A resonant demonstration against fascism in US healthcare was held in Washington

    Protests against compulsory vaccination in different countries of the world are becoming increasingly political
    access_time27 Jan 2022
    print 27 1 2022

    On Sunday, January 23, 2022, a resonant event was held in the United States - a demonstration under the slogan "Defeat The Mandates". Under the "mandates" there are the demands of the authorities for universal vaccination of the country's population against COVID-19. However, some participants and observers understood "mandates" as vaccination passports, which became a means of segregation of American society. The rally was attended by 30,000 to 35,000 people.

    The event did not go unnoticed, it was reported by many American media outlets. The official media - as another "trick of the anti-vaxxers"; the opposition - as a manifestation of the growing resistance to these very "mandates". By the way, the opposition media drew attention to the fact that in the ranks of the participants of the demonstration there were both opponents of both "mandates" and vaccinations themselves, and those who protested only against "mandates", i.e. forced vaccination (leaving the right to decide for the person).

    By the way, to date, 13 states have passed laws that repeal Biden's requirement for mandatory vaccination of many categories of workers. The speakers demanded that the "mandates" be abolished in the remaining 37 states of the country.

    The initiator of the event is the organisation "Children's Health Defence" (CHD) and its chairman Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The partners of CHD and sponsors of the event were: Global Covid Summit, the World Council for Health, the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) and a number of other organisations.

    The rally was held in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. The organisers stressed that the event should not be considered only American. They called it the "World Wide Rally For Freedom".

    Among the speakers was, first of all, the organiser of the rally, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., nephew of American President John F. Kennedy (assassinated in 1963). He is a well-known lawyer and human rights activist who has been actively speaking out against the vaccination of children with many dangerous drugs over the past two decades. In 2011, he established the aforementioned organisation Children's Health Defence.

    Another iconic figure was Del Matthew Bigtree, an American television and film producer, and CEO of the Informed Consent Action Network group, which opposes the current vaccine campaign of Americans with the dangerous drugs of Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson.

    Recently, Bigtree’s film "Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe" was released. Even before the start of the current so-called "COVID-19 pandemic", Bigtree had already taken a tough stance towards official US health care, which, in his opinion, does not treat people, but cripples them. For five years, he hosted a medical talk show called "The Doctors”, which resulted in a series of 30 parts.

    An equally significant figure among the participants of the demonstration was Steve Kirsch, an American entrepreneur working mainly in the field of high-tech development (he was called a businessman from Silicon Valley). Kirsch became known as a philanthropist in the field of medical research.

    But he became even more famous as a supporter of the fight against the "COVID pandemic" with the help of traditional medicines and an opponent of vaccination with "experimental drugs" that are life-threatening. In April 2020, he established the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF). In October 2021, Kirsch founded the Anti-vaccine Group and the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF)

    Finally, it is impossible not to mention such a participant of the demonstration as JP Sears. A well-known American comedian has been performing under such a "nickname" for many years. Although he is a comedian, the topics of his speeches are very serious: the loss of freedom by America, the violation of the Constitution, the power of a bunch of billionaires over the country, the transformation of the American president into a puppet, etc.

    The official authorities and the media controlled by them have labeled this actor a "conspiracy theorist". He performs almost every day on the Internet with his program “AwakenWithJP". In his speeches over the past year, the topic of "vaccination" came out on top, the actor shows that the so-called "vaccination" actually hides the destruction of the remnants of human rights, and in a slightly more distant perspective, the human itself.

    JP Sears, commenting on the demonstration on January 23, drew the audience's attention to the fact that the place for it was not chosen by chance – the Lincoln Memorial, on the steps of which Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his powerful "I Have A Dream” speech. "Doctor. King wasn't a typical guy," the comedian said. “It turns out that he was very much for freedom, we... let him down, we gave a little slack in our life.”

    Lara Logan, a former CBS correspondent, also addressed the demonstrators. She often denounced the criminal activities of Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser to the White House. Back in a November Fox News appearance, she compared him to the infamous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele.

    But perhaps the most important achievement of the organisers of the event was that very reputable doctors took part in it. Such as Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, and others who are members of the organisation "America's Frontline doctors" and the organisation "Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance” (FLCCC).

    Of course, the initiators of these very "mandates" (i.e. orders to vaccinate everyone) reacted immediately to Sunday's march in Washington. Videos with the speeches of leading participants of the rally (including Robert Kennedy Jr.) were blocked.

    However, a considerable number of opposition media (not only American) managed to record the main fragments of speeches. On this topic, in particular, an article was published on January 24, "Defeat The Mandates" Protest Held In Washington DC” in the British conservative publication THE EXPOSÉ.

    The article notes: “The CHD chairman, Robert Kennedy Jr said that over the past 20 months a ‘coup detat’ against democracy and, the controlled demolition of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights occurred, starting with the censorship.” The following fragment of Robert Kennedy Jr. 's speech is given:

    "If you give the government the license to silence its critics, you have given them the capacity to commit any atrocity they want and to obliterate all the amendments and rights of the constitution."

    The article contains the statements of some participants of the rally from among the doctors. Dr. Heather Gessling said that medical departments should "cease interfering with the physician, patient relationship. Policymakers are directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths as a result of institutional interference and blocking treatments to cure at a near 100% rate.”

    Attempts by the authorities to vaccinate children are particularly criminal. Heather Goessling stated that "healthy children should NOT be forced to subject vaccination, they face negligible risk from COVID, but theres potential, for the permanent irreversible risk to their health if vaccinated, including, heart, brain, reproductive and immune system damage."

    Dr. Peter McCullough stated that the most fundamental human rights are the right to life and the right to personal medical decisions.‘We have a circle of medical freedom,’ he said. ‘You have the freedom. You and you alone have the autonomy over your body. You have the freedom to determine what happens to your body, that is your sole possession.’”

    Dr. Pierre Kory, founder of FLCCC, stated that a war is being waged against the American people under the guise of "providing medical services": "We are fighting a war – its a war on our health. Its a war thats been going on for decades and its waged by the pharmaceutical industry. They have always put profits before patients. That toll has been heavy over the decades. It is now a crime against humanity."

    Dr. Mary Bowden spoke about how she saved thousands of people during this war in the last two years, when the COVID pandemic began. She used Ivermectin and other drugs that the American Department of Health has banned for the treatment of COVID patients.

    In the end, Mary Bowden was fired from her job (a hospital in Texas). "Medical freedom has been hijacked by hospitals, by insurance companies, by the government, and by big pharma. Doctors now is the time to stand up and save our profession,” said Mary Bowden, addressing her medical colleagues.

    She was supported by Dr. Richard Urso: "We are not one Doctor we are 17,000 doctors, thats more than the NIH, more than the CDC and more than the FDA...".

    By video link, Dr. Tess Lawrie addressed thousands of participants of the demonstration with the words: "The opportunity for real change has arrived."

    Speakers at the rally repeatedly compared the current vaccination dictatorship in America with German fascism. Robert Kennedy Jr. compared the chief adviser to the American president on the fight against COVID Anthony Fauci to the Italian fascist Mussolini.

    In his speech, he also said: "Even in Hitlers Germany, you could cross the Alps to Switzerland. You could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did… Today the mechanisms are being put in place that will make it so none of us can run, none of us can hide.”

    The protests against compulsory vaccination in different countries of the world are becoming more and more political. They become anti-fascist demonstrations. And the weekend rally in Washington is more proof of this.

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