Migrant scandal: congresswoman calls for Biden's impeachment

    "Our government is out of control. They constantly lie to the American people."
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    account_circleИнститут РУССТРАТaccess_time01 Feb 2022
    print 1 2 2022

    The first month of the coming year clearly wasn't successful for Mr. Joe Biden. Firstly, there was a reservation about a "minor Russian incursion", which caused a "firestorm of criticism" both in the United States and around the world, then an incident in an interview with reporter Peter Ducey, and now it's a scandal with migrants.

    A member of the House of Representatives, Claudia Tenney, called for Biden's impeachment after the disclosure of secret migrant flights, Fox News reports. Two deputies at once from New York who are representatives of the Republican Party, Nicole Malliotakis and Claudia Tenney, criticised the US president's policy towards migrants and accused him of failing to fulfil his official duties.

    "This is an absolute dereliction of duty under aggravating circumstances," said Claudia Tenney, a member of the House of Representatives, after footage of the secret transfer of migrants by charter flights to Westchester, New York, was released. After the aircraft arrived at the airport, the migrants were transported by cars, and one of the frames shows the involved policeman.

    According to the TV channel, the video was obtained by Rob Astorino, who previously held the position of executive director of Westchester County. "Our government is out of control. They constantly lie to the American people," said Mr. Astorino, commenting on the footage.

    As it became known, this is not the first case of migrants crossing the southern border of the United States being secretly transferred. The New York Post published similar scenes at White Plains Airport, New York. It is noteworthy that most of those who arrived were minors, and the arrival took place at night, when a "voluntary curfew" was in effect.

    "Biden is playing a deadly game," wrote the New York Post, incriminating the president, accusing him of populism in favuor of "progressive forces": "Biden can tell progressives that he let in the vast majority of migrants. But he also hides it from the public in the hope of not paying a political price. It's cynical and wrong."

    What arguments are being used by progressive forces to justify the flow of migrants to America? First of all, the phrase "You are all descendants of migrants”. Then a list of postulates: fresh blood, cheap labour, the state does not need to spend money on educating and training incoming citizens, migrants are more willing than Americans themselves to open new businesses, bring fresh skills with them, can do hard work and occupy unpopular vacancies, sometimes contribute more to the economy than indigenous people.

    And how many migrants have enriched American science and art? Bruce Willis, Henry Kissinger, Albert Einstein - came from Germany, Schwarzenegger - from Austria, Elon Musk and Charlize Theron - from South Africa, Penelope Cruz is Spanish, Mila Kunis is Ukrainian, Sergey Brin is Russian.

    However, it is absolutely clear that there is a huge difference between legal migrants, who feed American society, and illegal ones, for whom Joe Biden opened the borders. It is precisely in the appearance of illegal migrants freely crossing the US border from South and Central America that Mark Brnovich, the Attorney General of Arizona, sees the main reason for the rapid growth of crime and drug addiction in the country.

    From the pages of Fox News, the prosecutor accused the Biden administration of creating a security crisis that assumed the size of a catastrophe: "The issue of the flow of hardened criminals, gang members and persons suspected of terrorism is rarely raised. But we know that they regularly cross the border of the United States. No one knows how many dangerous criminals came from Mexico and other countries of the world. Our government doesn't care about the consequences."

    It is not completely clear whether the attempt to fill low-paid vacancies with illegal migrants during the economic crisis is the sole goal of the Democrats, or there are other far-reaching plans, such as, for example, replenishing the army with recruits in case of a future war, but they do not find support among the general population.

    "That's why I called on Twitter last night to impeach and remove Joe Biden from the presidency. His main responsibility was to enforce the laws, ensure border security and tell the American people the truth," said Deputy Claudia Tenney.

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