The image of the future according to the drawings of Russia

    About the foreign policy outline of President Putin's speech at the SPIEF-2022
    access_time20 Jun 2022
    print 20 6 2022

    In his keynote speech at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Russian President Vladimir Putin outlined the view of the Russian leadership on the situation in which the global economy found itself, giving abundant food for thought about the fate of humanity.

    "The era of the unipolar world order has ended," the head of state stated.

    Indeed, the old world under the hegemony of the United States is collapsing before our eyes. Its place is taken by a multipolar future — with new centres of power, including Moscow, Beijing, New Delhi… Washington and its satellites can cling to the passing era as much as they like, but the world "as before" will no longer be.

    Alas, the collective West is "trying to counteract the course of history”, Putin said.

    Indeed, the countries of the "golden billion" still think of themselves as the rulers of the world, and the rest of humanity as their patrimony and clientele, defining the most obstinate as "outcasts". Such an unceremonious attitude towards the good half of humanity has more than once led to bloody conflicts, colour revolutions and the collapse of entire states.

    Here the Russian President suggests recalling Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, and attempts to destroy Syria. That's right: the West has the blood of millions of people on its hands, and all because of its desire to preserve the old order of things.

    Another devastating consequence of the inadequacy of the United States and Europe to the challenges of the new era were the cataclysms in the global economy. Here, the West is trying to blame anyone, starting with Putin personally, but in reality it is punishing itself for many years of irresponsible economic policy. And it would be fine if it suffered itself — but the global crisis threatens hunger and poverty to the whole planet.

    Now in an attempt to save itself the West has identified a new victim. It decided to "expropriate" the whole of Russia, at the same time punishing us for not wanting to serve as its resource colony. We admit that the Western establishment has shown an enviable imagination in inventing punishments. Here is an unprecedented sanctions onslaught. And a proxy war in Ukraine by the hands of the Kiev regime. And endless attempts to erase us from history, to withdraw us from civilisation.

    But our country has not buckled under this onslaught. Gloomy forecasts about the Russian economy have not come true. It was not possible to isolate Russia. It is impossible to "cancel" Russian culture.

    As for Ukraine, all tasks of the Special Military Operation will certainly be fulfilled, the President stressed.

    And it is clear why: any "bad peace" condemns our country to death. Negotiations on "favourable terms for Ukraine", which Biden dreams of, are unacceptable for us. Russia simply has no choice but to win.

    But most importantly, we are not alone on our way to the future. The vast majority of people on the planet are with us. The very humiliated and insulted, whose poverty has served for centuries as a means of enriching the West.

    And it's not just that we will trade with them, work with them and cooperate in dozens of different areas. It's just that today these billions of inhabitants of the Earth look at Russia, which has escaped from the Western clutches, as their guide through the whirlwinds of history.

    Our country is drawing the blueprints of a more just world order right now. By creating a new world, we are again, as before, saving humanity from destruction in the dead end of history.

    Elena Panina, Director of the RUSSTRAT Institute

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