The European Union is ready to fight without NATO

    What will the European "peace facility" do?
    Институт РУССТРАТ's picture
    account_circleИнститут РУССТРАТaccess_time11 Aug 2021
    print 11 8 2021

    Western newspeak has been enriched with a new term in the best traditions of George Orwell's 1984 dystopia: war is peace. On March 22 of this year, the European Union announced the creation of the "European Peace Facility". Up to this moment, it was assumed that peace is when doctors, medicines or food are sent to crisis regions. However, the EPF is about something else.

    Brussels considered it wrong that the EU could provide military assistance only to African countries and only through regional organisations of the African Peace Facility (AFP) within the framework of the ATHENA mechanism. The growth of European ambitions in the field of geopolitical subjectivity has led the EU to the desire to "provide military assistance" wherever Brussels deems it necessary, not limiting itself to just the Black continent.

    Now, through the "European Peace Facility", the European Union will be able to offer "international security" services to any country that it will deem necessary for itself.

    To provide military equipment, create a "defence" infrastructure, train local security forces, "help" partner countries to conduct "peacekeeping operations" both at home and in neighbouring territories. Its budget is set at €5 billion for the period from 2021 to 2027.

    "The European Peace Facility will operate on a global geographical scale. Currently, the EU member states are discussing priority regions in accordance with existing EU strategies, as well as based on the needs of partners and the security problems they face," the EU Council’s materials say.

    Thus, the European Union has clearly demonstrated its desire to get out of the "leading role" of NATO and begin independent military actions in the international arena.

    International in the literal sense. A number of EU countries are experiencing an aggravation of tensions in the Mediterranean with Turkey, which Brussels clearly wants to use as a tool to create its own united army of a United Europe.

    Especially because of the fact that in Bosnia and Herzegovina, after the expiration of the powers of the UN High Representative, there is again an alarming smell of gunpowder. The risk of a new civil war breaking out cannot be excluded. Politically heated, by the way, by the European Union itself.

    And for any war, as it's known, there is a need of only three things: money, money and more money. So the European Union began to collect it to finance the future foreign operations of Eurocorps.

    However, this decision also has another, less public, but no less significant meaning. Previously, any decision on the use of military force required a preliminary consensus at the level of the national governments of the member countries, because it is not enough to allocate troops, they still need to be paid for logistics and supplies. After the establishment of the EPF, the final decision rests with only the central office of the European Union.

    Brussels gets the opportunity to act as an ordinary employer of national military units and other military contractors to solve "security tasks" where Brussels itself deems it necessary.

    Thus, we are witnessing the EU entering a new level of internal integration aimed at reorganising a very loose European federation into something like the "United States of Europe".

    In terms of dismantling NATO, this is a good trend. The main thing is that the European "peace facility" should not repeat the mistakes of the past and remember that the road to the East is a one-way road.

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