Ukraine - the "Battle of Stalingrad" of our days

    The special military operation as the successive "hot phase" of the Third World War
    access_time05 Apr 2022
    print 5 4 2022

    I don't want to shock anyone, but Russia's current military actions in Ukraine, with all their noble task of "denazification" and "demilitarisation" of the once former fraternal country, can only be called a "special military operation" with a very big stretch. No matter how scary it may sound, in fact, this is successive "hot phase" of the Third World War.

    As it should be expected, at this stage, the long-suffering Ukraine is assigned by the West a role of a kind of "sacral victim". And Russia, as, by the way, it has happened more than once in the past for it, found itself at the very edge of the military confrontation. The confrontation between the West and the East, the confrontation of two civilisations - the one that is on the verge of self-destruction and the second one - a new one that reflects the real state of the modern world order, the confrontation of Evil and Good.

    This Third World War began about 30 years ago, when the United States, elated with the so-called "victory" in the Cold War and the destruction of the USSR, decided once and for all to reshape the world according to its own patterns. And to consolidate forever such a world order in which there is only one master – the United States itself, and all other countries and peoples must be either obedient puppets or disenfranchised vassals without the right of voice and their own opinion.

    Between the lines, I will note that it was not by chance that I put the word "victory" in quotation marks, because the USSR committed political suicide first because of the short-sightedness of its elderly communist leaders, and then as a result of Gorbachev and Yeltsin's outright betrayal of the national interests of the country for the sake of personal selfish ambitions.

    Over these decades, the Third World War, which the United States waged according to all the rules of the art of war, has gone through several stages of both "hot" and "cold" ones, then breaking out into real hostilities, then developing into an acute information battle and then turning into a long positional one.

    In the current 21st century, US-provoked military conflicts have taken place in almost all regions of the planet: Europe, Transcaucasia, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, etc.

    The bombing of Yugoslavia, Libya, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan – these are just a few of the most striking examples of local wars, but global ones in which the United States participated either directly or through the hands of its proxies. Over the years, the US armed forces have taken part in at least 8 military conflicts around the world, the victims of which, according to various estimates, were from 11 to 20 million people.

    Simultaneously with the assertion of their right by "fire and sword" to single-handedly decide the fate of humanity, the United States, in order to ensure complete freedom of hands, systematically destroyed the entire system of international relations and security which was built with such difficulty in the last century. Almost the entire structure of the most important international organisations was destroyed.

    The UN has been turned by the efforts of the United States into a useless "smoking room", where representatives of different countries only sadly state their positions, and its decisions are completely ignored. Other international structures that obediently turn a blind eye to the illegal actions of the United States themselves, but noticeably revive only when it is beneficial to Washington, have also found themselves under full control of the United States.

    The United States has replaced international law and order with its own illegal sanctions, which are used as a whip against countries they do not like.

    Just against Russia alone 5,500 sanctions have already been imposed, and thousands of them are also those under which the DPRK, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, China and other countries have fallen.

    Moreover, by unilaterally withdrawing from the nuclear deterrence treaties, Washington also destroyed the balance structure in the field of nuclear weapons, which somehow minimised the threat of a suicidal war with the use of weapons of mass destruction.

    The United States for the sake of its global hegemonic ambitions sacrificed even the holiest fundamental foundations on which Western civilisation seems to be based - the inviolability of private property, freedom of speech, the right to one's own opinion and free trade.

    And although, following the West, many people at our place prefer to call what is going on a "hybrid war", but in reality this term borrowed from our overseas "partners" only understates the significance of what has been happening in the world in these decades.

    Their main result was that the United States forcibly regained the role of the "world gendarme" and appropriated the right to personally divide the countries of the world into "bad and good" and administer "justice" over those who fall on their "blacklist".

    A legitimate question arises: why did the United States decide to return to the medieval boorish manner of behaviour precisely at the end of the last century. Dizziness from the "victory" in the "cold war" is far from the main reason. And the truth is that the "superiority complex" that Washington is trying to demonstrate in all possible ways is intended to serve as a cover for the genuine "inferiority complex" with which America came to the 21st century.

    After the American business transferred almost all production to China and other Asian countries, the United States can no longer be called "the leading industrial power in the world" even with a stretch. This is exactly what Trump meant when he put forward the well-known slogan "Make America great again."

    In fact, America today is a giant financial pyramid of the type of the well-known MMM, which survives solely through the sale of government debt securities. The US national debt today has already come close to the astronomical mark of $30 trillion, and while these lines are being written, it is growing at $2 million per minute.

    One doesn’t need to be a financial expert to understand a simple fact – the United States is unable to repay its financial obligations, even if they turn on all their dollar-printing machines at full speed, which are in reality their main weapon today. It is enough, for example, for China, which owns about 20% of American debt obligations, to submit them for repayment, as Washington will inevitably have to declare a technical default.

    It's in this, by the way, that the answer to the question of why Washington manages to manipulate Western Europe and convince them to follow in its political wake is hidden. They are driven by fear.

    And this fear is not so much of the "Russian military threat", but the fear of this very default, which will first inevitably lead to the collapse of the entire modern Western financial system, and then cause a global economic catastrophe, compared to which the "Great Depression" of the 1930s in the United States will seem like a fun Sunday picnic.

    Washington has not even tried to hide all these years that their main task in this massive military offensive is the destruction of Russia, which has been declared the main "enemy" of the United States. It was for this purpose that, in violation of pre-existing agreements, they pushed the borders of NATO, coming close to Russian territory.

    At the same time, the White House was completely dissatisfied with the fact that Russia's economic and political cooperation with European countries continues to expand, and there is no unity of opinion within the EU and the NATO bloc regarding Russia as an "evil empire" (we will never forget this term of Reagan).

    The last straw that overflowed Washington's "cup of patience" was the completion of the construction of Nord Stream 2. The United States has done everything to prevent the success of this project. But President Biden frankly lied when he said at the end of last summer that the United States had to accept reality and come to terms with the fact that Russian gas could soon go through a new pipeline.

    Now it becomes absolutely obvious that the White House decided then to move to "plan B", that is, from exerting economic, political and financial pressure on Russia and European allies to move to direct military provocation and involvement of our country in an open armed conflict.

    The foundations of this "plan B" were laid back in 2014, when the United States organised and financed the infamous Maidan in Kiev, as a result of which the legitimately elected government was overthrown, and American puppets were put in power - first the "chocolate king" Poroshenko, and then the clown Zelensky.

    Over the following years, the United States, together with its allies, and above all Britain, diligently prepared the Ukrainian armed forces for a military conflict with Russia, while simultaneously filling to overflowing its warehouses with modern types of weapons.

    And at the end of last year it became absolutely clear that the United States was ripe for a "final solution to the Russian question" in the East of Ukraine and in Crimea, like the Nazi "final solution to the Jewish question", that is, the complete destruction by Kiev of the Russian-speaking population of the DPR and LPR. At least half of the Ukrainian army of 125,000-150,000 people was stationed on the contact line, which American and other Western instructors were rapidly preparing for combat operations.

    The smoke cover for these plans, which now have already been well-documented by documents and maps of the Ukrainian Armed Forces captured during the "special military operation", was a powerful offensive in the information war regarding the so-called "soon Russian invasion" of Ukraine. The United States did not even bother to inform about its plans at first its allies and Kiev where the statements of the White House and the Pentagon were met with a greater degree of skepticism.

    Such haste of the White House was caused, on the one hand, by the possibility of an early certification of Nord Stream 2, and, on the other, by the need to remove the discussion of their shameful flight from Afghanistan from the international agenda as soon as possible.

    Washington was well aware that the beginning of the offensive on Donbass and Crimea would inevitably provoke a response from Russia, since it is not just about the Russian-speaking population, but about the citizens of Russia. By now, about 1.5 million residents of eastern Ukraine already have Russian passports or are waiting to receive them.

    But it seems quite obvious that the White House did not expect that Russia, firstly, would strike a preemptive blow to prevent the offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and, secondly, that our military response would be so massive.

    In reality, today on the land of Ukraine, not only and not so much the question of its future is being determined, but the future of all mankind. American shamelessness and arrogance has led mankind to the very moment of truth when it will have to decide itself how to live on. Either to continue to abjectly endure the US claims to world domination, or, using an American saying, to say: "Enough is enough."

    So the current battle for Ukraine can be compared with the "Battle of Stalingrad" in the Great Patriotic War, which should provide a radical turning point in this obviously protracted and not unleashed by us Third World War.

    Sooner or later, this abscess should have exploded. The world has changed a lot in recent decades, and it is not at all the way the inhabitants of the Oval Office and the West Wing of the White House still see it. Few people still want to tolerate the cynical hegemony of the United States.

    When the Russian Armed Forces will complete their mission in Ukraine, humanity will inevitably face the dilemma of choosing the further path of its development. The entire system of international relations, starting with the UN and ending with various regional intergovernmental organisations requires not just adjustments, but radical restructuring, with taking into account the new realities of the modern multipolar world.

    NATO is a brainless zombie that has long outlived its time (thanks to French President Macron for the words about the "brain death" of NATO). Being an absolutely artificial association that deprives European countries of national identity, the EU has long been bursting at the seams due to internal disagreements among its members. And to leave absolutely politicised structures in charge of culture, sports and other matters in their current form contradicts normal human logic.

    As a first step, Russia should withdraw from most of these organisations as soon as possible, as we have already done with the Council of Europe. At the same time, we can already try to lay the foundations of future independent structures by creating multilateral commissions together with other countries that share our concerns. For example, the commission to investigate the activities of the United States in the development of prohibited biological and chemical weapons, which in the future may become the prototype of a new structure to replace this same OPCW.

    And from a historical point of view, this is the main task of the Russian "military special operation". To bring a person back to reality, sometimes a strong emotional shake is needed. And it is precisely such a psychological shock that the current events in Ukraine should become for humanity.

    When the echo of the cannonade in Ukraine will subside, the Russian political leadership and diplomats will have to do a gigantic and hard work in order to convey to the leaders and peoples of other countries the truth about what is really behind the events in Ukraine. Now the West has fenced itself off from this truth with an impenetrable "iron curtain", which will have to be broken by any means.

    In my opinion, special efforts will have to be made not only to strengthen what is called the "Russian world". It seems obvious that today only the "Russian world", which remains faithful to the original Christian values, can save European and world civilisation from the corrupting influence of fascist-minded neoliberalism.

    But no less important is the further strengthening and expansion of mutually beneficial political and economic relations between Russia and the countries of the Middle East and Asia, and above all China, India, the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

    Washington recently received a ringing slap in the face from Riyadh and Abu Dhabi. As the Wall Street Journal reported, the White House, in an attempt to strengthen international support for the confrontation against Russia and curb the rise in oil prices, this month "unsuccessfully" tried to organise telephone conversations between President Biden and the "de facto" leaders of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

    But nothing came of it – Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and UAE Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed both refused to talk to Biden, the newspaper reports. In this regard, American political observers began to say with alarm that Saudi Arabia, previously considered one of the main allies of the United States in the Middle East, is turning away from America and "betting" on Russian President Putin.

    US attempts to put pressure on China have also been unsuccessful. Threats of new US sanctions against Beijing have had the exact opposite effect. Commenting on the new US National Defence Strategy that has just been presented, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a briefing that the US National Defence Strategy is filled with "Cold War-era thinking and the ideology of bloc confrontation”.

    "China and Russia are two major powers, the US’ attempts to restrain and put pressure on China and Russia will not be crowned with success," Wang Wenbin said. According to him, the United States needs to rethink its responsibility in the Ukrainian crisis, stop creating imaginary opponents and stop ignoring other countries' security concerns.

    The United States itself is already aware that after the end of the military operation they provoked in Ukraine, the world will inevitably change. "Now is the time when everything is changing. There will be a new world order," President Biden said the other day, but then hurried to add: "And we must lead it. We have to unite the others and do it," he said. This is exactly what cannot be allowed categorically, because then all the sacrifices made by our servicemen during military operations in Ukraine will be in vain.

    As it's known, a person goes through five stages of accepting the inevitable - denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. It seems to me that at least the first two of them Europe has already passed through. We should have a little patience and it is obvious that the stage of recognition of the inevitability of such changes will come. But it's Russia that should lead them.

    Yes, any war is a human tragedy. But the good must be with fists, may Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy forgive me. Otherwise, evil will win. And in the Third World War started by the United States three decades ago, there is indeed a struggle between good and evil, and Russia, as always, is on the side of good. And good should win not only in fairy tales, but also in the real life.

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