The second, third and fourth "bottom" of the situation in Ukraine

    The deep state wants to extinguish the global economic crisis again with a world war
    Институт РУССТРАТ's picture
    account_circleИнститут РУССТРАТaccess_time16 Apr 2022
    print 16 4 2022

    There are expressions of approximately the same conceptual type – "break through the bottom" and "second bottom". They are, of course, allegorical. The first expression is pronounced when someone or something crosses the border of a reasonable limit. The second refers to a situation where a person wants to say that this case has another meaning, which is carefully hidden.

    In relation to Russia, the "breaking of the bottom" was carried out systematically. Firstly, at our borders, the West began to foster nationalism. Then it was brought to the level of the law. At the same time, it was armed, instructed, trained, paid. Then they put it above the law and allowed it to do whatever it wanted. Fools, of course, took this idea as a guide to action. Along the way, they were taught that the lives of Russians are worthless, because they are not people. How it all ended is already clear.

    Russia asked for a long time, tried to negotiate, suffered. It just hit this very bottom. Let it count as the first one. Then patience ran out. Without waiting for another "breakthrough" from the enemy, it decided to sweep away this wretched Nazi construction called the Kiev regime. A special military operation was launched.

    It would seem that the participants on the other side should have realised the failure of the plan and stopped, since their plan did not work. But no, the diehards decided to continue. It wasn’t possible to stop, because a strong gate looms ahead, and the horns haven't broken off yet. Instinct dictates to continue attacking until one is crack-brained.

    The European Union's Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell made another "break through the bottom". After a trip to Kiev on April 8, 2022, he stated: Russia must lose “on the battlefield." Is it possible that he has declared war on us?

    For starters, he's not an official who has the right to declare war. Wrong rank. And that's not how they declare war. So this is his personal opinion?

    For us now, the answer to this question is almost not interesting. We need to understand that war has begun. It is already underway in economics and politics. The prologue of its hot phase is now visible on the territory of Ukraine. Only the United States, Britain and the European Union are acting with someone else's hands, happy to invest weapons in them. This could be called a false flag operation, but it's more than an operation.

    To what next bottom the companions will make their way, it is not yet very clear. It looks like we should prepare for the worst. In our case, it is better to overestimate the enemy. They are quite persistent and at the same time poorly sane.

    Now about the "second bottom". From recent reports: Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau held talks with Zelensky. This is when we had the night of April 9-10, and they had the day of April 9. They are always slightly behind. This can be taken into account, it’s possible to pass it by.

    Canada has agreed to provide one billion Canadian dollars for financial assistance to the regime and 500 million for armed groups, including illegal ones.

    Among other things, Trudeau spoke out against the expulsion of Russian diplomats from Canada. Something else caught on. It was said that the Conservative Party of Canada is "in favour" of expulsion. This party is reportedly in opposition. Those who are not privy to other people's political affairs may have questions about what kind of party it is, why it is "for", why it is opposition, who it opposes and how.

    Some of the answers lie on the surface. The Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) was formed in 2003 after the merger of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada (PCPC) with the Canadian Alliance (CA). This event was a combination of ideas of eastern and western Canadian conservatism with a large number of intertwinings and divergences in the main ideological, political, economic, territorial and other approaches to the organisation of life on the territories controlled by the government. If the PCPC was inspired by the ideas of British conservatism, then CA was inspired by American conservatism. It makes sense to omit consideration of the details that arise here and there. One short article won’t do.

    In a strong generalisation, we can say that the CCP, most likely, and more, adheres to the American system, the so-called Blue Tory philosophy. Therefore, the CCP seeks to reduce the role of the state, advocates the decentralisation of federal power and a market economy.

    An opposition party is officially considered an opposition party if it wins a majority of seats in the lower house of Parliament - the House of Commons. Now it has 119 out of 338 seats. On the other flank of the legislature is the Liberal Party of Canada, which won 154 seats in the House of Commons. This is in general terms.

    As always, there are some "buts". For example, Quebec separatism in the eastern part of the country. As is known, the armed fight for this province between the French and the British began in the middle of the 17th century. More recently, by historical standards (1980 and 1995), referendums were organised in Canada on the declaration of sovereignty of the province of Quebec. In 1995, almost half (49.4%) of the province's seven million people voted for independence.

    On November 27, 2006, the Canadian government introduced the following clause in the Constitution: "Quebecers are a nation that is currently part of Canada." Very interesting wording.

    What does this fact have to do with Ukraine? Directly a lot. In January 2022, Canada was rocked by public protests against the government's introduction of new anti-COVID restrictions. Drivers returning from the United States who do not have a vaccination passport were ordered to undergo a 14-day quarantine starting from January 15, 2022.

    The beginning of the riots was a "Freedom Convoy” protest organised by truckers on the route Vancouver-Ottawa on January 23, 2022. The authorities retaliated. New segments of the population gradually became involved in the protest. The aggravation of the situation on both sides provoked calls for the resignation of Trudeau along with the government. Due to the aggravation of the situation, the Prime Minister and his family were forced to go into hiding, leaving Ottawa. On February 14, a state of emergency was declared throughout the country.

    On February 21, the Canadian Parliament supported by a majority vote the use of emergency powers by the country's Prime Minister to suppress protests.

    It seems that for the time being the meaning of what is happening escapes attention? This will not last long.

    The threat of major upheaval in Canada has already been identified. And here begins just "the very thing". Political strategists, apparently, came up with a way to distract the population from the questions "who is to blame" for what is happening at home and "what to do" next. The lighting of the Ukrainian bonfire has begun. It was stacked in advance. All that remained was to strike a match. It was done.

    Ciphered telegrams of the main directorate of the National Guard of Ukraine about the creation of battalion tactical groups, sent to five territorial departments, are dated January 22, 2022. Combat coordination was supposed to end on February 28, 2022. After that, there was to be an attack on Donbass.

    It turns out that the deterioration of the socio-economic situation in Western countries was quite predictable. Protests were also predicted, the results of which were unpredictable. Like, for example, in Canada. Even a novice economist could predict that inflation caused by the virus pandemic and the inclusion of previously printed dollar and other printing presses will only grow. By the end of 2021, it reached 10% for the year.

    Further, it was expected to move beyond two digits. The cause and effect were quite logical. Not only the West was under attack, but also the East and South. And only the West has adopted a way to distract its own population from the ever-growing snowball of problems. Ukraine was invented.

    The fact that the idea of distracting one’s own nations from thinking about the real causes of the crisis was thought out and accepted by many in the West is fully explained by this logic. It is not without reason that Zelensky, speaking before Western parliaments, receives a long, standing ovation. Everyone was lined up as if on cue. The curators have already clearly explained everything to them.

    There’s no need to think for oneself. There is a canvas, the strategy is explained, and then one just needs to follow the smoothed track. Of course, following this logic, it is best to expose Russia as the source of problems. Let nations hold it responsible for all troubles. It is impossible to admit one’s own guilt. After all, they did everything flawlessly.

    It’s just the position of faultlessness of actions is very quickly broken by the same scientific logic. Almost all of the world's economic crises were triggered by capitalism and the subsequent imperialism. The countries of the so-called Third World were being fleeced. They were only allowed money for food and funerals. Yes, it should be noted that the "fleecing" system continues to operate even now.

    One doesn’t have to go deep into the forest to prove the instability of the Western economic system. It is enough to recall the economic crisis of 2007/2008. Where did the big banks collapse? The answer is in the United States. Why did they collapse? The answer is that they had the wrong credit policy.

    How did they do it wrong? The answer is that they were chasing an unsecured profit. More precisely, they distributed unsecured loans right and left. In general, they were engaged in large-scale fraud. Why did they do this? They were not controlled by anyone and, therefore, no one forbade anything.

    Those who gave out loans almost for free, of course, at first received their interest on transactions. They lived like in a fairy tale. Those who managed to take out these loans were also happy. Only then the time came to pay back one’s debts. It wasn’t possible. Clients were unable to do it. They simply did not have the means (money, collateral, property, etc.) to do this.

    In addition, housing purchased with "dashing" money for some reason fell in price. It neither can be sold nor pawned. Finita la commedia. A bad ending to this story was also predicted. But who will listen to some experts when a lot of money is flowing into their hands? Note that Russia had nothing to do with this either.

    So, this was the first "second bottom". It is clearly economic. Now we will have to make sure that our story does not end on this "day". We are dealing with a more sophisticated and sneaky arrangement.

    The "third bottom" was clearly revealed precisely after the statement of the "commissar" Borrell. So, he hopes that we will lose. This means a loss in military terms. He spoke bluntly. There is no doubt - exactly the same thoughts are in the minds of the rest of the management of the "golden billion". Russia is now like a bone in their throat. If they lose, it will be possible to forget about the carefree life and the era of neocolonialism. World power centres will arise in other places. And the greedy European old woman will be left to grieve at the broken trough.

    Perhaps on the fourth "bottom" is a super prize – the entire territory of Russia with its natural resources, but without a population. Too improbable? Take a look back. The Fascist-European coalition wanted to implement such a plan in 1941. Nothing new, especially unusual, and even more so-supernatural. It's getting kind of boring, girls.

    There is a suggestion to get a little distracted and move from the strategic level to the operational one. What can be found at this average level? It is clear that the West was able to arrange so that the fighting is conducted by Slavs against Slavs. Well, here they were able to sketch out some nasty stuff. And why are we all so noble? Why are we ashamed to influence the course of other people's elections? What's the point of sitting on the sidelines when they want to destroy us?

    Don't the faultless have their own painful points? Or has the eternal reconciliation of the "British" with the Irish, the Indians of the Americas with the Euro-occupiers, African Americans with former fanatical slave owners and modern racists already begun? This is not an exaggeration. There are plenty of racist organisations in the United States. A lot of various Satanic cults are tightly attached to them. Many of them are officially allowed.

    Why do British snipers take selfies with rifles in the apartments of Ukrainian cities? What if London's neighbourhoods have their own snipers? Why don't the Mexicans remember that the United States cut off a lot of their land? What's up with Texas? Should it be returned to its homeland? Is everything all right for the Spaniards in Catalonia? Have the rebels calmed down in Corsica yet?

    Rumour has it that at the junction of France and Belgium, too, not everything is normal. Has Flemish nationalism already subsided in Belgium itself? Nothing like that. It turns out that they can't deal with their own problems at home, and they have come to teach us, and they are also raising weapons.

    The same Canada, as we can see, is all mired in the unresolved national issue. But they were able to come up with the phrase "a nation that is currently part of Canada" for Quebecers. Wow, when it was needed, a nation was invented - "Quebecers". Why can they afford to do this, but they won't even let us open our mouths? Disorder. Well, nothing. We'll figure it out for ourselves now. This will be faster, more reliable, and generally correct.

    At the tactical level, too, not everything is in order. If to look around here, one can find one’s own black boxes with an unspecified number of bottom layers.

    Take, for example, the Mariupol “Azovstal” plant. It's six stories below ground level in some places. Recently, there have been reports that a lot of interesting things may be found on the territory of the plant for our investigative bodies.

    They suspect that there are hidden: NATO officers; biological laboratories for the production of WMD; laboratories for the development of nuclear weapons; underground workshops for the extraction of human organs. I wonder if the opening of the bottom by number will reveal something monstrous to the world?

    Now let's return to the designated topic of the article. What can be predicted? Since no one knows when the economic crisis will end, how and with what consequences, the Kiev regime will be used by the West, presumably to the maximum and to the very limit, which has not yet been clearly marked. How far will the enemy go in planning and implementing plans? This question is also still unanswered. Most likely, they will go further. What should we be prepared for? Everything. Why? Because (again) the crisis, which is no longer just an economic one, is growing, and light at the end of the tunnel has not yet appeared.

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