Operation Coronavirus enters a new stage of implementation

    ​​​​​​​Has the hypothesis of the RUSSTRAT Institute a year ago - that the coronavirus epidemic is a command and staff exercise of the deep state - been confirmed? Part one…
    access_time10 Aug 2021
    print 10 8 2021

    This report mainly examines the general theoretical and methodological aspects of the coronavirus pandemic. The medical, economic and political problems of the COVID-19 pandemic will be discussed in more detail in the second part of the report.

    Assessment of the situation

    Analysis of the situation with the development of the pandemic (global “infodemia”) of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, called COVID-19, showed that during 2020-2021 it turned from a purely biological problem into a weapon of geopolitics. In addition to the negative consequences for the global economy associated with a drop in demand as a result of mass lockdowns and reduced transportation (although we are now seeing a recovery in the global economy), a propaganda war has begun in order to blame political competitors for creating the virus and benefit from an accusatory position.

    It is known that the COVID-19 virus appeared in the city of Wuhan in the Chinese province of Hubei in December 2019. Territorial analysis shows that Wuhan is the centre of a circle with a radius of 1000 kilometres, within which 8 of the 11 largest cities in China are located. Wuhan itself is a city with a population of 12 million.

    In connection with the pandemic, various measures of mass forced control over people's behaviour have been practiced in the world, which is explained by the need to prevent the spread of infection. These control measures tend to break away from the epidemiological agenda and turn into technologies of political manipulation, causing both protest currents and currents of support.

    Society is increasingly splitting into supporters and opponents of strict measures of social regulation, and the central problem was the topic of vaccination, in relation to which the administrative, political and business elites practice a forced approach when declaring the voluntary nature of vaccinations, and this is met with distrust and indignation in society. The attitude to vaccination has become a catalyst for political conflicts that affect the electoral campaign and the prospects for a rotation of elites.

    The opinions of scientists about the emergence of the COVID-19 virus are completely focused on the political request of the authorities and follow their order. This is, first of all, a group of researchers, one way or another guided by the position of WHO and dependent on research funding from large Western pharmaceutical corporations that are closely affiliated with the governments of their countries.

    This group of scientists promotes the position of the US and British governments trying to blame the virus leak from the laboratory in the city of Wuhan on China, and, consequently, put the government of Xi Jinping in the position of being accused of a crime.

    Officially, the position of the WHO (funded by B. Gates and some other billionaires) is that it sees no evidence that COVID-19 is an artificial virus. However, the head of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, argues that it is premature to rule out a virus leak from the laboratory, and calls on China to open its research programs. At the same time, Ghebreyesus refers to his personal experience as an immunologist in laboratories, claiming that "incidents happen in them”.

    A number of scientists in the West, such as British Professor Angus Dalgleish, Norwegian virologist Birger Sorensen, Dr. Steven Quay and Professor at the University of Berkeley Richard Muller point to a clear sign of the artificial origin of COVID-19 in the form of a so-called attached "spike" of amino acids that change the natural genetics of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in order to facilitate its penetration into the human body.

    The argument of Western scientists is as follows: a natural virus does not have such a combination of genomes in the CGG-CGG sequence, but scientists often use such a combination to increase the contagiousness and lethality of any other viruses. The use of this insert in the structure of the SARS-CoV-2 virus fully indicates that it was worked with in the laboratory.

    Thus, WHO takes an ambivalent position, it is completely biased and focuses on the United States and its course, at the same time trying to maintain the appearance of objectivity.

    They are opposed by a group of scientists from China who prove the accidental appearance of the COVID-19 coronavirus, since admitting guilt for the virus leak means a complete political and economic catastrophe for China. The Chinese authorities cannot categorically allow such recognition, as well as open information about bacteriological research, which is strictly classified in all countries conducting such research.

    Chinese scientists provide information about the coronavirus, but the United States is interested in information about the subject and mode of operation of the Wuhan laboratory. Through it, they can get access to information about how the case of creating biological weapons in China is set, that is, they can already get intelligence information.

    The use of the blame card for the virus leak in the United States has become a lever of pressure on China in order, at least, to achieve a change in its foreign policy course and, at most, creating domestic political prerequisites for the overthrow of Xi Jinping as a result of a coup d'etat.

    Analysts note that at the time of the outbreak of the pandemic, Hubei Province was in the power belt of the so–called "Komsomol members" of China - a pro-American political group that has close ties with the US Democratic Party and agrees on China's place in their global project.

    A separate group is Russian researchers who have collected an extensive evidence base in favour of the artificial origin of the COVID-19 virus, but created by US scientists much earlier than its appearance in Wuhan.

    Thus, Russian military expert Igor Nikulin points out that for the first time information about experiments with the SARS-CoV-2 virus was published in 2015 in the most authoritative British scientific journal “Nature”.

    Nikulin emphasises that there are 38 types of coronaviruses in nature, but there is no such thing as COVID-19 in nature, since it is 80% a human virus, and 20% is from a Chinese bat, which suggests that it is a hybrid virus created in a test tube. None of the coronaviruses has such a specific protein that allows the virus to enter human cells and has four main differences.

    Nikulin points out that an attempt to apply the term "polymorphism" to this construction is untenable, because it is applicable in the situation of one or two nucleotides. But here there are four genomes from 30 to 50 nucleotides, and this is not explained by any polymorphism. According to the expert, China initially began to deny the obvious – the artificial creation of the virus, that is, it chose the wrong line of defence. And those of our scientists who supported China at that time turned out to be in a stupid position.

    There is no natural reservoir for COVID-19, but there is an article in the journal “Nature", the Olympus of world science. And to prove that the 2015 research is "different", one needs to provide this bred hybrid virus. But this has not yet been done, which looks like a desire to hide the truth.

    We are talking about scientists from the University of North Carolina, who created this virus in 2014 and reported it to the whole world in 2015. The virus leak occurred in the United States, more and more data points to this:

    "The first cases of coronavirus infection in the United States occurred back in December 2019. This is the conclusion reached by specialists of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA after a study of blood samples conducted in the country. The results of this report suggest that SARS-CoV-2 infection may have been present in the US earlier than expected."

    American scientists examined more than 24,000 blood samples from 50 states obtained in the period from January 2 to March 18, 2020. As it turned out, already in early January 2020, some Americans had antibodies to the coronavirus, although at that time no cases of infection were officially registered in the United States."

    The project involved the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, the largest army research institute named after Walter Reed, which is under the jurisdiction of the Pentagon.

    It is a subordinate unit of the United States Army Medical Research and Logistics Administration (USAMRMC), headquartered at Fort Detrick, city of Frederick, Maryland. These two organisations are the creators of the COVID-19 virus.

    In 2014, Barack Obama signed a moratorium on research with pathogens that pose a great danger, these are SARS, MERS and influenza viruses, and therefore the research was transferred to the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China.

    The creators justify themselves by observing all the necessary security measures and obtaining all the necessary permissions. Moreover, despite the moratorium, the United States allocated a grant of $3.7 million to Wuhan University to complete research. Information about this is in the public domain. It is still available on the website of the “Nature” journal.

    Therefore, the situation is objectively difficult for both the United States and China, because the results of the investigation may raise the question of who is more to blame for the virus leak, its developers or laboratory administrators who failed to ensure compliance with security technology. For quite an understandable reason, the disputes about finding someone to blame for what happened are being conducted on the periphery of world politics and have no chance to shift to its centre, since they can become the epicenter of not only a political, but also a military explosion.

    Experts of the RUSSTRAT Institute suggested more than a year ago that the coronavirus project is a command and staff exercise of the "deep state", back in 2020, pointing to a number of pieces of evidence in favour of such a conclusion:

    "The following preliminary conclusions can be drawn from the situation with the coronavirus pandemic.


    1. Coronavirus is a light form of biological weapons released into the world by a certain part of the world elite for the purpose of conducting a socio-organisational experiment.


    There are many goals of the experiment. The main ones:

    1. to look at the organisational and social reaction of the population and the leadership of the leading countries of the world, who will do what and how;
    2. identify the most painful and most stable nodes of the state infrastructure (medical, transport, industrial, energy, etc.) of the leading countries of the world;
    3. to see how countries will solve emerging conflict situations;
    4. analyse the reaction of the global financial, transport and communication, energy, food and agricultural and other industries;
    5. create prerequisites for the mass chipping of the population. Whoever controls the chips will be the world government. Local governments will have the status of viceroys of the central world power.


    1. The past three months of the pandemic allow us to say that the result, what these command and staff exercises were started for - obtaining information - has been achieved. The primary information on the branches of the world economy and countries is practically collected, there is a stage of its study, processing, analysis and systematisation.


    1. The pandemic has shown that biological weapons are a much more effective type of attack than nuclear weapons. There is no radioactive contamination of the territory, there is no destruction of infrastructure, the main thing is that there is no clear enemy to strike back at.


    1. Most likely, the growth of the population, the depletion of world resources, as well as such an operational factor as the appearance of leaders in Russia, the United States and China who are ready to break the globalist project of the future world, led the world deep state to the conclusion that it is necessary to take serious steps, on a scale exceeding the terrorist attack in New York in 2001, to maintain its influence over the world.


    1. Most likely, the coronavirus operation was conceived in order to put the Chinese economy down and come to a halt there. However, China withstood this attack. After that, it was decided to extend the affected area to Europe in order to put the main export market of China. At the same time, the oil and financial crisis was launched. As a result, instead of attacking, the world's leading leaders found themselves in a defensive situation.”

    Problem statement

    Currently, the case of the COVID-19 coronavirus and its pandemic is marked by a shift in emphasis from finding those responsible for spreading to the problem of vaccination and related socio-political and socio-economic transformations of a global nature. The coronavirus pandemic has become the reason for the accelerated spread of mass control technologies over personal behaviour, which was also indicated in last year's RUSSTRAT Institute report.

    During the year, the problem overcame the medical and organisational aspects indicated in the report, and reached the sociometric level. The point is that before the threat of mass infection, it is necessary to abandon the usual patterns of behaviour, which are based on a system of individual rights and freedoms, and there are no institutions in society that enjoy trust and have the competence for such an over-centralised management.

    There was a lot of noise in the media around the sensational interview of the French immunologist Luc Montagnier, who discovered the human immunodeficiency virus HIV, who has been persecuted in the scientific community since 2010 for his position on bold hypotheses about the nature of DNA. Luc Montagnier said that the COVID-19 virus has a mixed nature, containing a natural component.

    However, Montagnier is sure that it is vaccination that leads to an acceleration of the mutation of the virus. It is looking for a niche for survival through mutations. Montagnier says that the increase in the number of vaccinated people is accompanied worldwide by an increase in the number of deaths that the vaccine does not take. This is a consequence of the fact that there is a version of a mutated virus that is resistant to the vaccine.

    Montagnier argues that it is impossible to be vaccinated in the midst of a pandemic, since this leads to the creation of conditions for natural selection for viruses. There is an artificial interference in the human genetic code, in the ability of RNA to be a conductor and influence the bonds held together with the help of cytosine and adenine. The long-term consequences of vaccination have not been studied, and the practice of introducing passes for vaccinated people is criminal.

    At the same time, it is important to note that Montagnier spoke about vaccines adopted in the United States and Europe: Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and AstraZeneca. It is known that these vaccines are less effective than the Russian Sputink V, EpiVacCorona and Kovivak.

    And his words are confirmed by practice – it is the most vaccinated countries that today have the highest rate of increase in the incidence of COVID-19. Experts note:

    "Analysis of the situation with the coronavirus in the world shows that vaccination, unfortunately, does not work. On the contrary, it creates more problems than it was before. The two most striking examples are Israel and Vietnam.

    Israel became the first country in the world where more than 90% of the adult population was vaccinated. And what do we see? That today there are more than 3,800 cases per day, although almost a month ago there were 330-350 per day. And how do the supporters of vaccination explain this? They don't. They're just silent. This fact has fallen out of their ‘scientific picture’ of the world.

    In Vietnam, before the start of vaccination, there were practically no registered cases of the fashionable virus in the country. As of March 2021, there were only 35 deaths with this virus in Vietnam since the beginning of the pandemic. Now in Vietnam, 200-300 people a day die with this diagnosis after the start of the vaccination campaign.

    What's the matter here? First, the fact is that the virus strain has not yet been isolated – scientists are already promised $10 million, but no one is going for a prize. Accordingly, the question arises: what are we treating?

    Secondly, as the analysis of WHO recommendations from practitioners shows, almost 90% of them, especially those made at the first stage of the pandemic, have already been rejected by medical practice. That is, obvious incompetence has been demonstrated. But if to look more broadly, who is the WHO? Is this an international organisation? No, this is a private racket of a narrow circle of billionaires who have decided that they can control the fate of the world over national governments.

    Thirdly, the basic principle is violated – not to carry out vaccination during the pandemic. It is worth recalling that this was exactly the case in the Soviet Union, during a pandemic, vaccination was prohibited.

    If we look at it quite broadly, then COVID-19, like vaccination, simply acted for a certain part of the world elite as the weapon with which they bring down the previous world order. Fear allows to manage. Previously, there were theories that fear would be controlled through the threat of hunger. We went down a simpler path.

    In fact, today we are dealing with a program to reduce the population. A massive information attack on the population was launched only to hide the main processes, namely, that people are being deprived of the main democratic gains – the right to work, to housing (in America, there is a mass eviction of the middle class from their homes), etc. At the same time, BigPharma removes excess profits that justify all the costs.

    At the ‘peak’ of the development of civilisation in ethical terms, we returned not even to the Middle Ages, but to somewhere much deeper. A massive human sacrifice is being carried out in the world, only at a new technological level."

    As new modifications of the COVID-19 virus appear, new phobias and new ways of manipulation appear in order to form a new world order in which the monopoly on information and power is concentrated in the hands of the owners of digital corporations located in the banking sector. Digital technologies against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic have moved from the service sphere to the sphere of tools of social segregation.

    There are no tools or forces capable of resisting this tendency to monopolise power and information, which directly set certain standards for the behaviour of large masses of people. The post-cyberpunk era is entering a phase of maturity, where dystopia becomes a reality, and satire does not cope with overcoming the accumulated fear of the system, which entails irreversible changes in the mass consciousness, further facilitating management.

    To all of the above, scientists add the following:

    "The modification of genes in coronavirus vaccines allows us to call them biological weapons. This is exactly what the chairman of the Moscow City Scientific Society of Therapists, Doctor of Medical Sciences, and professor of the Moscow Medical Academy Pavel Vorobyov believes.

    ‘These vaccines are mainly genetically modified products, viruses that we actually infect people with in order for them to produce certain factors, certain substances that will cause an immune reaction. But, if you will excuse me, this is, if you want, a new biological weapon,’ Vorobyov explained.

    It should be noted that the category of genetic vaccines can include both the dominant preparations in the West from messenger RNA (mRNA), and vaccines based on the adenovirus vector platform, including the most common in Russia ‘Sputnik V’.

    Western mRNA vaccines and the Russian Sputnik V are similar in that, unlike traditional vaccines that show the immune system a killed or weakened version of the pathogen, these genetic vaccines force the cells of a vaccinated person to produce proteins from the surface of a dangerous virus, in this case, a spike protein. But they do it in different ways.

    mRNA-based vaccines, such as Pfizer or Moderna, penetrate into the patient's cells with the help of nanoparticles with a lipid (fat) shell that can merge into the cell membrane. Once inside the cell, the nanoparticles release matrix RNAs, on which not the entire genome of the virus is recorded, but only the code for the spike protein.

    Cellular mechanisms for the production of proteins called ribosomes then read the code from the mRNA and produce a spike protein that the immune system should see when it reaches the cell surface and create an immune response against it.

    Vaccines with the adenovirus vector work in a similar way. Genetic information with the code of the same spike protein gets inside the cell with the help of a modified adenovirus, deprived of part of its genetic code necessary for reproduction. At the same time, the adenovirus delivers the code for the protein in the form of DNA, which means that it needs to get into the cell nucleus, where DNA is rewritten into mRNA. And then the newly created mRNA goes to the production of a spike protein."

    Accordingly, taking into account the fact that the coronavirus is a biological weapon, the main problem can be formulated as follows: what tasks were set by the initiators of the phase transition to a new post-covid reality before the coronavirus pandemic?


    1. It is obvious that the initiated coronavirus pandemic was only the first wave of the blow that washed away the former world order. The second wave can be called the ongoing aggressive vaccination, which greatly reduces immunity to any subsequent viral diseases. Along with the "climate agenda" and some other ideas of globalists, there is an attempt to completely reformat the current human civilisation.

    2. The purpose of these events is to significantly reduce the degree of human freedom, to strike the democratic mechanisms of exercising power, freedom of speech, and so on, in order to make the world order more totalitarian. Accordingly, we are talking about the fact that one of the world's centres of power has launched an attack on other centres in order to deprive them of this power and concentrate it in one place.

    3. As the experts of the RUSSTRAT Institute suggested in the previous report, the first wave of the coronavirus will be relatively weak to check its real consequences, but then stronger versions will be released. This is exactly what we observe when we are told about the coronavirus mutation from "alpha" to "delta". The group that initiated the pandemic is launching more powerful strains.

    4. The analysis of the situation shows that there is an increasing transition from a medical pandemic to an information pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic is becoming less of a medical problem, and more of a political problem.

    5. In the new information reality, where there is no reliable data on all critical problems, the factor of faith becomes the primary factor. Faith is formed by propaganda, and propaganda is centred on the image of the source of information. Any successful propaganda is based on undermining the image of the opponent in order to cause distrust, and this is the sphere of information warfare. Dependence on relations with the enemy ties the hands in the field of propaganda and hinders the implementation of strategic goals. As a result, the population does not believe their propaganda and is subject to rumours.

    6. No official government is capable of consolidation in the conditions of an information society in a state of crisis. As a result, it drifts towards curtailing democracy as an obstacle to administration. As a result of this drift, a social base is formed for protests that can, with some external support, develop into a successful coup d'etat. The content of the policy becomes an arsenal of methods of direct suppression and power tools of communication.

    7. The only force capable of using the crisis of governance in the interests of seizing power is the left-liberal globalist international, which has no competitors and has achieved the marginalisation of opponents and a monopoly on discourse.

    8. The crisis of information influence is increasingly complemented by measures of direct force coercion. The social split will be overcome by force, the share of manipulative tools will remain, but will be reduced. Political regimes will increasingly transform into authoritarian and totalitarian ones, using liberal rhetoric as a screen for dictatorship.

    9. The prerequisites for the erosion of the emerging order have not been created and are in the rudimentary stage of their maturation. In general, the created consumer society is ready for the power of globalists, and the change of generations contributes to this without rigid social rotations. The main consolidator of resistance is not a class, economic or racial issue, but an epidemiological issue, becoming politicised and falling into the sphere of the political struggle for the preservation of rights and freedoms.

    10. Taking into account the parameters of mortality from coronavirus and the rate of its spread, we can say that humanity has already developed a collective immunity to it. In the spring of 2022, the pandemic should decline and almost completely end by 2024, after which it will be perceived as a seasonal flu.

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