The US tried to put Russia on an "inquisition trial"

    Although it was precisely the United States and NATO that rejected the Russian INF proposal, they are still trying to make Russia guilty of undermining security in Europe
    Институт РУССТРАТ's picture
    account_circleИнститут РУССТРАТaccess_time12 Oct 2021remove_red_eye3 616
    print 12 10 2021

    After the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (INF) Treaty in August 2019, a global security problem arose in Europe. Washington has not just indicated its readiness to deploy such missiles in Europe "to deter Russia”. The Pentagon has already explicitly stated that the latest LRHW Dark Eagle hypersonic complexes, the development of which the US army began this year, will definitely be deployed in Europe. Naturally, "exclusively in response to the Russian escalation”.

    This means reducing the "flight time" of the "first strike" missiles by almost half compared to its level of the period of the 1980s-90s. So, similar Russian measures are quite natural and logical. Especially because Washington places their missiles outside the territory of the United States, while Russia is doing it strictly within its own state borders.

    But at the same time, Moscow is well aware that the more different guns will hang on the wall, the higher the risk that at least one of them will shoot at the most inopportune moment. With the most devastating consequences.

    Therefore, it was precisely Russia that at the meeting of the first committee of the UN General Assembly appealed to NATO countries with a proposal to impose a moratorium on the deployment of INF in Europe. Let it be temporary, let it be without a clearly drawn up international agreement, but necessarily mutual. In a simple way. You do not deploy existing and promising systems, we also do not deploy 9M729 in Kaliningrad region. The security of Europe will undoubtedly benefit from this. We don't want to start a war, and you don't want that either, so why don't we take a similar step?

    So, and what is in response? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Quite the opposite. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken accused Russia of trying to disrupt the annual OSCE human dimension meeting, which was planned in Warsaw on September 27, 2021.

    And what is most remarkable, it did take place in Warsaw. But it was devoted to summing up the results of ten years of the implementation of the Partnership for Peace program and assessing the prospects for further improvement of NATO "in new geopolitical conditions”. During it, the Polish president called on the Alliance countries to attack the Russian Nord Stream 2 project, calling it Europe's biggest geopolitical mistake.

    And not a word about the Russian proposal for a moratorium on the deployment of INF. But there were a lot of regrets expressed about the "depressing situation with human rights and civil liberties in Russia”. What annoys the West most of all is that Russia refuses to admit being "guilty of everything" in this case and voluntarily "go to the stake". According to the US State Department, it should, but refuses. For which, once again, it is proposed to be "punished".

    And what about security? But who even cares in Washington about the nuclear security of certain Europe? Firstly, missiles will not reach America "through the Atlantic Ocean”. Secondly, Europe itself is not eager to support American militaristic and political initiatives, so why worry about it? And thirdly, China is recognised as the main enemy of the United States today, in the confrontation with which the current "NATO allies" do not strengthen America at all. So there's nothing to worry about.

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