CNN as a symbol of the degradation and decay of the American state

    One of the favourite topics of the sinking channel traditionally remains the "Russian threat"
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    account_circleИнститут РУССТРАТaccess_time17 Dec 2021
    print 17 12 2021

    The editorial board of CNN, until recently the first in terms of audience coverage in the United States and the world's second international 24-hour news channel, has again found itself in the centre of a scandal, now related to pedophilia.

    Recall that the channel was created in 1980 by Ted Turner, one of the richest people in America, according to Forbes magazine, and is part of the Turner Broadcasting System, owned by Warner Media. This is the same Turner who has publicly stated several times that "there are too many people living on the planet" and it would be good to reduce their number several-fold— a democrat, a globalist and a man who, in an effort to reduce the human population on the planet, donated about a billion dollars to the UN.

    At the end of Barack Obama's second presidential term, CNN, as it befits to the mouthpiece of liberal propaganda, made every effort to prove to voters that Donald Trump is not the person who can be at the helm of the United States. And then, after the transfer of the presidential chair to Joe Biden, Ted Turner's TV company had no one to fight against, and it lost a significant part of its profits.

    The channel's crisis was aggravated by a series of scandals. In May 2021, The Washington Post published an article that the host of the most popular CNN Cuomo Prime Time program, Chris Cuomo, illegally using his official position and connections, tried to help his older brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who was accused of sexual harassment by eleven women the day before. Later, the information about the harassment was confirmed.

    In addition, it turned out that the governor used medical services to the detriment of the nursing home. In connection with the scandal, Cuomo Sr. resigned. The ranking of the "independent journalist" Cuomo Jr. fell to 13th, and he was suspended from his job as a presenter at CNN.

    In October, a video conference was held between representatives of the American weekly New Yorker and WNYC radio, the participants of which strangely decided to portray the "presidential election in the United States”. It is noteworthy that the role of Donald Trump went to a former resident of Russia, LGBT activist Masha Gessen, who once publicly stated that the true goal of sexual minorities was the destruction of the institution of the family, and left our country after a series of scandalous stories in the media in which she worked.

    Jeffrey Toobin, CNN's chief legal analyst, also participated in the video call. During the session, right in front of the camera and in front of several participants, he began to masturbate. Later, the administration of CNN notified the public that Jeff Toobin was "sent on vacation to solve a personal problem”. Internet users noticed that the dismissed analyst "quieted down" and stopped publishing articles denouncing the "immoral Trump”.

    Just a couple of weeks later, another scandal broke out with a CNN representative. In the popular American program "The Megan Kelly Show", a certain Dustin Hayes, who works as a bartender, described in detail how CNN host Don Lemon sexually harassed him right at the workplace. He complained that the accused libertine, in order to avoid punishment, uses the preferences that his work at CNN gives him and puts pressure on the investigation.

    The victim said: in the United States, blacks and sexual minorities are in a privileged position, so the TV reporter Lemon can avoid responsibility after dirty tricks. The victim of a homosexual attack by a CNN employee called on the public to pay attention to the unacceptable behaviour of the well-known TV journalist.

    In November 2021, the American news channel Fox News reported that the popularity of CNN has reached a historic low: the channel's audience coverage has fallen by 76% since the beginning of the year, and the number of viewers continues to decline. The popularity of the “tribune of Washington” broadcast has dropped along with the standard of living of Americans and the degree of trust in the current President Biden, whose capacity has become the subject of discussion both among ordinary citizens and the topic of sad jokes in the Western media.

    The other day, the US media space was blown up by another scandal related to CNN: this time the arrest of a TV producer named John Griffin became public. He has already been charged with child molesting. The 44-year-old man convinced his parents that "girls should be taught sexual submission”. He is suspected of seducing children aged 9, 13 and 14.

    If the crimes are proven, Chris Cuomo's producer faces 10 years in prison. But even before the investigation is over, according to reviews in messengers, it is clear that the reputation of CNN - "a channel that defends democratic values around the world” - has been completely undermined. However, the CNN directorate does not give up. The mouthpiece of the liberal agenda is trying to survive by firing old workers. The trend has become common to most news outlets in the United States.

    According to new data from Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc., more than half of the jobs cut in American media are in digital, print and broadcast news services. The CNN administration, like a number of other liberal publications, is currently carrying out mass layoffs and trying to lure popular presenters of other channels.

    One of the favourite topics of the sinking channel traditionally remains the "Russian threat": Today, the company's website, mired in obscene scandals, is still discussing "the buildup of Russian troops along the Ukrainian border”, as well as "the danger of Russian energy, which the democratic countries of Europe should abandon”.

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