Global vaccination is entrusted to criminal criminals

    Big business at people's expense: in thirty years, the vaccine market has grown 50-fold - up to $50 billion
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    print 6 8 2021

    It is not particularly necessary to introduce Robert Kennedy Jr. But if, after all, this name does not mean anything to someone, then I will give some brief information about him. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was born in 1954. He is an American lawyer and radio host, known as an environmental activist and one of the main opponents of the current COVID-19 vaccination campaign in the United States.

    Robert Kennedy is a member of the Kennedy family, the son of Robert Francis Kennedy, the 64th US Attorney General (1961-1964), a senator from the state of New York, who was assassinated in 1968 after winning the primaries (US presidential election). He is also the nephew of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who was assassinated in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

    Back in the mid-noughties, he began to actively oppose mass antiviral vaccinations. His activity on this front increased dramatically last year, when the COVID-19 pandemic was declared.

    Since 2016, he has been the head of the non – profit organization Children's Health Defense-CHD, founded by himself. CHD focused on the issues of vaccination of children. The organisation began to bring to a wide audience little-known facts about the fact that the epidemics of chronic childhood diseases that have intensified in recent years are primarily due to vaccine vaccinations. Special attention was paid to the drug "thiomersal", which, according to independent experts, gave rise to children's autism.

    In 2014, Kennedy published a book called "Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak", where he systematised his arguments about the urgent need to ban this drug. In April 2015, Kennedy promoted the release of the film "Trace Amounts". It revealed the link between the diseases of autism and the mercury contained in the vaccine.

    Kennedy called vaccination with the drug thiomersal "a Holocaust". On February 15, 2017, Kennedy, together with the famous actor Robert De Niro, held a press conference and offered a cash prize of $100,000 to anyone who can provide evidence that vaccines with mercury-based preservatives in currently used doses are safe. As expected, there were no applicants for the prize.

    As soon as Donald Trump assumed his duties as President of the United States in January 2017, he invited Robert Kennedy to take the post of chairman of a certain federal commission on vaccine safety. Kennedy took advantage of this offer and handed over to the presidential administration materials revealing the negative effects of vaccines, especially thiomersal.

    Already the first attempts of Robert Kennedy to ban or restrict the use of a number of vaccines through the Trump administration were met with furious opposition from Big Pharma and its lobbyists, including among American doctors who have long been working for the pharmaceutical business. For some reason, Donald Trump has lost interest in the activities of the federal commission on vaccines. The commission died before it was born.

    Not only Big Pharma and its lobbyists began to exert strong pressure on Robert Kennedy, but, oddly enough, also members of the Kennedy family. His sister Caitlin Kennedy-Townsend, brother Joseph Patrick Kennedy II and niece Maeve Kennedy-McKean published an open letter in Politico in the spring of 2019 condemning the anti-vaccine activity of Robert Kennedy Jr. The authors of the letter believe that their relative is destroying the American health care system, which John F. Kennedy and other well-known representatives of the Kennedy clan created.

    When the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020, Robert Kennedy went beyond the topic of vaccines in his criticism. He called the so-called "pandemic" a conspiracy against America and all of humanity. He became one of the most authoritative figures in the world who exposed the plans of artificially inflated psychosis around the new virus. He became known in many countries of the world, his popularity in electronic media and social networks began to grow rapidly.

    Accordingly, Robert Kennedy came under the gun of those who control the information space – Silicon Valley IT companies (Big Tech), which act in concert with Big Pharma.

    In 2021, the Center for Countering Digital Hate - CCDH, operating under the auspices of a Large Number, included Robert Kennedy among the "Dozen Disinformers" — the twelve most influential activists whom 65% of all anti-vaccination information distributed through social networks came from. Finally, in February 2021, Kennedy was blocked by the "digital inquisition" on the social network Instagram for allegedly spreading misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Nevertheless, Robert Kennedy finds various channels to denounce Big Pharma and reveal the true goals of the so-called "pandemic" and the "Great Reset". This includes open letters and live performances in front of large audiences.

    So, in March 2021, Kennedy sent an open letter to the new US President Joe Biden. In it, he calls on the president to stop the mass vaccination of America, and draws attention to the fact that COVID-19 vaccines "cause injuries and death". This is evidenced even by publicly available data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

    The letter notes that the VAERS system is imperfect and hides the true scale of the negative consequences of vaccination. The letter calls on Biden to restore order taking into account the "costs" (including fatal outcomes) of vaccinations in the VAERS system.

    Kennedy speaks not only to American audiences, but also in Europe. His speech on August 29, 2020 at a rally of thousands in Berlin was particularly resonant. In his speech last year, he spoke out against the surveillance of citizens organized in many countries under the pretext of medical control in the context of a pandemic, and also drew attention to the threat of universal vaccination, which is being prepared by Bill Gates and the WHO. He also spoke out against 5G.

    In almost every other speech, Robert Kennedy draws attention to the fact that WHO is not an ordinary international organisation with the status of a specialised UN body, but a "private shop" funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, giving instructions to nation states. Through WHO, Bill Gates has already managed to implement a number of vaccination projects in third world countries, and the consequences have been appalling.

    According to Robert Kennedy, the polio vaccine created by the Gates Foundation has caused polio epidemics around the world in places where this disease has not been observed for decades. Kennedy said that 70% of polio cases on Earth today come from the Gates vaccine.

    Kennedy ironically remarks: "I think that Gates is well-intended in the same way that missionaries who brought smallpox to the Indians were well-intended. I think he believes that he is somehow ordained divinely to bring salvation to the world through technology."

    Bill Gates not only brings death to many countries, he is also one of the main initiators of the project of implanting chips to billions of people on the planet through vaccination injections.

    Another object of harsh criticism of Kennedy is Anthony Fauci, who already under President Trump became the main organiser of vaccination in the United States by medicine. Today, under Joe Biden, he has gained even more power as a medical adviser to the president. Kennedy accused Fauci of having close ties with Big Pharma. In particular, with the company Moderna, which received the go-ahead for the sale of its vaccine. The Moderna vaccine today in America and around the world shares first and second place with the Pfizer vaccine.

    The threat to human health and life comes not only from more than dubious vaccines against COVID-19, but also from those technologies that impose Big Tech companies on humanity. It is not enough that such companies use their digital technologies to participate in the promotion of deadly vaccines and block all criticism of vaccines. Together with Big Pharma, they are developing and implementing a joint project of universal chipisation of the population through vaccination. And they are completing the electronic concentration camp, where the chipped ones will be placed.

    An important element of the design of this concentration camp is the 5G towers. These are not just elements of communication systems and human surveillance systems. As Robert Kennedy constantly emphasises, the radiation generated by 5G causes cancer, DNA disorders and "penetrates the blood-brain barrier".

    One of the key arguments put forward by Robert Kennedy against the vaccines used in the United States for mass vaccinations is the following: vaccination cannot be trusted to criminals. He constantly recalls the court histories of American Big Pharma companies. About twenty years ago, Big Pharma in the US found a "gold rush" in the form of vaccines.

    Robert Kennedy recalls: "In 1986, Congress—awash in Pharma money (over the past 20 years, the pharmaceutical industry has been number one for both political campaign contributions and lobbying spending on legislators) – enacted a law granting vaccine makers blanket immunity from liability for injuries (or deaths) caused by vaccines. The subsequent gold rush by pharmaceutical companies boosted the number of recommended inoculations from twelve shots of five vaccines in 1986 to 54 shots of 13 vaccines today. A billion-dollar sideline grew into the $50 billion vaccine industry behemoth"

    Although automatic compensation for damages from vaccines was no longer provided for, the affected Americans began to demand such compensation through the courts, even despite the lengthy and complex procedures for considering claims.

    Robert Kennedy notes: "It is not at all hypothetical that vaccines cause complications. In fact, these complications are not uncommon. The vaccine courts have paid $4 billion to vaccination victims over the past 30 years, and the Department of Health and Human Services itself recognizes that less than 1% of people who have received vaccination complications go through this court.”

    Robert Kennedy names the four largest manufacturers of vaccines in America (even before the "pandemic" of the coronavirus began): Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck. As a lawyer, he says that each of them is a serial recidivist criminal.

    Over the past 10 years alone, these companies have paid $35 billion in criminal fines for losses, for deceiving doctors and scientists, for falsifying scientific data, for the deliberate murder of hundreds of thousands of Americans. "If they do this in the production of their other products, then where is the guarantee that they do not do this with vaccines?" the expert notes.

    Big Media and Big Tech companies operating in tandem with Big Pharma constantly block Robert Kennedy and demonize him in every possible way. However, if you listen carefully to what he says, it turns out that the position of this activist is shamelessly distorted. He is not an opponent of vaccines as such. He opposes the vaccination that was organised by Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and the forces behind them. Robert Kennedy is against vaccination, the purpose of which is to enrich Big Pharma and kill people.


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