Bill Gates: "Pandemic 2.0 awaits us." But first — a simulation
"As soon as everyone thought that we got rid of him, he was right there," American journalist James Corbett commented on Bill Gates' just-published book "How to Prevent the Next Pandemic”.
Yes, yes, the founder of Microsoft is again concerned about the health of mankind — and transparently hints at a new COVID, version 2.0.
In principle, the public's attitude to Gates' attempts was fully expressed by one reader of his new work: "This person is not able to protect my computer from viruses, but he thinks he will stop coronaviruses!"
However, Corbett, who has read the whole book, goes further. He draws attention to a number of curious statements (in addition to ridiculous excuses and unsubstantiated hypotheses) of one of the richest people on the planet.
Gates is not just imposing his "rescue plan" on the world through the creation of a 3,000-strong supranational "group of experts" under the WHO called "Global Epidemic Response and Mobilisation” (GERM) with annual funding of $1 billion. He insists that getting rid of future pandemics lies in "new tests and new vaccines" (the billionaire's interest is understandable here), in "new digitalisation" (nothing new here either), and also in new government simulations of pandemics at the level of military exercises.
We are talking about the fact that the authorities of various countries, with the participation of GERM, carried out "modelling of situations that may arise during future pandemics" — for example, on the model of "Event 201". This was the name of the exercises conducted by Johns Hopkins University in October 2019 in New York with the participation of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum.
During one of them, just a few weeks before the start of COVID-19, the process of spreading a certain "coronavirus from Brazil", which is transmitted from bats to pigs and then to humans, was simulated. In that simulation, the pandemic lasted 18 months and claimed the lives of 65 million earthlings.
Now, as one can understand, we should expect new simulations. And also, judging by the latest chapters from Gates' book, new repressive measures "in the name of public health" leading to a reduction in the birth rate on the planet and the development of increasingly complex tools for controlling people, James Corbett points out.
Well, how else? You didn't think COVID-19 was the last pandemic in human history, did you?
Elena Panina, Director of the RUSSTRAT Institute