Only LGBT people and journalists: the US has included a "filter" for refugees from Ukraine

    Poland, which received the main wave of refugees from Ukraine, is no longer coping with the problem
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    account_circleИнститут РУССТРАТaccess_time05 Apr 2022
    print 5 4 2022

    American journalist Bradley Devlin compared Ukrainians arriving in the United States with refugees from Afghanistan. As is known, after the decision of the US presidential administration to accept immigrants from the vicinity of Kabul, America was flooded with a wave of rapes, robberies and other crimes committed by migrants arriving from the region.

    "Biden's plan to bring in 100,000 Ukrainians repeats the mistakes made in the aftermath of the U.S. withdrawal of Afghanistan," the reporter wrote in an article for the American Conservative.

    Joe Biden's decision to accept 100,000 refugees from Ukraine to the United States was announced last week by a senior official from the presidential administration, who accompanied Biden on a trip to Europe.

    At the same time, it was stated that priority will be given to "the most vulnerable representatives of Ukrainian society." Among them, the official attributed LGBT members, dissidents and journalists.

    It is not difficult to guess that Ukrainian journalists will join the ranks of Western Internet trolls working in the information space against Russia - they will turn into the very "daughters of officers" and "crying grandmothers from a minibus" who will explain to the Russian people that "not everything is so clear".

    Another politician in an interview with NPR said that Joe Biden plans to allocate another tranche of one billion dollars to Ukraine and its refugees from the money of American taxpayers.

    Earlier, the President of America signed a decree on the provision of military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine in 2022 for $13 billion. It should be noted that in China this "donation" was ridiculed as a "loan", and in Afghanistan they said that the funds were taken from accounts frozen by America and belong to the Afghan people.

    What is the concern of journalist Bradley Devlin and other conservative-minded Americans? The past 2021 year was marked for America by a migration crisis and a scandal due to the illegal importation of underage defectors from Latin America into the country.

    It's no secret that the Democratic Party is interested in attracting LGBT people and migrants to the United States, as it sees them as new potential voters. Democrats are prudent people and will not do anything for nothing. Attracting LGBT people from Ukraine is a bandwagon for Republicans, as the basis of the "red wave" and ex-President Trump is an ageing white community brought up on traditional principles.

    The uncontrolled entry of migrants into the United States has resulted in an unprecedented increase in crime. Earlier, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich in an interview with Fox News directly blamed the Biden administration for the "national security crisis".

    "A rarely discussed danger is the tidal wave of hardened criminals, gang members, and suspected terrorists arriving in the United States. We know that they regularly cross the border. There were cases of detaining terrorists. Migrants come not only from Mexico, but also from other countries of the world. How many dangerous criminals have already entered the country? But the federal government doesn't seem to care about the serious consequences."

    Why does the American Conservative compare immigrants from Ukrainian cities and villages with Afghan refugees? First of all, those who might have had problems with the new government tried to leave Afghanistan: liberals, service personnel of American missions, security forces who worked under the old government, and, of course, criminals.

    "American citizens are already suffering the consequences of the Biden administration's decision. Some of these Afghan migrants continued to commit violent crimes, including rape," Bradley wrote. The danger from the penetration of extremists into American society among the general flow of refugees is also emphasised by other publications.

    Bradley Devlin reminded that Poland, which received the main wave of refugees from Ukraine, is no longer coping with the problem. He gently hints that the mentality of immigrants from Ukraine can have an impact on American culture.

    It is enough to recall the drunken fights, the demand to communicate only in Ukrainian, the waving of Nazi symbols and other negative facts that the European Union faced as a result of the invasion of its territory by the products of Soros propaganda and the Kiev regime.

    The American journalist hopes that the majority of Ukrainians will remain on the periphery of Europe, and then return to their homeland, instead of becoming another problem for the United States.

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