Flu and COVID-19 - where did the vaccinators disappear to again?

    Does flu vaccination significantly reduce the number of severe cases of coronavirus?
    access_time01 Oct 2021
    print 1 10 2021

    We live in an amazing time when, at someone's command, the basic foundations of microbiology and immunology are being rewritten. Information is imposed on both doctors and the general public in the form of bright pictures. They do not contain true scientific information or any of complicated scientific data and terms that require fundamental knowledge of medicine. All this has been replaced by an imitation of science. Two or three primitive medical terms season a dish prepared by special order, so that the conclusions immediately settle in the head.

    Need an example? Here is a quote from a modern publication: "In July, the results of an American-British study (conducted on a group of 75,000 patients) were published, confirming the hypothesis that vaccination against influenza significantly reduces the number of severe cases of coronavirus."

    On the basis of what data were such conclusions made? Of course, it was an absentee survey, the reliability of which, as it's known, is low. However, the main drawback of this interpretation of the result of this survey is something else.

    I will immediately note that to draw conclusions based on only one factor is the level of a low-grade student conference. Any rigorous scientific research involves a multifactorial analysis. In the USA, as in Britain, medicine is fee-for-service, and in addition is very expensive. Who do you think could afford a flu shot? Of course, not the unemployed, not migrants and not homeless people.

    Therefore, the conclusion from this study can be rephrased: wealthy people who have the opportunity to eat well, lead a healthy lifestyle (because many of them have a house with their own pool), who are sensitive to their health, tolerate coronavirus infection more easily than other contingents of people who could not or did not want to get a flu shot. In this case, vaccination against influenza is a sign of security and care for your health, nothing more.

    From a lecture by a professor of a medical university on influenza:

    "The flu. Key concepts:

    1. The virus spreads with aerosol droplets, which can persist on the hands for some time and even be on household items.

    2. The pathogenesis is based on inflammation of the respiratory epithelium and lysis of affected cells (i.e. their destruction).

    3. Infection usually does not spread outside the respiratory tract, given the limited distribution of tissue proteases involved in the activation of hemagglutinin.

    4. Systemic flu symptoms are caused by cytokines released as a consequence of the inflammatory response of the body."

    In today's publications on professional medical websites we read:

    "Experts warn that simultaneous infection with coronavirus and influenza (the so-called mixed infection) will make the course of each disease harder, create a serious burden on the body and increase the risk of complications and deaths. It is possible to avoid serious consequences and prevent a large-scale epidemic of influenza and co-infection only with the help of vaccination."

    However, real experts know that 2 viruses with the same type of replication mechanism cannot penetrate into the same cell, because the virus causes lysis of affected cells: "Mixed infection, i.e. a mixed one,  or combined infection caused by exposure to two or more pathogenic agents-microorganisms belonging to different kinds and types of representatives of the microbial world" (O.V. Baroyan and D.R. Porter, 1975).

    That is, both the influenza virus and the coronavirus damage the cells of the upper respiratory tract. Having penetrated into the cell, both viruses "replicate in the host cell, using host resources and nutrients" (Wikipedia). That is, either a flu virus or a coronavirus can live in this cell, as a result, the cell dies when its resources are depleted. Who is this blatant lie for? Do you really think our specialists are so illiterate?

    By the way, such logic - that the flu shot reduces the likelihood of coronavirus infection, apparently, some Russian doctors also have. Otherwise, why is it recommended that Moscow universities should forcibly vaccinate 75% of students against the flu?

    Another topic that is constantly being discussed in the media is how we defeated the flu with vaccination. There are calls everywhere to defeat the coronavirus pandemic, just as we defeated the flu pandemic. The diagnosis of "flu" does not cause us any panic or fear (emotions are similar, but somewhat different). Let's figure out how we defeated the flu pandemic.

    You have listened to the opinion of theorists, here is the opinion of practicing doctors. Firstly, we do not have any accurate data on the incidence and mortality from influenza, because no one, never and nowhere else in the world has conducted as many free PCR tests for influenza as it is being conducted today for COVID-19.

    As I have already written, none of the low-income people will spend their money on a PCR test when they have nothing to eat. What percentage of the world's population lives below the poverty level? Most of these people get sick without a diagnosis and die without a definite cause of death, because the work of pathologists also needs to be paid.

    As experts have assured us for many years, in order to form collective immunity from influenza, it is necessary that 40% of the company's employees be vaccinated. Among my friends, many doctors went to enterprises as part of teams carrying out vaccination against influenza. The real highest percentage of vaccinated was 25-28%. Including among those to whom the company paid for the French or Dutch vaccine.

    Nevertheless, there were already no such disease rates as during the 2009-2010 pandemic anywhere else. And not only among wealthy and disciplined countries. For example, in Germany, where perhaps 40% of the population could afford paid vaccination. The paradox is that in the poor countries of the world, in which only 1-3% of the population could afford a flu shot, there was no flu pandemic either!

    I'm not against vaccinations. Moreover, I believe that the BCG vaccine saved many children from tuberculous meningitis, especially in the post-war period. There is just no need to erase the fundamental laws of microbiology and immunology in favour of your business plans.

    Here's another quote: "Most people infected with COVID-19 develop an immune response within the first few weeks after infection. Research is ongoing to determine how strong this protection is and how long it lasts. WHO is also studying whether the strength and duration of the immune response depends on the type of infection, that is, on how it proceeds – without symptoms (asymptomatic), in mild or severe form. Apparently, an immune reaction develops even in people without symptoms."

    The last phrase just shocked me. You consider yourself as experts and do not understand that in response to the introduction of a foreign agent, the body produces antibodies? And this mechanism does not depend on the severity of the disease. It also works with an asymptomatic course of disease. This is from the undergraduate courses of the medical university!

    By the way, in medicine, even a super-competent theoretical opinion does not make sense without clinical effectiveness. From time immemorial, the main goal of medicine has been to cure a person, and not to explain the laws of nature. Until March 2020, it was precisely this task that doctors performed.

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