Sabbath on Lysaya Gora: Ukraine has slipped into the Middle Ages

    Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, spoke about the "patriotic event" in all seriousness
    access_time03 Apr 2022
    print 3 4 2022

    A long-term experiment on the manipulation of public consciousness in the largest country in Europe has yielded results. To the amazing achievements of the "new and independent" Ukraine, having pushed the world records in the form of the largest trident laid out in the field with brooms and the longest sandwich with bacon, a witch's sabbath was added, aimed at the "collapse of the Kremlin", sanctioned by the authorities.

    Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, spoke about the "patriotic event" in all seriousness. Ukraine has slipped into the Middle Ages.

    Representatives of the International Fund "Vidrodzhennya", which is part of the network of funds of the "Open Society" of George Soros (banned in Russia as a threat to state security), worked hard to destroy science and education inherited from the USSR.

    In an interview with the Guardian, the elderly sponsor of the coloru revolutions did not hesitate to call the process of degradation of Ukraine his "best project".

    The reform of the “New School” was carried out with Soros' money: all references to the Great Patriotic War and works by Russian authors were excluded from the Ukrainian school curriculum. They were replaced by photos of Banderists, Maidan, militaristic slogans and aggressive anti-Russian propaganda. The history interpreted by the Kiev "scientists" is completely distorted, teachers who disagree with innovations are massively dismissed.

    An "unloading" of the educational process has been carried out — the number of subjects studied has been reduced, the remaining ones have been “stuck together" into ridiculous conglomerates, the requirements for the level of knowledge, including the ability to read and count, have been reduced in educational institutions, homework has been practically canceled. The main goal of the "New Ukrainian School" was initially not the quality of education, but the "formation of a new personality" with a "Ukrainian-centrist" point of view.

    As a result, the entire post-Maidan period of the training program in schools and universities of Ukraine has become aimed at cultivating Russophobia in the younger generation and the formation of neo-Nazi views in children.

    It should be noted that the ideology of Nazism, since the Third Reich, is closely connected with occultism and neo-pagan rituals, contrary to civilised society. That is why the chevrons of "Right Sector” militants depict magical signs — runes that were popular in Nazi Germany.

    If an Ahnenerbe unit was formed in the mid-1930s for "contact with the otherworldly" SS command, then in modern, but fairly wild Ukraine, the adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Aleksey Arestovich is apparently responsible for communication with sorcerers and support for obscurantism.

    On his Facebook page, Aleksey Arestovich thanked Ukrainian witches for "magical services" in the fight against the Russian Armed Forces. A Ukrainian politician told his subscribers a story about a Russian missile enchanted with "witches", which allegedly turned around and crashed into Russian positions.

    Representatives of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation explained that there were no technical failures of launched missiles, and, moreover, there were no "reversals" of shells in the direction of units of the Armed Forces of Russia, and there could not be. The message of the Ukrainian official is an outright lie, framed by mystical nonsense.

    "I have an appeal to the Ukrainian combat witches. Girls, keep it up," the Ukrainian politician praised his audience and added that "a new place for witch festivals has appeared." Surrealism in what is happening has been added by numerous assurances of Ukrainian psychics about their readiness to work.

    “Enlightened” shamans and witches promised to hold a sabbath on March 31 with sacrifices and bringing "damage" to Russia and its President Vladimir Putin. Russia has resisted. Its president is still unaware that someone was riding under the moon on Lysaya Gora, shouting his name - he is busy with more important things.

    "Those who are the chain dog of the star-striped demon, apparently, have run out of all human possibilities, so they decided to use demon means," Archpriest Andrey Tkachev, a cleric of the Russian Orthodox Church, commented on the event on the Russian TV channel Spas.

    It is quite obvious that large-scale work is to be done in the denazified territories to return common sense to the sphere of science and education.

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