Adherents of the "green agenda" bit on a fake about the flooding of atolls

    The hysteria played out at the UN climate summit about the imminent death of small islands of the World Ocean turned out to be a British reprise
    access_time24 Nov 2021
    print 24 11 2021

    Fear and pity are great motivators. This was once again proved by the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow (COP26), at which the global warming agenda was "sold" to the world community under the guise of circus feats.

    Many people remember the extravagant video statement of the Minister of Justice, Communications and Foreign Affairs of the tiny island state of Tuvalu, Simon Kofe, standing in front of the camera in an office jacket... waist-deep in the Pacific Ocean it's in this way that the subject of the British Queen decided to draw the attention of listeners to the topic of sea level rise.

    The message is clear: if humanity does not immediately begin the fight against greenhouse gases (by quickly distributing depositors and beneficiaries), then very soon the planet will miss several island states, and their inhabitants will turn into refugees. Among the announced victims, Tuvalu, Kiribati, and the Maldives flashed by: all members of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

    "Don't you feel sorry for the unfortunate islanders?!” the advocates of "carbon neutrality" keep asking in the manner of the heroine of the "Dog's Heart".

    We feel sorry for them, of course. The only problem is that tiny Tuvalu does not sink at all, but on the contrary, increases its territory over time. Like the vast majority of other states located on atolls - coral islands.

    Simply put, the inflated story of the "islanders going under the water" is a fake, and the speech of Mr. Kofe in a tie and underpants is a staged performance. Presented not without English sophistication, however.

    Tuvalu will outlive everyone

    A naked fact: analysis of changes in the coastline of each of the 101 islands of Tuvalu over the past four decades has shown a net increase in the land area of this archipelago by 73.5 hectares, or 2.9%, despite sea level rise. And although the growth of the territory was not uniform: 74% of the islands have grown in size, and 26% have decreased, the results of the study refute the prevailing opinion about the imminent death of this state as a result of global warming.

    Moreover, several scientific studies in recent years agree that even if the level of the world's oceans continues to rise, the low-lying islands and atolls will adapt to this, and will not disappear under the waves.

    In particular, a scientific study of 30 atolls in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, including 709 islands, showed that not a single atoll lost its land area and that 88.6% of the islands either remained stable or increased in area. And if something indeed is ruining the atolls, then it's ill-conceived human activity on them, and not at all carbon emissions somewhere else on the planet.

    It is worth noting that the world community of climatologists is well aware of this. Its main authority, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), although promoting the "agenda", was forced to include the relevant item in its special report "Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C — SR15”. It's written in it as plain as day:

    "Observations, models and other evidence indicate that unconstrained Pacific atolls have kept pace with SLR, with little reduction in size or net gain in land. Whilst islands are highly vulnerable to SLR (high confidence), they are also reactive to change.”

    Subtle English humour

    The most interesting thing is that the main entertainers of the "green transition", the British, are also well aware of the absence of special harm to coral islands from climate change. Their great compatriot Charles Darwin hinted at this back in the century before last. While traveling on the “Beagle”, he found out that atolls, in fact, "float" on the surface of the ocean.

    After all, these are not rocks, but rather piles of sand and sediments that simply grow as sea level rises.

    Moreover, the atolls are partially kept afloat by "bubbles" with fresh water formed by rain, which, as is known, is lighter than salt. So another fear of adherents of the theory of "climate catastrophe" - that ocean waves will eventually destroy all sources of fresh water on the atolls - is, strictly speaking, unscientific.

    And, perhaps, the main conclusion of scientists is that the rate of sea level rise practically does not increase over time, and the increase in carbon dioxide emissions due to the "anthropogenic factor" does not accelerate it at all. There has been more and more water in the oceans since the end of the last ice age, and humanity has nothing to do with it.

    So where did the fear for the "disappearing" islands come from? Apparently, from the same place where all the "highly-likely" secrets are stored, including the historical blame for CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere and offshore schemes of Her Majesty. Oh, that subtle English humour!..

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