How to bring Victory closer: the world must learn the Russian truth about the war

    Is Russia losing the information war on Ukraine to the West? It’s not a fact. But here's how each of us can help our country
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    Firstly, a topical anecdote. "Two Russian soldiers are sitting on the ruins of Washington and smoking. And then one of them says to the other: "I regret one thing - we lost the information war to them..."

    And it seems to be funny. But if you think about it, losing in the information war is an unacceptable luxury for Russia. Right now, after Kiev's provocation in Bucha, the West rushed to get tanks and planes for it, and the Czech Republic has already sent an echelon with armoured vehicles to Ukraine.

    That's how simple it is: one information planting — and hundreds of new weapons for murder are about to be in Kiev's hands. All this can cost our fighters dearly before they "smoke in Washington”.

    Someone will say: well, that's not how it works! The West does not need a reason to fight Russia "to the last Ukrainian." If there were no Bucha, there would be a hundred other excuses, just to fill up Ukraine with weapons.

    And they will also say: the West is spitting on our arguments! It has always hated us, and now it voluptuously "cancels Russia”. And they will add: everything is decided by the "Washington Regional Committee", and Europe takes a salute. And they will put a quote attributed to Sheckley in it: "In an information war, the one who tells the truth always loses: they are limited by it, and a liar can anything."

    And they'll seal it with: we can't lie! After all, we're not like that!!

    We're not like that, right. And indeed there is no need to lie. But about "the truth always loses" - let's think about it.

    Who we should talk to?

    Let's start with the elementary things — the West is not monolithic. It does not always and not in everything obey the United States. This has just been shown by the elections in Hungary and Serbia. "Zelensky was my opponent in the campaign!" said Hungarian Prime Minister Orban. And he refused to supply Kiev with weapons — that's already not bad. And not to mention Serbia.

    In general, everything is more complicated and interesting in the West. There is opposition everywhere, there is allegedly independent media and there is public opinion (oh, this democracy). The former only dreams of how to replace the current government. The latter love to gossip about the bosses, and some are ready to publish even an inconvenient sensation for the sake of circulation. Well, public opinion seriously affects the ratings of politicians - and therefore their decisions.

    It is possible and necessary to work in all three directions. How exactly - we will discuss below.

    But there is also the rest of the world.

    Many do not know, but at the vote in the UN General Assembly on Ukraine on March 2, almost 50 states, including India and China, refused to condemn Russia. And only three dozen countries from the "golden billion" have joined the sanctions against us.

    Half of the world's population lives in the countries that de facto supported Moscow. It perfectly remembers the centuries of colonialism and plunder by the West and, on occasion, loves to put it in its place. It also remembers how the USSR built for them power plants, factories, schools and hospitals. But now these billions of people have to wade through the streams of Western propaganda pouring out of every MSM, right up to advertising for toys. But the position of these countries is very important for us - Russia needs to trade with someone.

    We've been through this. Both in the East and even in the West there are a huge number of people who are ready to listen to Russia's arguments out of sympathy or out of their own benefit, or simply out of distrust of their government.

    But what exactly do they need to know?

    What should we say to them?

    Let's answer with the phrase allegedly uttered by Moltke: "The truth and only the truth, but not the whole truth." In fact, the West and the East need to be explained different things.

    With our old friends outside the "golden billion", everything is simple — they need to be connected to the same news that we receive.

    About the torture and execution of our prisoners. About Nazis - more precisely, about white racists - in the Ukrainian national battalions. About the death of thousands of civilians under the missiles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. About US biolabs. About the robbery of our accounts in Western banks. About the impending famine due to anti-Russian sanctions. About the humanitarian aid of Russia in the liberated cities. About Kiev fakes, like "a blow to the maternity hospital in Mariupol", the "heroine" of which has already been found. And of course, about our successes at the front and the exploits of the Russian soldier, the more because the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation reports them daily.

    Some people in the West would also like to hear the truth about this. But alas, not everyone. And here you need to understand a few important things.

    Many Westerners are not just used to Russophobia in the media — they are Russophobes themselves. They believe the propaganda about the "Russian orcs" not out of credulity, but out of their own complexes. Many of them had grandfathers and great-grandfathers who fought for Hitler - take as example at least the current German Chancellor Scholz. Therefore, they do not celebrate Victory Day.

    That's why they can't be scared off by Nazi symbols in Ukraine and not be pitied by shots with the torture of our prisoners. "Give more!" — they will probably quack.

    At the same time, contrary to our ideas about the degradation of Europe, it is ready to endure a lot, just to forever erase "Russian Ivan" from their life. Especially if the residents of Amsterdam, Marseille and Vienna are being bluffed day and night that Putin is to blame for every one of their troubles.

    Therefore, Europeans, and especially Americans, will not be very intimidated by threats about a crisis, inflation and gasoline prices. In any case, until they have a real famine.

    So what should they be told then? What do they fall for and what are they afraid of?

    Residents of "Western democracies" are enraged when their own elite lies to them. They, like everyone else, despise traitors and hate thieves. They hate it when someone makes money at their expense. They love blitzkriegs, but they don't like a prolonged war very much. They saw their own in the Ukrainian refugees only because they are also kind of "white and civilised". And they will definitely not like to find out that all their sacrifices, expenses and sanctions are in vain. That all this only distances them from the victory over the Russians.

    Thus, a shaft of honest but correct propaganda should be brought down on the Western laypersons.

    About the exposed lies of Kiev, which Western politicians have already publicly voiced.

    About wild Ukrainian customs: from mocking "looters" at lampposts and pig behaviour in Europe to mass kneeling at the sight of a coffin with a "hero" in Western Ukraine.

    About how the United States is pumping Russian oil with might and main and is ready to sell its gas to Europe at exorbitant prices.

    About the laptop of Hunter Biden, who is caked in mud up to his ears in Ukrainian corruption.

    About the success of Russian import substitution - thanks to the life-giving sanctions.

    About the readiness of the Russians to fight as long as it takes to win.

    And as much as possible about how brand new weapons from the West always sooner or later fall into the hands of the soldiers of the DPR and LPR. However, it is partially useless: you have corruption there, in the West, sir.

    In general, Americans should realise that the Russians will go all the way. The Europeans — that they will be the main losers. And everyone else — that if the West is not stopped in time, it will "cancel" all of humanity.

    How to talk?

    Now a clarion call was sounded on many Russian Telegram channels - the world must find out the truth about Kiev's war crimes. To do this, it is proposed to send footage of the murder of captured Russian soldiers to the 50 most influential media outlets in the world.

    The undertaking is good — it’s just necessary to take into account the above. And here are some more tips.

    Where to take information? It is most convenient in Telegram channels, for example: RUSSTRAT, Elena Panina, Russky Demiurge, Ministry of Defence of Russia, Colonelcassad, "War against fakes", "Operation Z: War Correspondents of the Russian Spring", Rybar, etc. But here a critical approach is required, and haste is just not needed. It is better to wait a few days to see if the exposure of unverified news will appear than to spread a fake.

    Who to write to? Global media alone is clearly not enough. There is also an alternative press, including one with millions of readers. In addition, experts from these publications and analysts from numerous funds should be "attracted" — they will always have a Twitter account.

    But why limit oneself to mass media? There are still politicians, parties, deputies, corporations, banks, universities and church organisations. As well as numerous forums, portals and chats.

    How to write? The message must be correct — are we Polite people? It is better to compose it in the language of the addressee: to write it in Russian, and then put it through a translator Yandex or Google. Remember that our task is to share information, not to make another enemy by losing the communication channel.

    And most importantly. It's time, finally, to get one’s mind right and properly understand — we are at war. All of us. Our enemy took a bit between its teeth, and no negotiations will stop it. The very existence of Russia is at stake. So we only need a Victory. And everyone is able to bring it closer.

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