It's time to remind America — Russians always come for their own

    Joe Biden's administration cannot come up with a unified opinion on the confiscation of the dollar assets of the Russian Federation
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    The Joe Biden administration cannot develop a unified opinion on the confiscation of the dollar assets of the Russian Federation, writes the New York Times. Some in Washington are of the opinion that the withdrawal of frozen Russian gold reserves will push the central banks of other countries to reorient their assets from dollars to other currencies.

    It's all sentiments. The freezing of gold reserves deprived Moscow of the opportunity to dispose of them. They were stolen from us, and it is impossible to return them — even at the cost of renouncing sovereignty. We can either compensate for them by freezing US assets in a comparable amount, or inflict comparable economic damage on America so that its theft does not go unpunished.

    As is said, "Russians always come for their own”. Moreover, Washington managed to do the most important thing with its own hands, so the concerns in the White House were somewhat late.

    The fact is that the United States has already shown its true face to the world. Any country, company or individual who keeps money in dollar accounts, assets in American jurisdiction or securities of the US government can no longer be sure that they will not be robbed in the same way.

    The credibility of the United States as a reliable country for investment and asset storage has been undermined. And China and Saudi Arabia made the fastest conclusions.

    Another thing is that Washington's allies and other countries in the orbit of its influence are still forced to invest in American jurisdiction. Such is the fate of a vassal before a suzerain.

    Fortunately, Russia is no longer in danger of such an unenviable fate — and this is worth any drawn-on pieces of paper.

    Elena Panina, Director of the RUSSTRAT Institute

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