"COVID-19" as a virus of the American state's destruction

    COVID split in the US: a quarter of the American population refuses to be vaccinated, despite Biden's increasingly stringent demands
    access_time03 Dec 2021
    print 3 12 2021

    The so-called "COVID-19 pandemic" has brought chaos to the life of all mankind. Not only chaos, but also division. And the consequences of this division can be even more dangerous than the risks that the "infection" creates for people's health and lives. In this regard, the United States is not only no exception, but rather, on the contrary, a vivid manifestation of the dangerous tendency to split society under the influence of the "COVID-19 pandemic" factor.

    The split in American society began already last year, when in the US after the WHO's order the so-called “COVID-19 pandemic” was announced. Disputes and disagreements immediately arose over the question of how dangerous the "infection" is for human life and health.

    In addition: disputes over the origin of the "infection" (man-made or natural); disputes over how to most effectively resist it (masks, distancing, lockdowns, vaccinations, traditional medicines for the treatment and prevention of the disease, etc.); disputes over many other issues.

    The acuteness of disputes and disagreements around the "COVID-19" problem in the United States has sharply increased a year and a half after the "pandemic" started. In September 2021, the new US President Joe Biden announced mandatory vaccination against COVID for many categories of citizens: government officials, military personnel, doctors and employees of companies with a staff of over 100 people.

    The President's statement was concretised in the form of a decree issued by the Office of Safety and Health (OSHA) of the US Department of Labor.  By the way, it is a very voluminous document, more than 500 pages. The decree, in particular, requires that employees of private enterprises receive full vaccination (two doses) or undergo weekly testing. Non-compliance with this requirement is punishable by fines imposed on employers. For small companies – $10,000. For large – $50,000.

    The decree received sharp rejection from a significant part of American society. If the "COVID-19" factor had previously created many cracks in America, then the September decree on mandatory vaccination led to the formation of a chasm that divided the country into two parts.

    At the beginning of the year, the US authorities announced a goal for such vaccination coverage of the country's population, which will allow the formation of so-called "collective immunity".  People were "squeezed" by hook or by crook. But it was not possible to complete it to the end.

    By mid-February of this year, 32.8% of the country's citizens categorically refused vaccinations. Nine months later, in mid-November, there were fewer such COVID-oppositionists (or "refuseniks"), but still a lot – 25.8%. For comparison, the share of such oppositionists in other countries in mid-November was (%): France – 19; Italy – 16; Spain – 14; Japan – 12.

    There are no detailed studies that would answer the question of where the bulk of the "refuseniks" are concentrated, but indirectly there are facts and information that suggest that they are much higher than average in medical institutions. And this is quite understandable. After all, doctors are better aware than others of what negative consequences ("negatives") vaccination creates for human health.

    There are suspiciously many unvaccinated persons in the American intelligence agencies. A figure of 20% is voiced. And in some unnamed department from the intelligence bloc, the indicator is even 40%. Probably, the employees of US intelligence agencies know something about vaccination drugs that is unknown to ordinary mortals. There are many "refuseniks" among the military.

    The fact is that even before, military personnel were the first to work out experimental vaccine preparations (especially those who served abroad). The Pentagon has its own official statistics on this. And those who have access to this information understand better than many ordinary mortals what the "side effects" of vaccinations are.

    If we talk about the geographical distribution of "refuseniks", then most of them are concentrated in the so-called "red states". Americans love political geography with a map of the USA, where the states are painted in different colours. Where the colour is blue, there are states controlled by Democrats. The states where control belongs to Republicans are painted red. Purple is used to indicate those states where there is no clear predominance of either.

    To date, about half of the states are painted red. Republican, or "red" states, have been reluctant to meet many of the Joe Biden administration's initiatives related to the fight against the "COVID-19 pandemic" since the first days of his stay in the White House. And there are often boycotts, regarding the requirements of wearing masks, PCR testing, distancing, etc.

    But the "red" states literally met the September decree on mandatory vaccination with hostility. The decree can block the work of many companies, paralyse the functioning of medical institutions and even some federal-level organisations that have their facilities and employees outside the District of Columbia (where Washington, the capital of the United States, is located), i.e. on the territory of the states.

    The governors of half of the states immediately disagreed with Joe Biden's statement on mandatory vaccination and the OSHA decree in September: Arizona, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming.

    These governors were joined by Republican attorneys general from states with Democratic governors. Among them, the Attorneys General of Kentucky Daniel Cameron and Louisiana Jeff Landry spoke out most boldly and decisively.

    Thus, more than half of the states have expressed their willingness to fight Joe Biden's course for universal and mandatory vaccination in the country. Both governors and attorneys general of more than half of the states called the September decree "a violation of the American Constitution”, "interference in the internal affairs of states”, “a violation of fundamental human rights”, etc.

    Thus, Missouri Governor Mike Parson said: "OSHA cannot dictate personal health care decisions for Missourians. Missouri is not under an OSHA state plan, and Governor Parson will not allow state employees to be used to enforce this unconstitutional action.”

    South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster vowed to fight Biden, saying: "The American Dream has turned into a nightmare under President Biden and the radical Democrats. They have declared war against capitalism, thumbed their noses at the Constitution, and empowered our enemies abroad. Rest assured, we will fight them to the gates of hell to protect the liberty and livelihood of every South Carolinian."

    And here is the statement of Arizona Governor Doug Ducey: "Today marks another egregious big government overreach robbing Arizonans and all Americans of their fundamental rights to make their own decisions about their health and the health of their children <...> These mandates are outrageous. They will never stand up in court. We must and will push back."

    Texas Governor Greg Abbott, upon hearing Biden's demand for mandatory vaccination, said that "Texas is already working to halt this power grab”, and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said that Texas "very soon" will sue the Biden administration. By the way, by this time Texas had already been involved in several legal disputes with the federal government.

    A whole series of class action lawsuits addressed to the US district courts has begun. A striking manifestation of the disagreement of the "red" states with Joe Biden's September decision on mandatory vaccination of a significant part of the US population was a class action filed in early November with the 8th US Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis by the attorneys general of 11 states (Missouri, Arizona, Nebraska, Iowa, Arkansas, Montana, New Hampshire, South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska and Wyoming).

    It challenges the legitimacy of the US presidential administration's requirement for vaccination for companies with more than a hundred employees. The statement of claim notes that the authority to establish such requirements belongs to the states, not the federal authorities.

    A few days later, the media reported that the authorities of 26 American states sued Biden over vaccination (approximately the same requirement to cancel mandatory vaccination for companies with a staff of over 100 people). The list of plaintiffs includes Florida Governors Ron DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

    There was also a lawsuit filed by several businesses, human rights groups and the authorities of the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Utah. It was filed in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals (New Orleans, Louisiana).  On November 12, it made a decision to suspend the September decree of President Joe Biden on mandatory vaccination of employees of American companies with a staff of over 100 people.   

    The team from the Joe Biden administration is determined to break the resistance of the states. Back in September, immediately after Biden's announcement of mandatory vaccination, White House senior adviser Cedric Richmond, a former Democratic congressman from Louisiana, told CNN that the White House knew what the reaction of many states would be. He frankly stated: "... those governors who stand in the way, I think it was very clear from the president's tone today that he will ‘run over’ them.

    And this is important. Its not for political purposes, its to save the lives of American people. So we wont let one or two individuals stand in the way..." C. Richmond was not mistaken that there would be resistance. But he was mistaken that there would be one or two people on the way of Joe Biden and his team. There were much more of them. If we count only at the state level, then more than fifty: governors and attorneys general of all "red" states plus attorneys general of some "blue" states.

    When C. Richmond spoke about one or two oppositionists to Joe Biden's course, he probably meant two of the most militant-minded governors - Ron DeSantis (Florida) and Greg Abbott (Texas). Today they are becoming the brightest stars of American political life. Both have already announced their plans to run for President of the United States in 2024.

    Both, without waiting for the decisions of the courts, make their own internal decisions, not only do not fit into the September decree, but also directly opposite it. In the states of Florida and Texas, it is prohibited to require people to wear masks, to be mandatorily vaccinated, to mandatorily distance themselves, as well as to demand certificates or QR codes that divide people into "clean" and "unclean".

    By the way, statistics show that the relative level of morbidity and mortality with a diagnosis of COVID in these two states is lower than in the whole country. But Washington is not interested in these "medical subtleties". It stupidly "pushes" the September decree across the country. Giving once again reason to assume that the goals of the decree are far from medicine.

    An example of a decision made by the state authorities that opposes the September decree is the instruction of Governor Greg Abbott to punish with fines those employers, officials and doctors who will be seen forcibly imposing vaccinations against COVID. The amount of the fine is $1,000.

    Governor Ron DeSantis decided to borrow the experience of the Governor of Texas and go even further. Now, on his initiative, a bill is being discussed in the Legislature of the State of Florida that provides for a number of sanctions for attempts to force people towards masks, vaccines, QR codes and restrictions on human rights on a medical basis.

    For reference, the September OSHA directive is estimated to affect 9,000 employers and 4.5 million workers in Florida (60% of the state's workforce). In light of the current situation, an employer operating on the territory of the state of Florida finds themselves in a very difficult, ambiguous position.

    If they do not comply with the requirements of OSHA, they are subject to the penalties stipulated by these very requirements. If they fulfil the requirements of OSHA, then they find themselves under Damocles’ sword of Florida fines for compulsory vaccination.

    Governor Ron DeSantis is well aware of this legal conflict. And he already has a way to overcome it. The Florida authorities said that in the near future the instructions of the federal regulator OSHA may cease to apply in the state.

    It is difficult not to agree with the conclusions of many experts that the so-called "COVID-19 pandemic" has become a powerful factor in the disintegration processes in the United States. Washington blames the "rebellious" governors of the "red" states for this. It is unlikely that one can agree with this accusation. The separatist processes are provoked by Washington itself. And the September decree on mandatory vaccination is a vivid example of this. The federal centre saws the branch on which it sits. But, apparently, there isn’t much time left for sitting.


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