Summit of the Americas: Recruiting elites to support economic terrorism

    Washington is trying to create another pro-American bloc with the tools of a "culture of exclusion", the expulsion of the objectionable, which is not motivated by any clear and explicable criteria
    access_time07 Jun 2022
    print 7 6 2022

    The 9th Summit of the Americas opens in Los Angeles today. The idea of this event, attended by the heads of leaders of North and South America, belonged to Bill Clinton, who organised the first meeting of this kind in Miami in 1994. And now the Summit of the Americas is returning to the United States - after 28 years, and against the background of a rather difficult situation for the Biden administration - both in domestic and foreign policy.

    Inflation, rising fuel prices, the threat of a shortage of essential products, even such as baby food, are dragging down the approval rating of the Democratic Party within the United States. In the international arena, the world's largest states outside the "collective West" refused to support anti-Russian sanctions and blame Washington for the impending severe food crisis.

    Nevertheless, the US authorities continue to push their line on the formation of a new international order, on the creation of a new configuration of international institutions. It should be understood that this course is consistently carried out both under Republican administrations and under Democrats.

    In 2017, under Trump, the United States restarted the QUAD project, which involved not only Japan and Australia, but also India.

    In 2021, the AUKUS military alliance was created, which included the United States, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand.

    In the same year, the "Summit for Democracy" was held, which became the practical implementation of the idea of the Russophobic Senator John McCain about the creation of a "World League of Democracy". 111 participants were included in this community, among which there are dubious pseudo-states like Kosovo or Taiwan, but there are none governed in accordance with all the classical theories of representative democracy in Turkey and Hungary, not to mention Russia.

    The ninth "Summit of America" in Los Angeles is a continuation of the chain of these events.

    There is reason to believe that here, too, Washington is trying to create another pro-American bloc with the tools of a "culture of exclusion", the expulsion of the objectionable, which is not motivated by any clear and explicable criteria.

    As is known, the State Department refused to invite Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba to the summit, which seriously raised the stakes, in fact, putting the Summit on the verge of failure. Until the last moment, the participation of the leaders of Mexico, Argentina and Brazil was questionable, and small Central American countries actively protested against arbitrariness on the part of the United States.

    However, by the time of the event, the American authorities seem to have put the squeeze on Brazil and Argentina, and there is reason to expect that only the leader of Mexico Address Manuel Lopez Obrador will show integrity. And the solidarity with Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba on the part of Honduras and Guatemala, in principle, may not be noticed by the State Department, especially since these countries were not already invited to the Summit of Democracies” mentioned above.

    In Washington's logic, everyone who comes to Los Angeles, despite the blatant and brazen arbitrariness of the host party, will swear an oath to the White House and the State Department by the very fact of their presence, recognise the right of the United States to format the composition of international associations based on the provisions of the notorious "Monroe Doctrine".

    It must be assumed that the next stage of American demands will be joining the anti-Russian resolution, which they will try to promote at the Summit of the Americas. Recently, the State Department suffered a serious image defeat in Tokyo, when at the QUAD summit India blocked all attacks against Moscow in the final document. Apparently, in Los Angeles, American diplomacy will make every effort to take revenge for this failure.

    However, despite the importance of the final documents and resolutions, delegations are going to the 9th Summit of the Americas not only for their discussion. Among the Summit's events are the 9th Civil Society Forum, the 6th Youth Forum of the Americas, and the 4th Summit of Chief Executive Officers. The forum has a very rich program. In fact, we can confidently talk about several days of intensive "recruitment of the elites" of South America in the interests of the United States.

    What conclusions should our country draw from what is happening in Los Angeles? We see that the United States is actively creating military blocs, geopolitical communities and ideological alliances around the world, which are designed to replace existing international structures, and, above all, the UN, in the interests of Washington. The main thing for the United States in these alliances is the ability to include and exclude participants at its discretion, and “ban” unwanted ones, to bet on their isolation and marginalisation. And this concerns, first of all, Russia and China.

    In the paradigm of building a new configuration of international alliances on the part of the United States and its allies, the Russian Federation should become the leader of the association of non-Western countries that do not want to put up with the dictates of the United States and play the role of their obedient vassals in the international arena.

    First of all, we are talking about China, India, Asian, African and Latin American countries that have not joined the anti-Russian sanctions and where more than 4 billion people - more than half of the world's population - live.

    For example, a new non-aligned movement with the active participation of Russia, about which so much has been said recently, could be formed around an alternative view of the processes of global warming, on environmental issues, on the agenda of sustainable development, where the issues of combating hunger and poverty play a key role.

    Today, the collective West cynically uses these topics for its own enrichment in order to continue the financial and technological enslavement of the world.

    At the same time, it should be said directly that the culprits of most of the most difficult problems of developing countries are the United States and its allies. Suffice it to say that the collective Western sanctions against Russia, which are absolutely illegal from the point of view of international law, have already brought many countries in Africa and Latin America to the brink of famine.

    Russia should propose its own approaches and action programs, become a tuning fork of constructive international activity, enabling the peoples of the world to defend themselves from economic terrorism from the collective West and embark on the path of genuine decolonisation, sovereignty and development.


    Elena Panina, Director of the RUSSTRAT Institute

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