The Russian civilisational model as the seed from which the new world order grows
Under the roar of cannonade on the fronts of the western frontier of Historical Russia and attacks in the "civilised world" on everything Russian, the formation of our national identity continues. The stakes are exorbitant even without the most complete understanding in all social strata - "Who are we?" and "Where are we going?" - the country is threatened with death and oblivion.
In such an environment, the deep layers of the people's mentality, which have been formed by Fair hierarchies for centuries, begin to open up rapidly in the masses of people. No one canceled the all-encompassing principle described by Castaneda: Death as an adviser. This accelerates the process of realising your own depth and versatility. After all, the scale of the people should correspond to their tasks.
What can be the tasks of a nation that connects the West and the East, regions and regional peculiarities, the world's orthodox religions and universal fundamental values? There are such tasks - to bind and create a new world just symbiosis with one’s existence, one’s example, one’s position and one’s actions.
To do this, we need to open up and understand ourselves as much as possible. One of the most effective, objective ways to do this, among other things, is to look at oneself from the outside. In this regard, we constantly convey the vision of ancient and wise peoples who are creating their own unique civilisational models.
For the same purpose, it will be useful to discover one of the sections of Plato's theory, which, not surprisingly, describes us very succinctly and deeply. Not without reason, in the Western worldview, this thinker is considered one of the most important and influential people in the history of mankind, along with his teacher Socrates and the most famous student – Aristotle. Plato is a key figure not only for ancient Greek, but also for the whole of Western philosophy. One of the founders of the foundation of Western religion and spirituality.
Platonic solids are a collection of all regular polyhedra, three-dimensional bodies bounded by equal regular polygons, first described by Plato. They are also the subject of the final, thirteen books of “Elements” by Plato's disciple Euclid. For all the infinite variety of regular polygons – two-dimensional geometric shapes - there are only five three-dimensional Platonic bodies. These are the tetrahedron (pyramid), hexahedron (cube), octahedron, icosahedron, dodecahedron, which correspond to the five elements of the universe or the five basic types of energy of the universe, the five primary elements.
Knowledge about the primary elements was available to ancient cultures, such as Indian and Chinese. Plato, as well as the Pythagoreans, thoroughly studied the philosophical, mathematical, and magical aspects of regular convex polyhedra. According to ancient knowledge, each of these polyhedra corresponds to a certain element of the universe (the primary element) and concentrates its energy. Each of the four parts of the World is characterised by its own element, plus the fifth – ether, or in the Indian concept – prana. According to the theory, ideal Platonic bodies are, in fact, projections on our world Great hierarchies responsible for a particular part of the World.
The simplest of these bodies is a tetrahedron, a pyramid. Four vertices, four faces, a triangle on planes - this is how the essence of fire, or the symbol of the South, its Great hierarchy, is expressed. The next most difficult figure is a hexahedron or cube. Hexagon with a square plane and eight vertices, which is the quintessence of the essence of the earth, or the Great Hierarchy of the East, symbolised by the Dragon and its children. Children of the West are octahedra – six vertices, eight faces, which corresponds to the element of air.
An even more complex shape is a dodecahedron – 12 faces, each of them a regular pentagon. In all the ancient traditions listed above, it is associated with the ether, with prana, that is, with divine penetration, and therefore with direct Supreme leadership. These are the children "to whom it was not given from their own limit", through whom it was intended to bring here the planetary Logos.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" - from John 1.1; our First Angel - Jesus Christ. These are the children of the ether or upa-pranas. They were God's chosen ones, but the diabolical hierarchies made every effort to counteract the Saviour's mission, they managed to replace many things at today’s moment, and some of the children fell under dark involutions. Now these children at the top of the financial and globalising elite are creating a plan for Satanic unification of the Earth, which is already failing from other children.
Finally, the most complex figure is the icosahedron – 20 faces, a symbol of the Supreme Hierarchy of the North, a symbol of water. At the time of Plato, there was no such stable unity of the Slavs in Rus, the Russians had not yet formed. But the ancient Greeks, like many other civilisations, were well aware that the North has a special power. From the works of Herodotus, Strabo, Diodorus and other ancient historians, we know the earlier formation of the North – Hyperborea.
Translated from ancient Greek, Hyperborea means "beyond Boreas” (Boreas is the god of the north wind), "beyond the north". According to ancient sources, this northern country was inhabited by a blessed people – the Hyperboreans. These people were close to the gods and loved by them. Apollo himself periodically (once every 19 years) went to the land of the Hyperboreans on his chariot drawn by swans. Natives of Hyperborea taught the Greeks, gave them new cultural values-music, poetry, philosophy.
During the circulation of the Times of the planetary year, some governing Great Hierarchies “fall asleep”, “leaving” their part of the World, others “wake up”. “Waking up”, that is, starting an active involution on its earthly area, the Great Hierarchy does not immediately enter into its full force. This happens only at the moment when its children master all the facets of the corresponding element that are involted by the given hierarchy.
That is, the children of the South, nomads and residents of the southern countries who are quick to rise, are most likely to realise their own strength and capabilities. And the pyramids and other hanging gardens of Semiramis begin to be built, because the four facets are the easiest to master, some fundamental four postulates – we will not go into details, so as not to spread our thoughts on the tree at all, this is a very long story.
Next, in this observable past, in this cycle, the children of the East wake up, and China, the Great Wall, gunpowder, silk, and other goods appear. A little later than China, the Great Hierarchy of the West and its children of travel, discovery, and technology come into full force. Then the fullness of the children of the dodecahedron is revealed, which has already happened at the moment – this is finance, economics and many other very difficult things related to the 12 faces with complex five-sided figures.
And finally, someday, according to the theory, as the advanced Hellenes believed, and not only, the children of the North will master all the 20 facets corresponding to them and shine above the world, Russia will stand up to its full height - so Plato anticipated. And there is an opinion that in this historical period there is a transfer of world governance from dodecahedral people to icosahedral people.
Now Russia is in the first House of its horoscope. This means that by about 2067, a new community will be formed on the existing foundation, with certain goals that are unimaginable for the current majority, well-established traditions, and everything else in the ETHNIC sense. By the idea and in theory, such a commonality is formed for the next 700 years – everything is so, only with great probability we are moving towards the "end of history", but with the opposite sign from what Fukuyama described.
The process of historical sculpting of a new multi-ethnic Russian nation is being created by our Archangel/leader of the people - the Russian Demiurge and all Light camp, the entire Holy Rus, located above Russia. Our mind cannot comprehend such sculpting and creation in all its aspects, and the limits of our earthly consciousness are not so wide apart. Let's say just a few things that we can control.
The borders of Heavenly Russia roughly correspond to the earth's borders, standing above them. During the Time of Troubles, Russia shrank, but thanks to the help from Above, it was not destroyed, then with all its strength and prayers it returned (plus or minus) to its natural borders. This is exactly what our leader, inspired from Above, including demiurge, says, introducing the connecting concept of "Historical Russia".
Just as it was through the president that it was first introduced into broad discourse that Russia is a separate civilisation, its own civilisational model. Vladimir Vladimirovich brings together the entire meta-historical background and puts it together in precise and succinct terms, which we then use and on which our entire ideological component begins to be built. It seems to be gradually outlined by him, and even through him we begin to see its facets.
Especially suitable for this is the Valdai platform, where in 2014 for the first time it was announced that everything should be built on the principles of JUSTICE and a global vector for it on our part. Two decades of a renewed Russia's international policy based on such principles were first evaluated in the Middle East, then in Asia, and now in Africa. It is only a seed, it is only growing.
Also, at the recent Valdai discussion, we witnessed firsthand the president's presentation of a new ideological construct that stands firmly on a conservative foundation. Refined, structured, meaningful, and open to new realities.
A good example of what this healthy, sensible conservatism is all about is creating something new on a fundamental basis. It was also, to use a political term, an interception of the agenda with the raising of the banner of healthy conservatism. This is so needed by hundreds and hundreds of millions under the heel of a globalist corrupting ideology. In the same context, the application for the fact that Valdai will become “eligible to travel", international.
Having been formed in general terms by the end of the 1960s, having learned all its facets, this new community will lead the whole world, involving an increasing number of countries in a just unity without losing their own identities. This is what Vladimir Vladimirovich reveals to us, saying that Russia's borders do not end anywhere. At our historical stage, while states are still needed, they will gradually be attracted to the union of India-China-Russia.
By the middle of the century, the "gravitational" potential of this association, with many countries already joined, will become insurmountable for others. Fair principles embedded in all spheres, including economic and political ones, will be too attractive – gradually all countries of the world will be involved. Within this planetary union, such processes will begin that over time, states, as organisations, will die out as unnecessary.
But in order to achieve this, we still need to rely on the full power of our young state Entity. Especially at the present time, when the infernal monster is being strangled, stuck to the egregor of Ukrainism and fuelled by all the power of Western uitsraors (state entities), who have completely sided with evil in building a Satanic globalisation project.
Approximately, describing any state entity with brushstrokes, we can say about it that it feeds on our special mental energy, our patriotic feelings - this is for simplicity. Psychic energy is familiar to everyone, we are well aware that the wave of hatred directed at us can be felt literally physically. Patriotic feelings are the range of feelings that are awakened in us in response to certain special triggers initiated by the state itself.
This can be either a major political event or a single flag raising. The national team winning at a popular world championship. Or a quick glance, with a corresponding response in the soul, at the thorough grandeur of the Empire in the architecture of Moscow, St. Petersburg or another city, especially after getting rid of the vulgar banners and other motley discord of previously unrestrained advertising arbitrariness. This is always a background in our life and is a very important aspect of it. The release of the described energy at various parades and processions increases many times.
For Americans, for example, this is put on a conveyor belt by elective shows that are started every four years and last a year and a half. Where en masse, in stadiums, under their anthem and flag, in professionally organised mass actions, they deliver megatons of nutritious dew to the citadel of their Uncle Sam.
It's not hard to remember the high that we all experienced when we won our home Winter Olympics. In many ways, this is exactly what made our "Throw to the South" through Crimea to the Middle East, and from there to Africa. Then our young Zhrugr, being an overshadowed Russian Demiurge, fed up as much as possible. That is precisely why all the forces of our enemies were thrown at defaming the Olympics and Russian athletes, in order to prevent the repetition of something like this.
The Planetary Autumn of the 700-year Planetary Year ended with the crisis line of 2008 being drawn under it. Gone are the "fat times", "harvest times", the times of faith in a post-industrial economy. The West is leaving, falling asleep, its uitsraors are decrepit, the South is waking up, which until then was in the dream “sick man of Europe”.
At the same time, the zenith of its power during the planetary Winter includes the North-Russia – our geographical lands, the "lands of the White Tsar" according to Chinese natural philosophy treatises, the tsar of Russia (fair-haired, white, bright) - a Fair place.
Unfortunately, the Demiurge of the North-West, like many other demiurges, do not have such a complete set of tools right now, the wrong planetary cycle. Their state entities have long been separated from them, deprived of their support and have fallen under the Dark Project of globalisation. Even with the principle of the "lesser of evils", acceptable for our level, for our Stratum - these demiurges and all the Bright Forces are not on the way with such states.
China and India stand apart, with a whole pool of countries that are ready, focusing on Russia, to start forming a new world order together with it, initially relying on the national formations of the SCO, BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union.
Russia has a colossal future and a world mission. Our civilisational scale in its breadth is planetary, in our character there is an alchemical symbiosis of East and West, South and North. The Russian civilisational model at this metahistorical stage marks the unity of the Demiurge and the State Essence. Such a unity of the young Statehood and the Leader of the People could not but result in the earthly slice of our life, reflected in some kind of real action, where UNITY would be put as the basis.
It has turned out before our eyes into a truly epochal event, in which we participate or observe from the outside. Our people will bring such traditions of a truly mystical nature into their own lives more than once, forming a new community, and all such traditions will have a deep mystical component. For us, today, their content and depth are still unimaginable.
When we carry portraits of our ancestors in the Immortal Regiment, honouring their feat on Victory Day, we connect with them through such a tribute invisible connection. The connection is massive, at the level of the people, powerful and significant. So much grief and trials fell to the lot of that generation that they, with their millions of victims, as it were, washed us, their future descendants, and significantly cleansed the national karma.
They also washed themselves, opening the gates of Heaven in the afterlife, which was impossible for most Soviet people in that materialistic era, when the destruction of the Church and ideology became an insurmountable spiritual dam. With some advantages of the Soviet system, in metahistorical terms, this was its main disadvantage.
At the moment of the flow of human rivers through the streets, a Mystery with colossal significance begins to be created. The range of feelings with which we “issue background noise-gush forth" at this moment goes to the Bright Layers above us, especially to the World "not far away" from us, to Heavenly Russia, to Holy Russia, and at the same time feelings feed our Zhrugr.
The deep theme of the Mystery of the regiment and its contact with the boundless existence of Holy Rus requires, probably, very careful research, there is the desire to not harm, "invading and dissecting everything with a reasonable lancet", so we will try only in the most general terms to touch it.
For a better sense of the reality of Heavenly Russia, a divine civilisation that protects us and is centred in the Heavenly Kremlin above our earthly Kremlin, remember the following. Imagine all that host of righteous people and heroes that the Russian land gave birth to, nurtured in the bosom of its culture (and culture, as you know, is a direct creation of a particular demiurge) and allowed to be realised. In the afterlife, most of them ascend to a very high World in a ladder that goes up Worlds.
For some, the path there at the end of their earthly journeys passes almost immediately. An insignificant part of them needs a short descent to the near lower Layer, in Purgatory, to work off minor sins - "sand, but not stones" according to the Orthodox understanding. Other units, after centuries of improvement, outgrow this Layer, rising higher and higher in the Worlds, up to the Synod of humanity.
Above us is our own host of righteous people and heroes. All of them are building a plan for earthly Russia. We turn to some of them with prayers. In other parts of the world, they are unknown, because they are the patrons of the Russian land. St. Sergius of Radonezh. Saint Vladimir. The chronicler Nestor. Druzhinnik Sergiy - the author of "Words about Igor's Regiment". Ambrose of Optina. Aleksandr Nevsky. Seraphim of Sarov. And thousands of others, many of which have left no trace in history. Help and strength flow through them.
The Russian Church sings of this Peace when it accompanies the newly departed on their irrevocable journey, so that the Lord may give them rest in "a place of light, a place of evil, a place of rest, and in which there will be neither sorrow nor sighing, but endless life”. In that World, Heavenly Russia or Holy Rus is located in special civilisational concentrations. Basically coinciding with our historical geographical borders, standing above them as a separate, unimaginable to our earthly consciousness civilisation. The nurtured one itself comes from an even higher and brighter Layer of the Demiurge's habitat.
Just as above the Celestial Empire there is a concentration of Bright Forces sculpting Chinese civilisation. That is why it is designated by the thousand-year wisdom of this people as the Celestial Empire, which is located under the Sky that governs China. India has its own Sky, one of the most numerous and ancient, with a synod that has reached an unprecedented power unimaginable to the mind. Its own heaven above any other metaculture, its own heavenly centres called Zatomis.
From the military generation of 1941-1945, scorched by death, privation and suffering, many souls came to Holy Rus through the meat grinder of war, each in their own ways and terms. Then it was a real breakthrough through the wall of materialism, which cripples the spiritual composition and puts an insurmountable spiritual plug for it.
At that time, the afterlife for the most part, under the heel of the materialistic doctrine of the previous Red Zhrugr, did not entail ascents, but only descents. The sacrificial fire of the Holy Patriotic War shifted something on the karmic scales and the host of cleansed ones rushed upwards.
It is not without reason that through creativity such metaphysical processes were captured and a popular awareness of fallen heroes appeared, like cranes rising up. And this, just for a moment, in the materialistic Soviet reality! "And there is a small gap in that formation - Maybe this is the place for me!" - was sung on behalf of the participant in the war. In the same spirit, the monument to the Heroes of Rzhev.
When we go with portraits of our Heroes, we launch such communication channels, create a Mystery of such a high level that oceans of power and grace flow here to us. We lift them up, they lift us up. In the world, you can hardly find examples of something like this in depth and scale. So gradually, creating their own new traditions and improving the history, a renewed community of people is formed – the multinational Russian people.
We, who are standing on a solid historical foundation, are only at the beginning of this journey. As the great ancient lights of thought tell us, only by understanding and realising as much as possible all our myriad facets, we will gain the now unimaginable fullness – spiritual and moral and ethical.
This will allow a renewed nation to build such a way of life, coupled with a renewed economic component, that such an example will become attractive to all peoples. We will begin a careful and gradual global renewal based on the models and principles we have developed. So the seed of our civilisation will give global shoots.
And this is only the Immortal Regiment! And how many people across the country experience a lift in the soul during the Victory Day Parade! Yes, and the most significant holiday – Victory Day, is full of such moments, with the final chord of the salute and shouts of "Ura!".
In this regard, I would like to share a deeply personal experience, which once again opened up the road that we are all following. This is the residence of the mystery of the Immortal Regiment this year, in an ordinary Russian city of the middle zone. With the alarming expectations that the Western hot front inspired us, with the presence of plans for serious provocations for the entry of Western military contingents.
In the logic of the other, Dark Side, the one that is driving the current version of diabolical globalisation, it was necessary to avoid such an obvious development at all costs. In no case was it possible to allow such a strengthening of the enemy at the expense of celebrating his sacred day. It was necessary to try either to overshadow as much as possible, or to blur, confuse, belittle the entire dangerous effect. You could expect anything.
As is known, a drop reflects the sea. In the holy act, the divine will is manifested, and through it and its accompanying signs, much can be seen. It was raining. It was the coldest day of them all. Away from the central avenue, people gathered in small groups, there was an impression that there would not be many people, my wife and son were close by. We received an invitation to fall in line, and the son went first. He had to carry with his comrades a huge thirty-meter Victory banner in front of the regiment's column.
And suddenly, to the most visible limits, from everywhere, regardless of the weather, a sea of people began to overflow. It filled the entire avenue to the horizon in a short time, as a clear illustration of the fact that there are many of us and we are united, we are strong. 12 million of us went out all over Russia with the Immortal Regiment. Everyone paid their own tribute, everyone made their own contribution and made some kind of sacrifice on this cold, rainy day, as if they were fasting before communion.
The red banner of victory, stretched parallel to the pavement by several dozen strong male hands, was poured abundantly with water. Water, as a symbol of the North, washed our banner, rolled over it in waves. It cleansed it and our victory, past and future. It gave strength and protection against the fire worshipers who bred under satanic supervision in Ukraine, who burned alive our captive children crucified on crosses, making sacrifices to their Baphomet.
And so we walked through this rain, as if bearing the blessing of water baptism, and side by side with my wife were people in military uniforms, priests in cassocks, ordinary citizens, nuns, children in wheelchairs, children by the hands, children on their shoulders. And in front of it walked the son, with dozens of others carrying the holy, washed cloth, followed by his parents, who carried his great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather, building a link between generations.
Gradually, as the column marched for a long time, the rain stopped, and in the end, under the ever-flooding sunlight, the road turned to the temple and rested on it, leading to it, bathed in the Sun of the World. The Sun that guides our people.
So our road, through the unity of the masses of the people, washed by victories and the element of water that has come into full force, will lead to the Temple, to the new planetary Temple of the common community of all the peoples of the Earth. So be it. Amen.