"Fine, prison, removal of children": US Democrats are preparing special camps

    Joe Biden's supporters in the United States are ready to support the repression against covid dissidents and the "great reset" of the entire planet
    access_time04 Feb 2022
    print 4 2 2022

    Supporters of the current US administration are ready to support severe punitive measures against their unvaccinated fellow citizens. In particular, 51% of President Joe Biden's sympathisers are in favour of placing the unvaccinated in special institutions, 54% approve of the idea of punishing critics of vaccines up to prison, and almost a third of Democrats vote for temporarily depriving unvaccinated parents of custody of their children.

    These are the results of a nationwide telephone and online survey conducted in early January 2022 by the Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports among 1,016 potential US voters.

    At the same time, the study confirmed the extreme degree of polarisation of American society, divided into two warring camps on a variety of socio-political issues. As you might expect, Republican supporters disagree with their Democratic opponents on every point related to the pandemic, vaccination, restrictive measures, and so on.

    Nevertheless, the intransigent position of democratic voters, who have an impressive representation in the United States not only in government, but also in the mass media, Hollywood, the scientific community and the blogosphere, is pushing the White House to take more decisive action against Covid-19 dissidents. As the poll showed, Democrats are united in their desire to punish them - exceptions like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. just confirm the rule. This can lead to serious consequences both in America itself and in the rest of the world, which is subject to ideological pressure from Washington.

    As of the morning of January 28, the "Covid" figures for the United States were as follows (data of the Johns Hopkins Institute and Our World in Data). The total number of people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the country for all time is 73.43 million people. 878,466 people died. 251.52 million - three-quarters of American adults - have been vaccinated with at least one dose. 85.09 million booster vaccines were administered.

    At the same time, despite the high percentage of vaccinated people, 517,199 US residents were infected with coronavirus on January 27, 2022 alone. On January 5, on the day of the survey, it turned out to be 644,454 people, and the maximum peak occurred on January 10 - 1.37 million Americans who fell ill per day. These figures raise questions about the quality of vaccines - questions that, if this goes on, will soon lead to the loss of children in the United States and be sent to special camps.

    "What to do with the unvaccinated?"

    Let's take a closer look at the survey results. In total, participants were asked 8 questions from Rasmussen Reports (all, in one way or another, about COVID-19) and 4 questions from the Heartland Institute about the global economic strategy - the so-called "great reset". Respondents were divided by gender, age, race (67% white, 13% black, 13% Hispanic, 7% other) and party affiliation (33% Republican, 35% Democrat, 32% "non-partisan").

    In addition, the survey participants indicated their ideological preferences (conservative, moderate, or liberal), marital status, education, income, and personal attitude to Joe Biden and Donald Trump. All of these demographics, with a 3% error rate and 95% confidence, provided ample food for analysing public sentiment in the United States.

    Eight questions from Rasmussen Reports concerned the respondents' impressions of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the idea of mandatory vaccination of employees of large companies and government agencies, proposals to issue fines for vaccine refuseniks, not let them out of home or to relocate them to designated facilities or locations, ideas to fine or put in jail those who publicly doubt the effectiveness of vaccines, track the unvaccinated through a smartphone, and finally, temporarily take away children from anti-vaxxer” parents.

    If we evaluate it as a whole, then the total mass of American respondents reacted quite adequately to such drastic measures of influence. 58% of all respondents oppose fines for refusing vaccinations, 61% do not agree with home isolation of refuseniks, 71% are not ready to "intern" them, 67% do not support criminal penalties for doubters, 66% are against online surveillance of the unvaccinated, and 80% are against the removal of minors from families of Covid dissidents.

    However, each of the questions caused strong differences among participants depending on demographics, and the largest split was observed by party preferences.

    For example, the idea of mandatory vaccination of civil servants and corporate employees divided respondents strictly in half: 33% strongly supported it, 15% partially supported it, 8% partially disagreed with it, and 40% of respondents strongly opposed it. But while 78% of Democratic participants voted in favour of the measure, three-quarters of Republicans rejected it.

    "Liberalism is the power of liberals"

    Similar discrepancies "along party lines" were observed in all other responses. For example, 84% of the elephant party's voters were outraged by the idea of moving anti-vaxxers to special institutions. While Democrats were divided on this issue: 45% of them supported this idea and 44% opposed it. At the same time, among the ardent sympathisers of the current US president, the number of supporters of such a measure is even higher - 51%.

    It is also interesting to see who exactly among Americans supports the idea of fining or putting behind bars public critics of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. In general, no more than 27% of respondents support this idea. However, between the ages of 18 and 39, it was already supported by 39% of respondents. In addition, 38% of black and 36% of Hispanic respondents were in favour, compared to 24% of whites. Among Democrats, this measure is supported by 48% of respondents, while among Republicans - only 14%.

    Contrary to any notion of liberalism, 41% of those with this worldview supported fines and prison sentences for critics of vaccination, while among conservatives this figure does not exceed 21%. This idea is supported by more than half (54%) of the staunch fans of "Sleepy Joe" and only 16% of the adherents of "Big Donald".

    59% of Democrats and 67% of Bidenophiles say yes to the idea of house arrest for those who refuse to get vaccinated. Only 17% of Republicans and the same number of “Trump lovers" agree with them.

    Tracking the unvaccinated through a mobile app or wearable device is another topic that has divided Americans. It is noteworthy that Democrats support this measure (47% of them are in favour, 46% are against), while Republicans do not (13% are in favour, 83% are against). But even more surprisingly, 45% of adherents of liberal ideas and only 22% of conservatives are in favour of surveillance.

    But perhaps the most resonant question from Rasmussen Reports was the last one - about the withdrawal of children from "anti-vaxers". Despite the generally negative attitude of respondents to this idea (only 16% strongly or partially support it), "not everything is so clear" with it. In particular, a serious anomaly is observed in the age cross-section of respondents: 31% of American adults under the age of 39 answered "yes" to this proposal. In addition, almost one in three Democrats (29%), a quarter of all liberals (24%) and a significant part of Biden's voters (31%) agree with it.

    Such responses from the camp of the current president of the most powerful state in the West cannot but be alarming. They dispel illusions about the quality of Western liberal values and provoke the US administration to take more decisive action against "vaccine skeptics". After that, its example can be followed by the governments of other countries.

    Will the "Great Reset" begin in the US?

    Here is a good time to compare the results of Covid-sociology with the answers of the same respondents to the four questions from the Heartland Institute.

    The first of them, which offered several responses to the question "What should be the highest priority for business in the United States?" did not reveal any anomalies. The most popular answer sounds reasonable: "providing consumers with high-quality products and services at the lowest prices" - 45% of respondents voted for it. Benefits for employees (23%) and profits for owners (14%) are not very exciting for Americans, and the ideas of fighting for climate (9%) and social justice (1%) still look like the lot of marginal people.

    Equally predictable was the response to the second question - "How influential should international institutions such as the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the IMF be in creating regulations for business in the United States?”. More than half of Americans chose the options "not very influential" and "not at all influential”. Although even here the younger generation would prefer (51% vs. 35%) to submit to supranational institutions.

    But the most interesting ones were the answers to the last two questions, which concerned the "Great Reset" - a grandiose plan to rebuild the world according to drawings and in the interests of the globalist elite under the pretext of fighting coronavirus and global warming. Firstly, the survey organisers clarified whether this movement is familiar to respondents. It turned out that 29% know exactly about it, and another 27% are "not sure", but they have heard something. After that, the first group had to express their attitude to this phenomenon. And here the numbers are unpleasantly striking.

    It turned out that while a fragile majority of knowledgeable Americans (52%) oppose the "great reset", it is supported by the younger generation (68%), black people (75%), Democrats (76%), conservatives (92%!) and moderates (67%), as well as staunch Biden sympathisers (86%) and Trump haters (69%). That is, it is supported by the electoral base of the very political force that does not intend to let go of the reins of power in the United States and whose leader is aiming for a second presidential term.

    In other words, this is not just a "touchstone that breaks the Overton window" in the eyes of millions of Americans, but a sociological justification for the White House's further steps towards a "brave new world".

    Archbishop Viganò's prophecy

    The RUSSTRAT Institute has repeatedly referred to the "great reset" plan. Revealed to humanity in 2020 in the book of the founder and permanent president of the World Economic Forum (Davos) Klaus Schwab with the telling title "COVID-19: the great reset", this plan is rightly interpreted by its critics in apocalyptic tones. After all, it actually refers to the elimination of the institution of national states and the creation of a single, albeit very thinned-out humanity headed by a world government.

    Such humanity, which has bought into the temptations of a "basic universal income" when it is no longer necessary to work, will voluntarily prefer to live in a "digital concentration camp" under the full control of Big Brother. Generally deprived of private property, it will switch to modified food and spend most of its life in virtual reality. And its main purpose will be to minimize the personal "carbon footprint", which will require the rejection of procreation.

    But all of this is just the outline of a future that has not yet been revealed. It is being hindered by obstinate sovereign powers like Russia and China, opponents of the "climate agenda" and ... Covid-dissidents who doubt the benefits of more and more new stages of vaccination.

    And here comes to mind the warning of Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, a staunch opponent of globalisation, voiced by him in October 2020 in an open letter to Trump, then the owner of the White House:

    "Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.”

    Only a little over a year has passed since that letter - and now, as if on purpose, sociological services are bringing together the topics of the "great reset", coronavirus and new, previously unthinkable, measures against opponents of vaccinations in one survey. The American nation, torn apart by the never-ending pandemic, is increasingly discussing this. And the most radical part of it even pushes the current government to repress its own citizens, "voting with your heart" for a new world order.

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