Jabbed with an experimental vaccine and died - in the West, no one will pay insurance

    Vaccination as murder and suicide: no one is going to cover the damage to health from the vaccine
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    account_circleИнститут РУССТРАТaccess_time30 Jan 2022remove_red_eye621
    print 30 1 2022

    Throughout the 20th century, a system of human health and life insurance was being built in the world. First of all, such insurance is intended to cover the cost of treating a person. Coverage of such expenses is called "health insurance".

    Another area of health and life insurance is to cover damages resulting from the “consumption" of all kinds of "medical services" and pharmaceuticals by a person. The damage can be expressed in both mild malaise and severe side effects: prolonged illness, lifelong disability, and even death. In the latter case, relatives of the deceased may count on compensation. This type of insurance is less developed than classical health insurance.

    Nevertheless, in the last decades of the last century, a number of Western countries gradually began to develop medical damage insurance. Including insurance of damages from vaccination. But this type of insurance looked more than modest against the background of traditional health insurance.

    One of the main reasons is that the recognition of damages from the provision of medical services and the use of medicines casts a shadow on commercial medicine and the pharmaceutical business, threatens not only their reputation, but also their financial situation (the ultimate source of damage coverage should be the perpetrators, i.e. medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies).

    Consider the situation of vaccination damage insurance in the United States. Social activists have been pushing for the creation of a system of compensation for such damages since the 1950s, when vaccination became part of the American way of life. Cases of compensation through the courts were isolated. The court proceedings were very lengthy, and the probability of a positive decision for the plaintiff was low.

    One of the high-profile lawsuits was filed in 1970. Back then an eight-month Anita Rice was vaccinated against polio, and she lost her legs, and developed classic symptoms of polio. The vaccine was produced by Wyeth Laboratories, which back then used a live virus that, in rare cases, could trigger the disease itself.

    The jury awarded the Reyes family $200,000 in compensation on the grounds that the parents were not properly notified of this risk. After this judicial success, the flow of lawsuits on vaccinations, especially for children, increased significantly.

    There were new victories for the plaintiffs (especially on children's pertussis vaccines). Damage was covered by manufacturers of vaccine products. Big Pharma went on strike, began to curtail the production of vaccination drugs, saying that it was becoming unprofitable for them.

    In 1986, the US Congress adopted the so-called "Law of Vaccines” (full name: National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), which protected the companies from further lawsuits. They were ordered to pay 75 cents from each vaccination to a new fund that accepted citizens' claims. They are considered by 11 specialists from the US Department of Health.

    In 1988, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was established. It is still valid and covers the risks of 15 children's vaccines, as well as flu vaccines. During the program's existence, $4.1 billion was paid out. The main part of the compensation went to cover damages for 520 deaths. The typical amount of compensation for death is $250,000. However, there were two record payments in the event of the death of children – $32 million and $38 million.

    Over the three-plus decades of the NVICP program, Americans have received billions of doses of various vaccines (about 70 types of drugs against different pathogens in total). However, the total number of recipients of compensation is quite modest – 6600. Of course, there were many times more applications for compensation.

    But many were rejected due to the absence of either real damage or causal links between vaccination and health problems. But at the same time, the authorities tried to show an excessively humane approach to applications. According to NVICP program managers, about 70% of payments were made in cases where there was insufficient evidence of the "guilt" of the vaccination.

    However, there were a lot of critics of the NVICP program, which was informally called the "vaccine court". Firstly, many Americans who received vaccinations simply did not know about its existence and did not exercise their rights. Secondly, those who knew about their rights sometimes spent years trying to exercise these rights through the "vaccine court".

    Finally, it should be noted that the payments under the NVICP program look simply microscopic: $4 billion for a period of more than 30 years. On an average annual basis, a laughable $130 million is spent. Especially if it is considered against the background of those expenses that are covered by traditional US health insurance.

    In 2019, health care spending in the United States amounted to $3.6 trillion, or almost 18% of the country's GDP. Part of the expenses were covered by direct budget financing, and part - by direct payments from Americans ("out of pocket"). But at least three-quarters of all expenses are covered by the state insurance agencies Medicare (for seniors over 65 and for the disabled) and Medicaid (for low-income citizens), as well as private insurance companies.

    These insurance institutions do not cover the damage caused by "treatment" and medications. Health insurance in the United States (as, indeed, in almost all countries of the world today) is "sharpened" to support and stimulate demand for "medical services" and pharmaceutical products.

    Shortly after the launch of the NVICP program (namely in 1990), a system for collecting and recording reports on the negative effects of vaccines was created in the United States, which was called VAERS. Over the thirty years of the system's existence, the number of deaths from cancer averaged 280 per year.

    Due to mass vaccination and revaccination against COVID-19, 2021 was a "record year” for VAERS. For one year of active vaccination against COVID-19 (from December 2020 to December 2021), the number of victims was 20,000. It turns out that the death rate on an annual basis has increased by more than 70 times!

    Johnson & Johnson, Moderna and Pfizer vaccination programs should have been used to cover the damage caused by the current vaccination of Americans, which means that Americans could have claimed amounts approaching $10 billion.

    Current COVID vaccination is covered by a special program - CICP (Countermeasure Injury Compensation Program) which was established by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREPA). The law was passed in 2005, and the CICP program was launched in 2010.

    The program of compensation for damages from countermeasures applies not only to vaccinations, but also to other means of combating coronavirus – devices (for example, ventilators) and medicines. In addition to the coronavirus, CICP is designed to cover the "costs" of combating such rare diseases as acute radiation syndrome, Ebola, anthrax, etc. The CICP program has been upgraded to reflect the COVID-19 pandemic and is regulated by a number of new amendments to the law.

    From the beginning of the CICP program in 2010 to the middle of last year, 481 decisions were made on the applications of victims and relatives of victims. At the same time, only a positive decision was made on 29 applications, the average payment was $200,000. The total amount of payments is less than $6 million. The remaining 452 applications (91.4%) were rejected. At the beginning of last summer, the CICP program portfolio contained 869 applications that were being worked on.

    Presumably, the overwhelming majority of applications were related to the coronavirus (vaccines, devices, medicines for treatment). According to the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), a total of 5,242 lawsuits were filed with the CICP between fiscal year 2010 and November 1, 2021. From these, 4,751 relate to COVID, including 2,297 claims related to COVID vaccines and 2,454 claims related to other countermeasures.

    By the beginning of November last year, the number of unprocessed orders in the portfolio exceeded 4,000. Three COVID-related applications were rejected. And only one application was satisfied (!!!). Moreover, the essence of the application and the amount of compensation were not announced.

    Experts and journalists call CICP a "black hole” or ”dead program". With the current speed of processing applications, one can expect a response somewhere in the distant 22nd or 23rd century. All applicants, their children and grandchildren will have died by then. And only the most inveterate optimists can count on a positive decision on the application.

    Those people who two years ago scolded the NVICP compensation program (which I mentioned above) as clumsy, highly bureaucratic, and too often giving applicants a negative answer, today already consider it an unattainable model. They even require transferring the COVID vaccine damage compensation function from the CICP program to the NVICP program. But the organisers of vaccination do not bother with such trifles.

    And even more so, private insurance companies do not want to cover the risks of vaccination. And, of course, they are not going to give any preferences to people who have received vaccinations against COVID. Senior Vice President, Policy Development, American Council of Life Insurance (ACLI) Paul Graham stated in March last year:

    Life insurance companies can refuse payments for vaccinated people, as Covid vaccines are ‘medical experiments’ ...The assessment of the applicant's insurance capacity is not affected by the person's immunisation status."

    Many critics of the current campaign in America of mass vaccination with experimental drugs cite the figures. In December 2021, the number of deaths from COVID vaccination exceeded 20,000, according to the VAERS system. But that's the tip of the iceberg. In fact, the system records only a few percent of side effects and deaths caused by vaccination.

    Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF), recently conducted an analysis comparing the frequency of anaphylaxis published in the study with that found in VAERS. Based on this, Kirsch estimates that the true death toll from this injection is 41 times higher than the VAERS system records. That makes about 820,000 people.

    Now, let's assume that the relatives of all these deceased people want to be compensated for an experiment in which the deceased person acted as a guinea pig. Let's take as a basis a very modest by American standards amount of $10 million per deceased soul. The total amount of compensation would be more than $8 trillion. According to some estimates, the total sales of vaccines by the three American corporations (Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson) amounted to about $80 billion last year.

    Even if we do not use the concept of human lives, but only talk about money, it turns out that the costs in the form of compensation for deaths were about 100 times higher than the sales of vaccines. The American model of "combatting COVID" resembles real cannibalism! The remnants of the concepts of good and evil are finally disappearing during the so-called "COVID-19 pandemic".

    And here is another stroke to the picture of the current COVID-cannibalism that has engulfed not only America, but almost the entire world. To do this, we will have to move from the United States to Europe, to France. The story is very resonant.

    An elderly French businessman recently died after being vaccinated. The causal relationship was so obvious that doctors did not dispute it. The deceased officially insured his life for several million euros. Relatives expected to receive a refund, but were left with nothing.

    The insurance company refused to pay money to the relatives of the deceased, and the court found the company right. At the same time, the insurance company justified its refusal precisely by the fact that death occurred as a result of vaccination: the use of experimental drugs and treatment methods (including vaccination against coronavirus) was excluded from the policy.

    The judge's verdict is as follows: "The side effects of the experimental vaccine are made public, and the deceased could not claim ignorance when voluntarily taking the vaccine. In France, there is no law or regulation requiring him to get vaccinated. Therefore, his death is essentially a suicide…

    The family filed an appeal. However, the insurer's protection is considered reasonable and contractually justified, since this well-known risk of death is legally considered suicide, the client was notified and agreed to voluntarily risk his life without being forced to do so."

    Throughout the past year, opponents of COVID-19 "vaccinations" using "experimental drugs" have described the procedure as "murder" by those who imposed it. And as a "suicide" on the part of those who agreed to this procedure. Many people thought that such statements were "overkill". But now lawyers are already qualifying a person's decision to get vaccinated as "suicide". Does anyone still have doubts?

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