the vaccination of the US population is also organised within the framework of the law. And that America can serve as an example and a model for other countries in this regard. 

    There are honest and courageous lawyers in America who dispel illusions about the legitimacy of vaccination carried out in the country. As an example, I can cite the articles of the American lawyer Aaron Siri. He is the managing partner of Siri & Glimstad LLP, a New York-based law firm that represents Informed Consent Action Network, ICAN - a group of public activists who oppose mandatory vaccination. 

    Here, in particular, is an interesting article by Aaron Siri: "Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination with the Covid-19 vaccine distributed under the EUA". The abbreviation "EUA" in the title of the article stands for Emergency Use Authorisation (a term that occurs in a number of American laws).

    Both in the American and foreign (including Russian) media there is information that before the new year the US state gave permission for the use of two vaccines in the country – Moderna (a product of the American biotech company of the same name) and Pfizer/BioNTech (a joint product of American and German companies). And the third vaccine, which received permission after the new year, was a product of the American pharmaceutical corporation Johnson & Johnson.

    But the devil, as is said, is in the details. Journalists do not really think over about the words used to describe the decisions made by the US state on vaccines.

    Therefore, American lawyer Aaron Siri explains the subtleties of terminology in his article. Permits are issued by such an agency as the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The department was established in 1906. It is part of the system of the US Department of Health and Human Services.

    As the name of the organisation itself implies, it is engaged in quality control of food products and pharmaceutical products that are traded on the US market. It delivers permits to companies to sell new products in this market. If necessary, it can revoke such permissions and prohibit certain products. But it turns out that the word "permission" in relation to medicines, including vaccines, can have different connotations.

    The most complete and final permission for the sale and use of the vaccine is accompanied by the issuance of a license to the manufacturer, while it turns out that the licenses from the FDA for the above-mentioned vaccines were not received by pharmaceutical companies Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson. The vaccines of these companies have only received permission for "use in emergency situations" (Emergency Use Authorisation – EUA). Aaron Siri writes:

    "Even though the FDA granted emergency use authorizations for the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines in December 2020, the clinical trials the FDA will rely upon to ultimately decide whether to license these vaccines are still underway and are designed to last for approximately two years to collect adequate data to establish if these vaccines are safe and effective enough for the FDA to license."

    In order for the reader to have no doubt that the vaccines were not licensed, Aaron Siri cites fragments of the December (2020) text of the FDA decision on the first two vaccines. Each of them is "an investigational vaccine not licensed for any indication." And pharmaceutical companies are required that all "promotional material relating to the Covid-19 Vaccine clearly and conspicuously … state that this product has not been approved or licensed by the FDA, but has been authorised for emergency use by FDA”.

    A product that has received permission from the FDA for use in emergency situations, according to American law, can only be used by US citizens voluntarily. In emergency situations the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act allows the FDA to issue permits for the use of medicines and other products that are not fully tested. But at the same time, the law requires that the Ministry of Health inform the person to whom such a product is offered that this person has the choice "to accept this product or refuse to use it".

    The US Department of Health and Human Services, as well as the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States) which is subordinate to it, are trying not to focus on the current shaky legal status of vaccines that are planned to vaccinate 80% of the American population. But questions about the legal status of vaccines are often asked directly to such an official as Dr. Amanda Cohn.

    She is the executive secretary of the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunisation Practices. And here is her answer: "vaccines cannot be mandatory, people must give their consent”. Moreover, she clarified that consent or disagreement on the issue of vaccination can be expressed not only by individual citizens, but also by organisations, including hospitals.

    Aaron Siri warns the heads of companies, educational institutions, and other organisations against compulsory vaccination of people subordinate to them: "an organization will likely be at odds with federal law if it requires its employees, students or other members to get a Covid-19 vaccine that is being distributed under emergency use authorization."

    This should be considered as a violation of federal law. In this case, Aaron Siri recommends that opponents of compulsory vaccination follow the laws of the states. At least some states have laws that explicitly protect citizens who are persecuted for refusing to participate in violations of federal laws. State courts can and should defend federal legislation prohibiting compulsory vaccination.

    By the way, some states are trying to avoid an obvious violation of the US Constitution and federal laws during the current universal vaccination campaign being fanned by Washington. In April of this year, the Republican governor of the state of Florida Ronald Dion DeSantis issued a decree prohibiting state institutions and private companies from requiring employees and visitors to present documents on vaccination against COVID-19.

    At the same time, companies and state institutions are not prohibited from checking people for symptoms that may indicate infection with coronavirus. For example, we are talking about checking the temperature of visitors. "It is absolutely unacceptable that the government or representatives of the private sector demand proof of vaccination simply in exchange for a person's participation in the normal life of society," the governor said.

    The American media note that Desantis' views on this issue are shared by other Republican governors. Thus, the governor of Nebraska John Pete Ricketts and the Governor of Missouri Michael L. Parson said that in their states they do not plan to oblige residents to present documents on vaccination against COVID-19. Republican politicians believe that the Democrats, on the contrary, would like to introduce the practice of presenting vaccination certificates in the country.

    At the state level, opposition to the mandatory vaccination policy is much stronger than at the federal level, where Democrats have seized key positions. Here is one of the latest examples. A lawsuit about the concealment by the US government of the real mortality associated with vaccination against COVID-19 was filed in July 2021 in the federal court of Alabama by a lawyer of the "America's Frontline Doctors" organisation Thomas Renz. This was reported by the information resource WorldNetDaily. 

    According to Thomas Renz, the US government hides the real mortality associated with vaccination against coronavirus infection, official data on mortality is understated at least five fold, the death toll is "at least 45,000".

    At a press conference held by Thomas Renz, he said that vaccination under American laws can only be voluntary. People have the right to be vaccinated, but they must be informed about all the risks. And this is the responsibility of the government. And it refuses to fulfil this duty. The lawyer accused US government officials of complicity in the murders of American citizens by hiding information about the real consequences of vaccination: "These people are killing people. This is at least complicity."

    The fact that the US Department of Health and the departments of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States) that are part of the Department of Health system have not yet issued fully-fledged licenses for COVID-19 vaccines and at the same time do not oppose such a violation as the organisation of compulsory vaccinations, shows that in their interests the health of the American people is in 101st place. 

    On the one hand, they are experiencing the strongest pressure from pharmaceutical corporations planning to enrich themselves on universal vaccination. To be more precise, it is not even pressure, but temptation, which manifests itself in large bribes to officials.

    On the other hand, officials understand that the consequences of using untested vaccines can be the most catastrophic. Therefore, in the case of mass deaths or severe injuries of vaccinated people, they expect to "wash their hands of it" and declare that they did not issue licenses for the production and use of vaccines. Like saying that it was about "the voluntary use of experimental vaccines in emergency conditions”.

    However, pharmaceutical companies will also "wash their hands of it". For the reason that when "conditional" permits for the production and use of vaccines were issued in December 2020, the US authorities granted such pharmaceutical companies as Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case of serious side effects in vaccinated people. And the "side effects" are already present.

    In the United States, already since the end of the last century, there has been a system for reporting on the side effects of vaccines (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System – VAERS). As of July 9, 2021, according to VAERS, the number of recorded cases of negative consequences of vaccination was 463,457. Including: the occurrence of persistent disability - 9,274; complications with hospitalisation - 30,781; complications with a continuing threat to life – 8,831. Finally, the most serious consequence is death: 10,991 such cases were recorded.

    Such is the price of "voluntary use of experimental vaccines in emergency conditions". It is difficult not to agree with the lawyer Thomas Renz mentioned above, who noted the mass murder of American citizens by Big Pharma, acting in direct collusion with US government officials.

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