Russia has started mass producing combat robots

    In terms of the pace of technological development of modern advanced weapons, Russia is coming out on top in the world
    Институт РУССТРАТ's picture
    account_circleИнститут РУССТРАТaccess_time28 May 2021remove_red_eye293
    print 28 5 2021

    Such a statement, as part of the "New Knowledge” marathon, was made by Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu. And this is not a joke at all. In terms of the pace of technological development of modern advanced weapons, Russia is coming out on top in the world.

    In terms of anti-aircraft missile systems, we are unquestionably the best. The anti-missile and anti-satellite laser "Peresvet" has been on experimental combat duty for the third year, while in the US its very approximate analogue still can not get out of the stage of preliminary experiments. In the field of electronic warfare, Russia is also out of competition.

    Now it is the turn of robots, which we actually have a lot of. Among the ground units, the formation of experienced training battalions of medium-sized (weighing up to 12 tons) “Uran-9" unmanned drones, designed for direct fire support of infantry and combat with enemy armoured vehicles, including tanks, is coming to an end. In addition to the "9", the troops are on trial operation of the "Uran-6", which has proven itself well in engineering units engaged in mine clearance in Syria.

    Russia is finishing testing even more "interesting things" today. For example, the Foundation for Advanced Research plans to complete testing of a whole family (two wheeled and three tracked) platforms under the "Marker" program by July 2021.

    In the framework of this such things as machine technical vision, interference-resistant and covert communication, navigation, including in passive mode without the use of global positioning systems, as well as the construction of maps of unfamiliar terrain in the course of exploration, autonomous movement, group control, and even the use of weapons are practiced.

    It’s not without artificial intelligence. In particular, it is actively used by the “Nerekhta” complex, which consists of a pair: a reconnaissance, guidance and target designation vehicle and a direct strike vehicle. Moreover, the machines are able to interact within the framework of the task, without the participation of the operator, both within the pair, and "agreeing" on joint actions with other pairs working in the same or neighbouring area, but able to hit a specific target from their position.

    And that's not all. For unmanned use, “Uralvagonzavod” is refining the T-72B3 tank. More precisely, the ultimate goal of the work is to obtain a universal modernisation kit that can be installed on any type of tanks, including old ones, turning them into unmanned attack drones. That will dramatically increase the combat capabilities of the old machines, even more than in sufficient numbers located on the bases of the strategic reserve.

    Well, the fleet, with the “Poseidon” drone, also does not stand aside from the process. And how many new things in the next 16-18 months "in the class of drones" are expected to be put into service in the Aerospace Forces, and here it’s possible to write a separate voluminous article.

    All sorts of advanced experiments with new ideas, approaches and systems have always been conducted in Russia. But now we have actually come to the opportunity to carry out the qualitative elevation of the Armed Forces to a new technical level. Thus, 2022-2023 in terms of military news promises to be extremely interesting.

    In addition, we must not forget such a mundane, but in fact, very important point - a soldier's life. We perfectly remember all that "hubbub" that was created in the late Soviet media, and early Russian (it is enough to recall the story with the same "Kursk"), associated with the demands of mothers to save the lives of their sons in the army. This trend is similar to robotisation) it perfectly removes all possible excessive fears of overzealous mothers in terms of ensuring the survival of their sons in modern combat conflicts.

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