What connects the "foreign agent" Dobrokhotov with the head of the House of Habsburg?

    The Habsburgs are part of a network consisting of aristocratic families, representatives of the banking and financial world, trying to exert informal influence on decision-making
    access_time30 Nov 2021
    print 30 11 2021

    The work of the Russian Ministry of Justice to identify "foreign agents" is bearing fruit. In this regard, we were interested in the information that TASS recently put on its feed.

    The agency's message said: "The editor-in-chief of The Insider (recognised by the media as a foreign agent) Roman Dobrokhotov, wanted on charges of illegal border crossing, is in Austria and works for Imagine Publishing, owned by the head of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine, Karl Habsburg-Lorraine. This was reported to TASS by a source in law enforcement agencies.

    ‘It has been established that Dobrokhotov is currently in Austria. In addition, there is information that on September 28, he joined the leadership of the Austrian company Imagine Publishing GmbH. Together with him, the investigative journalist Christo Grozev is part of the leadership. Karl Habsburg-Lorraine contributed to Dobrokhotov's employment in this structure,’ the agency interlocutor said.”

    Why does the heir of the Austrian imperial family suddenly help a certain Russian "journalist" who actually has close contacts with Christo Grozev, who heads the Bellingcat group, which is a "laundering office" to promote disinformation of Western intelligence services aimed at discrediting Russia in the information market?

    RUSSTRAT has already addressed this topic. As we wrote in March of this year, Karl Habsburg-Lorraine is one of the most important players on the world political chessboard. His father, Otto von Habsburg, in 1971 became one of the first sponsors and initiators of the creation of the World Economic Forum (then known as the European Management Forum) in Davos. 32-year-old Klaus Schwab, the author of the current scandalous work "COVID-19: The Great Reset", received support in the form of financial grants and extensive acquaintances, which soon allowed him to found one of the most influential discussion forums controlled by globalists.

    The Habsburgs are part of a network consisting of aristocratic families, representatives of the banking and financial world, trying to exert informal influence on decision-making. Their program in the field of foreign policy boils down to several common points: support for the American presence in Europe, the creation of a federal state from the EU with the deprivation of sovereignty of nation states and, most importantly, a tough confrontation with Russia and the stimulation of chauvinistic nationalism in the post-Soviet republics.

    On January 11, 2021, Charles of Habsburg-Lorraine gave a speech about the future of Europe. In it, he said that Russia and China should be looked at based on geopolitical interests. Hence the conclusion of the Austrian aristocrat: the EU must expand. This implies, according to his plans, the absorption of Ukraine, whose citizens "see their future in Europe, and not under Russian domination”, as well as Belarus.

    The head of the House of Habsburg involved Christo Grozdev in these anti-Russian operations. And now, obviously, the "foreign agent" Roman Dobrokhotov will be connected to them from Austria. Fortunately, he has relevant experience in conducting aggressive disinformation activities. Dobrokhotov in 2019 "exposed" the third suspect in the case of the poisoning of the Skripals, which was attributed to the Russian GRU by the Western intelligence services. He also took part in the landmark campaigns on the "poisoning of Navalny" and "the downing of the Boeing 777 flight MH17 in the skies of Donbass".

    By the way, for Navalny this summer, Dobrokhotov, as part of the international team of "investigators", received the Henri Nannen journalism award. A few words about this award: it got its name in honour of a well-known journalist in Germany, who after the Second World War became the founder of the Gruner + Jahr publishing house and the political magazine Der Stern. But who did Nannen work for before and during the war?

    In 1936, by order of the authorities of the Third Reich, he was filmed in the propaganda film "Olympia" by the famous documentary filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl. Since that time, Nannen's work in the structures of Nazi propaganda began. During World War II, he joined the SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers unit of war reporters, who glorified the Waffen SS combat operations. Nannen did this in Italy.

    After the collapse of the Third Reich, he "repented", saying that he was "too cowardly" to resist Nazism. Nevertheless, in 2004, the Gruner + Jahr publishing house decided to name an award for "outstanding journalistic achievements" in honour of its founder. And in 2014, a public scandal broke out when American journalist Jacob Appelbaum, who was awarded an award for investigating how the NSA tapped the phone of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, publicly refused it.

    According to Appelbaum, his conscience does not allow him to accept the prize, named after the Nazi propagandist. The journalist refused the monetary component of the award and donated it to the Union of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime and the Archive of the Anti-Fascist Press in Berlin. This is the act of a real person. But this is not typical of pseudo-whistleblowers like Dobrokhotov, who work for foreign intelligence services.

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