Who are you, Monsieur Zemmour?

    Zemmour unexpectedly burst into the pre-election race for the presidency of France and in four weeks gained the sympathy, according to preliminary data, of as much as 17% of voters
    access_time03 Dec 2021
    print 3 12 2021

    The Ruptly video agency, part of the RT television company, reported that a protest rally was held in Paris by opponents of French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour.

    Zemmour, in one of his electoral speeches, said that it was necessary to carry out remigration in the country, that is, forcibly expel about two million migrants to their homeland, mainly to Africa. He also opposed the distribution of citizenship to children of refugees who had time to give birth on the territory of the republic.

    All this, coupled with statements that it is necessary to put an end to the propaganda of "LGBT values", served as a reason for street riots, which were staged by people calling themselves anti-fascists. The demonstrators were so organised and aggressive that the French police used tear gas. It is not known for certain whether their actions were spontaneous, or whether interested political forces are behind the coordinated tactics of the protesters.

    Zemmour unexpectedly burst into the pre-election race for the presidency of France and gained the sympathy in four weeks, according to preliminary data, as much as 17% of voters. And on Tuesday, November 30, he posted a video online with his appeal: the candidate said he was running for the election. Although previously, as can be judged, the publicist did not head any political group, he also does not have any serious assets.

    One of the first publications about the new candidate for the post of head of the republic appeared in the oldest daily French newspaper Le Figaro. This is not surprising, it was in this publication that articles signed by Zemmour sometimes appeared.

    Experts explain that the publicist "uses De Gaulle codes": in the video, he partially copied the legendary general's famous radio address to the nation, made by him on June 18, 1940, which marked the beginning of the Resistance Movement and organised struggle for the liberation of the country from the Fascist occupiers.

    Zemmour appeared on the screen in the image of a man who 80 years ago united the people, created the Fifth Republic and earned the name of the father of France in front of people. A sheet of paper in his hands, the interior of the office and a microphone on the table refer the viewer to the moment that marked the beginning of the revival of the country. The political debut was simply brilliantly executed.  

    The figure of Zemmour is too bright, peremptory and partly contradictory, and this cannot but give rise to a variety of versions in which he is called "Putin's spy", "agent of the Elysee Palace", "disguised envoy of the globalists", "right-wing extremist", as well as "a patriot for whom France has been waiting for a long time".

    There are indeed many unknown components. When right before the election,

    without any warning, a candidate appears about whom the broad masses have not heard anything as about politician, and when in the shortest possible time he bypasses well-known leaders, it is quite logical to suspect that this is someone's project. As of this moment, Zemmour has pushed aside the leader of the National Movement party, Marine Le Pen, and came out in second place in the race.

    Supporters of the version that Zemmour and the current French President Emmanuel Macron are players of the same field, argue their version by the fact that the publicist took votes from Marine Le Pen, but goes with a serious gap between him and Macron. If the incumbent one cannot be re-elected, he will be replaced by a "stand-in", whose role is masterfully played by Zemmour. Well, the version is logical in many ways and has the right to exist.

    The role of the "grey cardinal" in this scenario is assigned to the Rothschild family, which allegedly promoted Macron, Rockefeller or JP Morgan Corporation, which, according to rumour, simultaneously belongs to three families - the Morgans, Rockefellers and Rothschilds. The weakest point in this theory is that the above influential gentlemen do not have much sympathy for Russia, with which Zemmour is going to "build bridges".

    Zemmour openly opposes the liberals, he says that the "freedoms and values" imposed by them, including the approach to the migrant problem, the popularisation of the lifestyle of sexual minorities, the promotion of feminist ideas and the demands of the "greens" are ruining France. Zemmour doesn't like leftists either. This made him enemies on both sides.

    The common people like many of the new candidate's theses. Some French people really believe that the Republic has found a second Charles de Gaulle, who will free the country from foreign oppression. Such "inflexibility" has set up a huge number of politicians against Zemmour, who are in one or another way related to the election, so the chances of the "new father of the nation” passing through to the second round, according to a number of analysts, are not so great.

    Zemmour stands for the union of France and Germany. Such plans are quite reasonable, since the economy in the EU countries is almost completely destroyed. This happened thanks to the efforts of local supporters of "clean energy" and Washington, which coordinates their actions, leading a fierce struggle against Russian gas pipelines. The motives of the United States are simple and obvious: by cutting off the supply of cheap gas from Russia, Americans will be able to sell imported fuel at exorbitant prices to surviving enterprises.

    Germany, Italy and France managed to preserve the industry in Europe. At this point, Zemmour's iron logic does him a disservice. He says that both Paris and Berlin should leave the European Union. According to Zemmour's plans, Russia will become a worthy partner in the development of these countries. Can a politician who aspires to take the presidency of a European state be so outspoken? After all, he must understand that the United States will do everything possible to prevent such a thing. Is it populism or reckless sincerity?

    So far, we note with confidence that Zemmour's program has divided society. Many French people took the situation with the AUKUS alliance, formed by Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, painfully, as a result of which Paris lost defence orders. The French rightly believe that the Americans betrayed them as partners, and the government left the insult inflicted on the country unanswered.

    Despite this, the affluent stratum of citizens of the Republic gravitates towards the West, while those residents of France who have to work hard to earn a living will be glad of the changes. On the one hand, they are wary of Russia, since for many years the propaganda media painted the "Russian bear" in the image of the enemy of "civilised Europe". On the other hand, Charles de Gaulle, revered by the French, was a true friend of Russia.

    Voting for the new French president will begin on April 10, 2022. According to preliminary data, 44% of the citizens of the republic are ready to vote for Macron. This indicates that many French people are ready to trust the president. As for the mysterious Zemmour— he is too unpredictable. We may find out a lot more about him in the coming months.

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