USA on the eve of white revenge

    The deep elites, who used the black population as passionaries and pre-label whites as terrorists, still failed to redraw the civilisational code of the American nation
    access_time30 Nov 2021
    print 30 11 2021

    During the presidency of Donald Trump, so many rules and even taboos have been broken in the American establishment in the internal struggle that this swinging pendulum will be very difficult to stop. The events of recent months show that the pendulum is going to reverse, but its amplitude is increasing, threatening the integrity of the system.

    There is one feature of American society that is quite difficult for us to understand. Due to the fact that it is not shameful to sue an employer, manufacturer, or even a neighbour for the slightest reason, live broadcasts of court proceedings are very popular with people. In addition, this is connected with the fact that in Anglo-Saxon law, a judge is not perceived as a direct representative of the authorities, but is the embodiment of “spravedlivost” [based on the canons of morality - ed.], since there is no separate word for the concept of “pravosudiye" [to judge by concepts - ed.] in English.

    The most famous "reality show" trial in the United States was the case of American football star O. J. Simpson in 1994, when he was accused of murdering his wife. Back then the defence managed to break up the case, focusing on the fact that the detectives investigating the case were racists. However, then there was a book/self-exposure about O. J. Simpson, and the relatives of the victims in a civil order managed to recover money from the killer.

    The trial of 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse in terms of consequences for the United States will be much more important than the O. J. Simpson case. This young man shot two people and seriously injured another protester during the Kenosha riots on August 25, 2020.

    Leading American media outlets have tried to portray Rittenhouse as just another reckless mass shooter, without bothering to describe the events in detail. It got to the point that some media outlets, describing the events at that time, reported that the riots in Kenosha arose after the police killed a black man, Jacob Blake, but, in fact, he did not die - he remained alive.

    After the mass hysteria in the media that accompanied the trial of police officer Derek Chauvin, who was found guilty in the high-profile case of the death of African-American George Floyd, many morally accepted that a similar trial would be held for Rittenhouse. As at that time, some congressmen from the US Democratic Party openly called for an unequivocal condemnation of Rittenhouse.

    However, this time the prosecution's case did not go well, and the court even had to drop the charge of illegal possession of an AR-15 rifle due to full compliance with state law, which Rittenhouse took advantage of. The prosecutor also overreached in his statements to the point that he blamed Rittenhouse for the fact that he had exercised his legal right and initially refused to give evidence. For such behaviour and an attempt to disrupt the usual course of the process, the prosecutor received an emotional scolding from the judge.

    After that, the liberal public was very worried, on CNN we could find the headline "Why we need a Black judge and Black Jury in the Rittenhouse trial - No it’s not racist, it’s reality", but since the participants in the Kenosha incident were only white US citizens, CNN also got into trouble and deleted this publication.

    USA on the eve of white revenge | Институт международных политических и экономических стратегий

    During the hearing, the prosecution tried to emphasise that Rittenhouse himself provoked the conflict by the very fact that he had weapons and therefore had no right to use them to defend himself from unarmed citizens. This approach failed not only because it contradicted the principles of self-defence, but also because it went against the circumstances of the case.

    As it turned out, the protesters expressed direct threats against Rittenhouse. The first man he shot, although unarmed, attacked him and tried to take the rifle away. The second man hit Rittenhouse with a skateboard, then received a fatal wound from him. A third young man at the trial admitted that he pointed his gun at Rittenhouse and only then received a bullet from him in the arm.

    In order to make a decision, the jury deliberated for three days, representatives of the MSNBC channel even tried to survey them, which is beyond any rules and, therefore, the judge forbade representatives of the channel to appear at the trial. In the end, the jury unanimously acquitted Rittenhouse of all charges, and he was facing life in prison.

    Not surprisingly, as a result of this decision, five "black experts" on MSNBC concluded that US laws have always given privileges to whites and now white supremacists can kill BLM representatives with impunity. The absurdity of this is not even that Rittenhouse was not a supporter of white supremacy, although this connection was tried to find, but that the public will fully understand the "theses of experts".

    The peculiarity of the current situation in the United States is that the nation split almost in two is in its "echo chambers”/"information bubbles" and often does not see an alternative point of view. Facebook and Twitter initially blocked messages in support of Rittenhouse, and YouTube blocked retransmissions with comments from streamers from the meeting room. Therefore, those who received information about the case from the liberal media did not learn the actual circumstances of the case.

    Speaking to reporters, US President Joe Biden said that the jury's decision in the Rittenhouse case should be respected, however, a little later, a message appeared on the White House website saying that the president was angry and concerned about Rittenhouse’s verdict. Vice-President Kamala Harris said that the justice system is not fair enough and it needs to be worked on. The head of the House Judiciary Committee, Democrat Jerry Nadler, called on the Justice Department to correct the miscarriage of justice and bring "federal charges” against Rittenhouse, although this is not feasible.

    For several days, protests were held in several US cities against Rittenhouse's acquittal. In Chicago, the protests turned into riots and the banal looting of stores. In Los Angeles and Seattle, store robberies have become widespread.

    At the same time, this is not all the swing of American reality.

    An anonymous FBI informant posted an email from management stating that the FBI's counterterrorism division had created a special tag to "track cases of threats... for school board administrators, board members, teachers, and staff”.

    It should be recalled that the US Attorney General Merrick Garland, in response to the letter from the "National School Boards Association”, issued a special memorandum asking to protect school board members from "extremist" parents and involved the FBI in the process. However, when the issue was considered in Congress, he said that he cannot imagine any circumstances” in which parents who complained about the educational process would be "labeled as domestic terrorists”. Therefore, Republican Congressmen demand to hear Garland again, because either he lied to Congress, or he does not control his department.

    The next episode should be noted for the work of Special Prosecutor John Durham to investigate the origin of FBI information about "collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia”. As part of this investigation, FBI employee Kevin Clinesmith has already received criminal charges for forgery of documents during the registration of surveillance of a member of the Trump campaign. Also, former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was brought in for giving a false testimony to the FBI - he forged evidence of a connection between the Russian Alfa Bank and Trump's company.

    On November 4, Igor Danchenko, an informant of ex-British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, who collected a dossier on Trump, was arrested for giving false testimony to the FBI. According to rumours, one of Clinton's PR managers provided Danchenko with unverified information. Durham is also being targeted by Jake Sullivan, President Biden's national security adviser, who also previously worked for Clinton.

    The Washington Post already simply deletes its publications from 2017 and 2019 about the "Steele Dossier" on Trump, does not correct them, does not apologise, but simply deletes them. Politico wonders if this approach is the death of journalism.

    Another episode of the current days is connected with the FBI. On November 16, in Colorado, the home of the chairman of the electoral commission of the district of Mesa-Tina Peters and the homes of three of her elderly friends were raided by the FBI, the prosecutor accuses the Republican chairman of security violations of election equipment. Peters herself says that the investigation initiated by the head of the state election commission is an attempt by Democrats to capture one of the few remaining conservative districts in Colorado. Peters became known for declaring the 2020 presidential election rigged.

    Well, one of the most fundamental points concerns the US Congressional commission to investigate the events of January 6. This panel has summoned a number of former members of the Trump team who are currently civilians, something Congress hasn't done since McCarthyism. The Democratic-led House of Representatives has filed criminal charges of criminal contempt of Congress for refusing to appear to testify against former Trump adviser Stephen Bannon.

    Yes, the House of Representatives still has prosecutorial powers and even the ability to detain people from ancient times, but there is no pre-trial detention chamber in Congress. As a result, Stephen Bannon himself came to the FBI, making it as public as possible, leading a live broadcast on one of the social networks - the threat of getting a year in prison did not frighten him. Of course, Bannon was not arrested, and his case will be heard in the District Court of Washington, DC.

    Congressmen-Republicans, of course, called what is happening a politically motivated prosecution. Some have hinted that after the Democrats lose Congress in 2022, Republicans will at least start proceedings over the failure of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and White House officials will have a hard time.

    What conclusions can be drawn from all this?

    As was stated in the article following the results of the 100 days of Joe Biden's presidency "The deep state has begun dismantling the American civilizational code", American liberal elites use the black population as the most passionate part of society and, by labelling whites as terrorists in advance, redraw the civilisational code of the American nation under their own patterns. However, they will not be able to quickly reformat the worldview of the conservative part of the public, and therefore the United States expects the emergence of new forms of socio-political conflict, which we are now seeing.

    Regarding the situation with Rittenhouse, it is necessary to note a fundamental point. During the riots in Kenosha, the police withdrew, and the National Guard did not obstruct the rioters who organised riots and arson. However, as soon as Rittenhouse used weapons against the rioters, all the riots immediately stopped. This can really lead numerous American gun owners to the appropriate thoughts to act in a similar way.

    As we can see from the comments on Rittenhouse's sentencing, the White House administration is no longer shy about editing Joe Biden's statements retroactively. Given the earlier episode when Joe Biden told reporters that compensation of $450,000 for a migrant is "garbage news", and then the deputy press secretary of the White House said that the issue is being considered by the Ministry of Justice, it is not clear at all whether Joe Biden makes any decisions or is informed after the fact. Perhaps this situation may also apply to foreign policy issues, given that Joe Biden was not aware of the difficulties with France that arose as a result of the announcement of the AUKUS alliance.

    There is a sharp struggle going on inside the American elite. The Democratic Party, which has taken full power, is not coping with the situation in the economy and is not able to keep up with the accelerated inflation, which is clearly reflected in the wallet of every American. Sponsors who previously refused to cooperate due to the events of January 6 are already returning to the Republican party, and business clearly senses the winners. Therefore, the pendulum of US history is only gaining momentum, threatening to break the foundations of American society that have not yet been touched.

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