Soros will allocate $125 million to support Democrats

    Many analysts predict the loss of the lower House of Congress to the Democrats, and, consequently, the strengthening of the influence of the Republicans in the 2024 presidential election
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    account_circleИнститут РУССТРАТaccess_time02 Feb 2022
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    The rating of the current US President Joe Biden is steadily falling, as well as confidence in the Democratic Party among the population as a whole. However, billionaire George Soros does not intend to leave his proteges alone with the problems that have arisen.

    Created at his expense in 2019, Democracy PAC will receive the next tranche in order to support and promote the Democratic Party in the midterm elections of 2022, which will be held in November.

    Let's recall that the midterm congressional elections will start on November 8, 2022, this date corresponds with the halfway point of Joe Biden's presidential term. Now in the US Congress, the forces are distributed as follows: Democrats are leading in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

    Due to the failed domestic policies of the Biden administration, which led to record inflation, rising crime and a migration crisis, many analysts are predicting the loss of the lower House of Congress to the Democrats, and, consequently, the strengthening of the influence of the Republicans in the 2024 presidential election.

    The main function of the Democracy PAC Committee created by George Soros was to help Democrats in the 2020 election and promote Joe Biden in the presidential race. Then, according to Politico, the amount allocated by Soros to support the Democrats amounted to $28 million in the first three months of 2020 alone.

    The money was also transferred to fund feminist groups: one million dollars for EMILY's List, which advocates abortion, and two million for Supermajority, co-founded by Black Lives Matter activist Alicia Garza. 10 million went to promote the Win Justice PAC project with the aim of "mobilising people of colour and other infrequent voters”.

    "Several organisations involved in field operations have also received six and seven-figure donations. BlackPAC, a group dedicated to attracting black voters, was paid $250,000 to strengthen its position during the gubernatorial and legislative elections in Virginia in 2021, and for one million dollars have been transferred,” wrote Politico, presenting the facts about the tranches granted by Soros.

    The increase in the number of voters of the Democratic Party is mainly due to the coloured population and liberal-minded citizens, including supporters of "progressive values": feminism, LGBT and BLM.

    "Americas white majority, home to the base of the GOP, is a diminishing majority, on average older than the core constituencies of the Democratic Party—the young, the migrants and people of colour," Patrick Buchanan, the founding editor of the American Conservative magazine, noted in his article "Does the Future Belong to the Left?" 

    In total, according to Fox News, George Soros spent $80 million in 2020 to promote liberal ideas and finance the Democratic Party and other left-wing projects. In the coming 2022, Fox News reports, he plans to increase funding to $125 million.

    The billionaire himself calls it a "long-term investment", and claims that he will "support all democratically minded candidates, regardless of their party."

    The funding will be conducted to "strengthen the infrastructure of American democracy: voting rights and civic participation, civil rights and freedoms and the rule of law," Soros said in a statement published by Politico on January 28, 2022.

    The fact that he appoints his own son and heir Alexander to the post of Democracy PAC head indicates how important this project for the 91-year-old billionaire is. 36-year-old Alexander Soros commented on his appointment as follows: it is necessary to resist "efforts to discredit and undermine the electoral process, revealing the scale of the threat to American democracy”.

    As an example, he referred to the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021 and added that the threat could not be eliminated in the near future and the confrontation would take more than one year. Alex Soros made it clear to everyone that he fully shares his father's views.

    According to the British Daily Mail, the actions of George Soros should cause an "explosion of anger" on the part of conservative-minded Americans.

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